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<img .50-<img .00NL AA Facing Turn Shove <img .50-<img .00NL AA Facing Turn Shove

10-24-2008 , 01:39 AM
$0.50-$1.00NL AA Facing Turn Shove

Villain : 12/9/3.2 over 745 hands.

Hero: I’m perceived as fairly tight although have been picking up quite a few hands and raising pf more than normal. Villain views me as a LAG semi fishy player.

This particular villain always seems to think I’m full of S**T when I bet and he always makes huge overbets like he has in this hand.

Texas Hold'em NL $0.50/$1

Seat 1:Villain ($121.45 in chips)
Seat 2: ($103.28 in chips)
Seat 3: ($22.00 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero ($219.55 in chips)
Seat 5: ($95.85 in chips)
Seat 6: ($41.10 in chips)
Seat 7: ($98.50 in chips) DEALER
Seat 8: ($102.95 in chips)
Seat 10: ($32.45 in chips)
Seat 8: Post SB $0.50
Seat 10: Post BB $1.00

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to Hero [A A]

: Call $1.00

Seat 2: Fold

Seat 3: Call $1.00

Hero: Raise $6.00

Seat 5: Fold
Seat 6: Fold
Seat 7: Fold
Seat 8: Fold
Seat 10: Fold

Villain: Call $5.00

Seat 3: Fold

*** FLOP *** [4 6 Q] ($13)

Villain: Check

Hero: Bet $9.00 (Is this bet OK)

Villain: Raise $25.00

: Call $16.00 (Should I repop here?)

*** TURN *** [K] ($63)

Villain: Bet $90.45


It seems like a no brainer fold to me. Especially when the K falls on the turn and he doesn’t slow down.

I mean if he is trying to semi-bluff with FD on the flop doesn’t he normally slow down or bet less on the turn.

Otoh it’s hard to see him playing a set like this? I mean does someone with those stats take a flop with 44 or 66 oop pf for a reasonable raise?

I got the feeling that this villain was just picking on me because he doesn’t seem to play this aggressively against others.

East fold Right??

Comments & feedback greatly appreciated.
10-24-2008 , 04:02 AM
If he makes a lot of these overbets, this seems a good moment to call (unless these overbets have been known to be the nuts).

No need to have 5 seperates lines for 5 folds.
10-24-2008 , 05:29 AM
My bad, about all da fold lines.

I just can't get the hand converter to work for Titan Poker hands!!
10-24-2008 , 06:51 AM
I think as played, u should have re-popped on flop. Board is getting scary on turn, it's main reason that u can laydown this hand. But on flop I think ur hand looks very good. He could have made set, limp UTG, but on the other hand u cannot be always assuming that, especially HU and with a board like that.
10-24-2008 , 08:45 AM
The problem with this hand is that he never really has a flush draw. How many 12/9's limp/call 6 bb's with an unpaired hand OOP? So like, this is either random pair that decided to flip out or a set. It sucks, but there are actually a lot of nitty players that just flip out post flop and try to win too many pots. Like some of them just checkraise random flops with weakish pairs then shutdown and I feel like sometimes they go for the second barrel cause they just don't know what they got into. But if he knows you can fold AA, this is the way to do it.
10-24-2008 , 11:03 AM
Hmm, you guys have made some good points. Let's take re-popping on the flop for example. If I just fear the set everytime in this spot then people will just run all over me.

So I guess that I have to be prepared to stack occassionally, picking my spots of course, in these spots.
10-24-2008 , 11:03 AM
stack off
10-24-2008 , 12:09 PM
nah ppl wont run u over at nl100 if u fold these spots
