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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

03-27-2023 , 06:37 PM
Ah I don't even know what I have been shooting but it's been pretty poor of late. I've actually just forgotten how to play golf I'm hitting all over the face right now, whilst not going to far offline distance wise given the poor strikes I'm ending up short a lot of the time by like 1 club. Thank god I can still pitch/chip relatively well my scores would be through the roof.

Need a good range session just to get something going again.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
03-29-2023 , 02:13 PM
Well, got out to play in our Tuesday night league last night. Rain was on the schedule, but we went ahead, only to have it raining sideways 5-6 holes in. Can't tell you what I shot as I honestly didn't check the scorecard at the end of the round, just go in the car and headed home to dry off. That said, I'd put the over/under @ 50.

So many things to work on. Bit frustrating, but to be expected as I haven't been playing on a regular basis.

What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-01-2023 , 07:43 AM
35-36-71 +2

Tough conditions just constant rain but made the course play a bit easier imo

Honestly it was a boring golf for the most part. Hit the fairway, hit the green and 2 putt

1 Birdie - 3 Bogeys - 14 Pars

Really happy with that considering I've been ass for a while.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-03-2023 , 02:12 PM
Sunday: 43 - 42 = 85

I hate "worst I could have shot" because it's stupid, but I'm still using it for this one. Striking the ball much better, especially off the tee, but early/still very wet season mental short game stuff hurting me. Hard time picking distances, hard time deciding green speed are the biggest. My reads were pretty spot on, I would just hit them too hard or too soft. I had six putts (I counted) that edged the cup, and none ended up more than six inches from the hole.

So, I don't adapt very well.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 02:12 PM

Off the tips really good score around this track, Short game was on point today.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 07:12 PM
Now that I have a bit more time on my hands I'm pretty sure I posted this before but played around this track today if you haven't seen this it's a good watch.

Sucks cause if I did a general play round this would have been like a 5-6 diff and would of got me to single digits. I have a very slim chance of getting to single digits at my local course because of the rating which imo isn't right it being 6 under par.

1st hole put it down the middle stick it to 5 feet from about 95 yards and holed the putt,

2nd is a new tee that just opened today and was as back as it could be. Good drive a bit of a blade on my 2nd shot to lay up but it was fine. Bladed my wedge over the green in a bush and had to take a unplayable and 2 putt.

3rd dead into wind, zapped the flag at like 185 but probably playing like 200 ish. Hit high and right and was like 40 short hit a really good chip to about 3 feet.

5th Landed in a bunker on the short side and it was just take it as it is and get out 2 putt and make 4.

6th Holed a 15 footer for Birdie

7th bad approach hit a decent chip to about 6 feet but missed the putt

8&9 Both into both long holes I take 5 on both of those as long as I have a putt for par.

10th Pin all the way at the back on a ledge, Wind not really doing anything on this hole. Given that I'm more comfortable hitting driver over 3 wood I took a driver and choked down on it and basically chipped it, I hit it about 190 yards though and was 10 short of the green. Really tough chip but got it to 3 feet.

11th Just a bad 3 putt

12th good 2 putt after I bladed the iron onto the front of the green.

13th made the hole super long by going way right, So I guess a 5 is pretty good.

14th Really bad scuffy drive and missed it on the wrong side. Pin was in a nasty spot behind a bunker. Landed short way chipped up and 2 putt.

15th Hit a decent driver but hit this grass bunker and popped out the other side, Unfortunately it made the shot pretty awkward to where is was a super downhill lie. just pitched a 8 iron to the middle and 2 putt for the Par.

16th Par 5, Really good drive. 2nd shot is over a ditch other than that its pretty straight forward. Had like 100 left in chunked the wedge, Bladed the chip to about 30 feet, holed the putt for a par

17th Probably the toughest putt I had all day 60 feet huge swing from left to right. Missed it on the low side but a foot away.

18th great drive had 8 iron in over some tree's, Completely miss hit it and hit the tree but bounced to the right giving me a shot. Really good pitch into the green to about 4 feet and made Par.

What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 06:25 AM
81, 77, 77, 75, 80, 79

One last round before I am off for 3+ weeks of vacation to Korea and Thailand. No golf planned unless I am bored one day in Thailand and will just rent some clubs.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-07-2023 , 06:44 PM
Funny, James Wiltshire is one of the golf channels I semi-frequently watch. Mainly though I'm just there for the Harry Flowers content, which is among the best on YouTube for golf.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-07-2023 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
Funny, James Wiltshire is one of the golf channels I semi-frequently watch. Mainly though I'm just there for the Harry Flowers content, which is among the best on YouTube for golf.
haha yeah he is a character that's for sure. I'm pretty sure he has his own channel but doesn't really post on it anymore if I recall correctly.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-08-2023 , 08:15 AM
31-36-67 -2

6 Birdies - 8 Pars - 4 Bogeys

Super solid round, Three 2's

Birdied the 1st

Chipped in for Birdie on 2

On 3 its a par 5 and was in the greenside bunker for 3 and it was just super awkward but hit a really good bunker shot probably the best shot of the day and had a tap in for par.

4th par 3 about 170ish hit a 5 iron to pin high but left of the green and I'm a bit below the green. Hit a perfect pitch and hole out for a 2.

1st bogey on the card was at 6 hardest hole on the course so not to disappointed with that.

On 8 I holed like a 40 footer for Birdie. Finished -3 for the front.

11th I was perfect in the fairway for a simple chip, I duffed it and almost snapped my wedge because of it. Chipped on and looked pretty decent till I got a horrible bounce that just went right and away from the pin didn't hole the putt.

12 was a bogey couldn't get up and down from the bunker even though I did hit a decent shot just didn't hole a 5 footer.

14th Par 3 only about 120 yards hit it to 10 feet and holed the putt for another 2.

15th Par 5 hit my 3rd from about 150 out to about 10 feet missed the putt.

16th Par 3 hit a crappy wedge to like 40 foot and it was a tough putt but I managed to get another birdie.

17th Tough hole into the wind, Hit a decent drive but was a little right and made me have about 170 in to a back flag. I hit a 5 iron but caught it a little high in the face and went into the front bunker bit of a mental error that as I should of been aiming a bit right. The bunker lie was horrid, It was high in the face and there was a good chance I could of left it in there. I knew I could only get this to carry like 6 feet. Hit it and it went on the front edge of the green massive putt up the green probably like 60 feet left like a 5 footer for bogey and made a solid putt.

18th was kind of protecting my score on the approach as going long is dead landed the approach onto the front fringe and chipped it and hit the flag but didn't drop.

Obviously a really good round but what I took from it was I didn't crumble when I was faced with a tough shot or hit a bad shot and the best thing is I did it whilst some other half decent player was there and he is highly competitive.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-08-2023 , 04:11 PM
very nice United!

I'm finally on the board for 2023. Plated 9 yesterday and didn't keep score. It was bad though. 55?

Played 18 today. 44-45-89. On hole 5 I was 140 out and hit the ball about 5 feet. On next shot I stuck it to 2 feet. Ho hum par. Stupid game.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-08-2023 , 05:15 PM
44-40-84. No birdies, 1 double bogey.

First round of the season at home, pretty nice day for early April. Started off looking like it was going to be a long day, couldn't hit the ball at all. Saved the early holes with some above average short game. Finally started making better contact mid front nine.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-10-2023 , 07:55 PM
keep posting lads.
still searching for the opportunity to get out for the first time in almost 6 months...sometime soon i hope
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-12-2023 , 06:15 PM
Finally got out for the first time.
55/9 holes. One par, two bogies, the rest=garbage.
Worst of all, no found balls.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-13-2023 , 01:57 PM
Had our first 9 hole league match today.

Standard match play with altered handicaps for 9 holes, I was giving the other 2 shots over 9 holes.

We both played pretty terrible if I'm honest.

He goes 1 up off the 1st,

tied the next 2 probably should of won the 3rd but he made a good putt he had a shot on this hole as well.

4 he goes 2 up,

5th Par 3 I hit it to 2 feet to get it back to 1up

6th he gets a shot, Guy's in front of us decided to let us throw and stood right where we were going to drive the ball, Pulled it to right where they were standing in the rough had to shout. Whilst I was hitting my ball they were stood like 10 yards away from me having a good old chat, Hit a pretty bad shot. Walking off one of them goes to me I wouldn't of done that. At this point I'm raging inside I felt like saying well its taken you 5 to get here. They were honestly the worst for slow play. I end up giving him the hole after hit a good chip and he had 2 to win.

7th Par 3 both hit it in the same place. About 30 feet up hill big left to right swing I leave it about 5 feet short and he left it like 4 feet, He wanted good good but obviously being 2 down with 3 to play I needed him to putt. I holed mine he missed his back to 1 down.

8th short Par 4 both hit it to the about the same place off the tee, He hits first hits a decent shot goes through the back in the fringe but with the flag at the back I thought its a fairly easy up and down. I hit mine 15 feet short of the flag. When he was practicing his chip shot I saw him pull out a lot of loft and thought I've got a chance here. He chips and spins up and leaves him 8 feet. I putt and leave it like a foot short in for my par though. He misses his putt and we go back to all square.

9th Drivable par 4 but there is some risk at least 4 me, OB left which I'm fine about I won't hit there. A bush right that catches a lot of balls again not to worried about that. About 40 yards short of the green is a horrible bunker. Left of the green is a greenside bunker which I'm not that fussed if I go in. Right also has a pot bunker going in here is dead then to the right of that bunker there is like a worn area that is pretty hard and bare and if your ball catches that it can go miles.

Anyway, I had a decision I knew the guy I was playing was going to pull driver. For me to hit driver here I need to hit it good more so when its into a slight wind. I thought screw it I'll take a 4 iron lay up and then play to my strengths. I hit it just short of the bunker 40 short. Hit steps up slips with his back foot and flares it out right and goes through to the next fairway. He also has a blind shot now. He it 5 yards short and rolls around that pot bunker on the right but stays up. I have a 60 yard pitch the green and hit a terrible pitch and land just short. I asked if it was me or him to go (I really wanted it to be me to go just so I can put some heat on) He says me I chip it to a foot he doesn't give it to me though. He chips and has about 10 feet left. He hit a really good putt and thought it was in but just slid by. I tap mine in to win

Matchplay is super fun its a different kind of pressure.

Next match is against a good friend of mine used to play off like 3 or 4 with the old handicap system and hits it a long way. He plays off 8 now so he will only be giving me 1 shot. Should be a fun match though.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-15-2023 , 09:57 AM
from -2 to +11 in a week oh how golf can bite you in the ass

I've been playing pretty terrible past few rounds. I'm hoping its just cause a lack of sleep is catching up to me. Early night tonight and then back to it tomorrow.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-15-2023 , 05:37 PM
40-36-76. 2 birdies, no double bogeys.

Pretty much the opposite of last week's round, today the ball striking was very good. Only one bad miss with the driver and I scrambled for a par on that one. Putting wasn't very good, though I did have two additional holes where I had birdies that were in the cup but didn't fall. Green conditions were not great.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 07:43 AM
71 +2

1 Birdie 3 Bogeys

well got a good nights sleep and played really well. Gave myself a lot of chances for birdies but didn't really hole anything and I was putting pretty well.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 04:16 PM

I am a disaster from 20-120 out.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 05:44 PM
Do you have a consistent miss? Directional or distance? What is your toolbox of shots and what you default to?
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
Do you have a consistent miss? Directional or distance? What is your toolbox of shots and what you default to?
Consistent miss = scud missile. My direction is fine. If I'm a full wedge out, say 135 yards, I'm good. But I cannot just "swing easy" with a P when I'm shorter than that. So then I hit 52 or 56 and the club faces look like razor blades. On 11 today (par 3) I chunked tee shot. So I'm 50 yards out. I skull the 56 and almost kill the guys on the tee box behind the hole. Embarrassing.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 07:36 PM
my suggestion:
find a way for your stock shot to not be a full swing
club marks from balls don't track how fast they go
only how many start from the sweet spot
seems to be the correct thing to find first
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-16-2023 , 09:50 PM
54 / 8 holes. Course was packed with clueless teenagers, so had to skip around. Short game is in the crapper.
Only found a range ball.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-17-2023 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
my suggestion:
find a way for your stock shot to not be a full swing
club marks from balls don't track how fast they go
only how many start from the sweet spot
seems to be the correct thing to find first
"find a way for your stock shot to not be a full swing"

I really think this is the answer
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-17-2023 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Consistent miss = scud missile. My direction is fine. If I'm a full wedge out, say 135 yards, I'm good. But I cannot just "swing easy" with a P when I'm shorter than that. So then I hit 52 or 56 and the club faces look like razor blades. On 11 today (par 3) I chunked tee shot. So I'm 50 yards out. I skull the 56 and almost kill the guys on the tee box behind the hole. Embarrassing.
I think learning to do this is key, You'll have way more control on your approach shots. I never full swing my 60 or 54 and rarely do I full swing my 48 or my PW.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
