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100nl 77 mid set facing heat 100nl 77 mid set facing heat

10-07-2013 , 02:40 AM
    Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #19827051

    UTG+2: $106.63 (106.6 bb)
    MP1: $79.80 (79.8 bb)
    MP2: $115.01 (115 bb)
    MP3: $61.65 (61.7 bb)
    CO: $122.56 (122.6 bb)
    BTN: $40 (40 bb)
    SB: $43.69 (43.7 bb)
    BB: $107.02 (107 bb) 19/16 over 1.9k. FtCB 54(13) c/r 31(13) c/c 15(13)
    Hero (UTG+1): $100 (100 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with 7 7
    Hero raises to $3, 7 folds, BB calls $2

    Flop: ($6.50) Q 5 7 (2 players)
    BB checks, Hero bets $4.50, BB raises to $17, Hero calls $12.50

    Turn: ($40.50) 4 (2 players)
    BB bets $25, Hero calls $25

    River: ($90.50) A (2 players)
    BB bets $62.02, Hero?

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    OTF i think calling is the best option, because if we raise we will fold out all his bluffs and semi bluffs and leave only QQ and 55 in his range. OTT same no point in raising. When he decides to shove OTR i think his range is weighted more towards QQ or a flush. With 55 i think he would choose just to c/c. Would you play it any differently? As played call or fold OTR?
    10-07-2013 , 02:49 AM
    i think we can sigh fold river. i usually prefer 3betting flop but obv calling is fine. 3b stat would be useful since we will know if he flats or 3bs QQ pre.
    10-07-2013 , 03:19 AM
    Originally Posted by woolly
    i think we can sigh fold river. i usually prefer 3betting flop but obv calling is fine. 3b stat would be useful since we will know if he flats or 3bs QQ pre.
    BB vs EP most people tend to flat with QQ in general. His 3b vs EP is 5% (vs hero 3%). Fold to 4b 57(14).
    10-07-2013 , 07:18 AM
    calling vs this guy for sure
    10-08-2013 , 11:00 PM
    Please explain why you aren't 3betting this flop. Don't you want to punish your opponent for calling oop and then raising the flop? If he's the type to semi-bluff then it's a great spot to 3bet the flop. Do you really think he's just going to fold a combo draw or AXss? If he is bluffing without equity, do you think he's a one and done type or is he going to barrel? If he's the one and done type then you should for sure 3bet.

    You flopped middle set... Get some money in the pot son.
    10-09-2013 , 04:41 AM
    Originally Posted by gutter23
    Please explain why you aren't 3betting this flop. Don't you want to punish your opponent for calling oop and then raising the flop? If he's the type to semi-bluff then it's a great spot to 3bet the flop. Do you really think he's just going to fold a combo draw or AXss? If he is bluffing without equity, do you think he's a one and done type or is he going to barrel? If he's the one and done type then you should for sure 3bet.

    You flopped middle set... Get some money in the pot son.
    +1 flop is go time
    10-09-2013 , 04:51 AM
    Originally Posted by gutter23
    Please explain why you aren't 3betting this flop. Don't you want to punish your opponent for calling oop and then raising the flop? If he's the type to semi-bluff then it's a great spot to 3bet the flop. Do you really think he's just going to fold a combo draw or AXss? If he is bluffing without equity, do you think he's a one and done type or is he going to barrel? If he's the one and done type then you should for sure 3bet.

    You flopped middle set... Get some money in the pot son.
    He will only continue with top or bottom set if we 3bet OTF that's what i thought at that time. I mean he will not stack of here with a combo draw and be ahead ever.
    10-09-2013 , 07:45 AM
    Originally Posted by Gatavas19
    He will only continue with top or bottom set if we 3bet OTF that's what i thought at that time. I mean he will not stack of here with a combo draw and be ahead ever.
    Yes he will stack off with a combo draw and no, he won't be ahead. Also, if he does have a combo draw, you're going to make it expensive for him to hit it. You can make it $37 on flop and jam turns. Don't let your opponent choose the price they get on draws. You have position, you choose the price.

    Also, if the only hands he's continuing with are top and bottom set, it's still not a bad situation and he should have bottom set a bit more often. Punish him!
    10-09-2013 , 08:58 AM
    Originally Posted by gutter23
    Yes he will stack off with a combo draw and no, he won't be ahead. Also, if he does have a combo draw, you're going to make it expensive for him to hit it. You can make it $37 on flop and jam turns. Don't let your opponent choose the price they get on draws. You have position, you choose the price.

    Also, if the only hands he's continuing with are top and bottom set, it's still not a bad situation and he should have bottom set a bit more often. Punish him!
    Yeah this is the correct play. We get it in vs top and bottom set in the longterm and get value from worse also, so a no brainer 3bet.
    10-09-2013 , 07:12 PM
    Originally Posted by gutter23
    you're going to make it expensive for him to hit it. You can make it $37 on flop and jam turns
    Actually, 37$ is not expensive at all with pot odds

    But it is the correct sizing if you want to 3B bluff this flop sometimes.

    If you have a 0% 3B bluff range on this flop (not a huge leak imo because you will be jammed so often by combo draws / TPTK / sets), just shove, or call and ship turn on scary cards.
    10-10-2013 , 12:40 PM
    It's inexpensive even if he only gets to see one card? I'm too lazy to do the math but it seems rather close.
    10-10-2013 , 03:07 PM
    Probably almost any raise size is fine against either a fish or reg (although smaller is better than overly big I think in many situations vs both, for different reasons, but big can never be much of a mistake), and even a click-back sets up a pot sized shove on the turn. His VPIP:PFR ratio and 1.9k sample indicates that he's most likely a reg, and how he sees you determines how many suited combos he has in his flatting range. Against a decent Hero, his range here is far tighter and scarier as he certainly can have QQ and AKss and not much else- including no 55.

    As played, if he sees you as a fish then you're ahead of the fairly small 55 part of his range, otherwise you're not really ahead of anything.
    10-12-2013 , 12:45 AM
    3betting flop seems dumb against someone craising 31% of flops, in the widest preflop position no less. as played river is the easiest snap call unless you enjoy getting run over by mtt pro style monkeys. given his flop tendencies he can easily be vbetting worse, or bluffing cuz omg ace scare card.
    10-12-2013 , 04:43 PM
    Completely disagree. Although the sample size is small, c/r 31% of flops means he's doing it with draws in addition to value hands and bluffs. Draws don't fold against flop 3bets, draws shove over 3bets. Bluffs may not barrel. We're fine getting it in against a value range. I think calling his c/r is a pretty decent mistake.
    10-13-2013 , 12:27 AM
    Originally Posted by gutter23
    Completely disagree. Although the sample size is small, c/r 31% of flops means he's doing it with draws in addition to value hands and bluffs. Draws don't fold against flop 3bets, draws shove over 3bets. Bluffs may not barrel. We're fine getting it in against a value range. I think calling his c/r is a pretty decent mistake.
    yeah thats just not happening at 100nl fr in this spot
