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0 NLH: Top pair, moderate kicker 0 NLH: Top pair, moderate kicker

07-19-2009 , 01:02 PM
Hi all

I'd be interested in your views on the following hand:

It's $100 NLH. I've been on the table for about half an hour and am playing fairly tight/ agressive (stats around 16/12). I've been lucky enough to double up a few hands back and my stack is the largest on the table.

In this hand, I'm under the gun, holding A:J:

In my view, all three plays are reasonable here, but I've usually been open raising, so I decide to limp here for variety. The cut-off (stack $100) makes a min raise to $2, the button (stack $60) calls, the blinds fold, and I call.

There are now three of us in the pot, which is $7.50. My two opponents both seem tight/ agressive, with stats similar to my own.

The flop comes down A 9 4

I'm not too thrilled about my 'top pair, reasonable kicker' hand, but I may be best here, so decide to lead out with a bet of $5, to elicit some information. I may fold to a re-raise.

The pre-flop raiser now folds, and the button calls. The pot is now $17.50.

The turn is a blank ( 6 ) and I decide to check for pot control. The button bets half pot, and I call, figuring that I may still be ahead, and it is too early to give up. The pot is now $35, and the Villain has $45 behind him.

The river is J giving me two pair. I'm now ahead of AK, AQ, and A9, although obviously behind a set.


- What action do you take on the river?

- How would you have acted if the river card had been a blank? How much money would you be prepared to invest with your top pair?

- Any other comments on my play or thought process?

Many thanks

The Ig
