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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

04-01-2022 , 11:42 AM
lol Porter.

You guys actually playing are annoying me. I'm looking out my window and and it's f'in snowing.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-01-2022 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
No score, mostly a story. Yesterday afternoon I had a few drinks with a client, then met up with another attorney at the course for drinks. Have a couple, and he wants to play a few holes. We had never played together before, and I do NOT play well when a little tipsy, and hit just a horrendous shot off the first tee. He immediately starts giving me swing advice. I hack it around a couple more holes, with him (an admitted 18 handicap) keeping on trying to give me swing advice. Finally I said, "you might not know it by today, but I'm an 8 handicap." He laughed, surprised, and quit giving advice. I certainly don't think an 8 is incredibly impressive, but constant advice givers are annoying, especially when they're an 18 and hacking it around themselves (and when they tell me I should stop doing something the teaching pro just told me to work on).

(I still threw in a few pars, despite greens just being punched and sanded)
It's actually the worst when someone gives advice. I play with a lot of higher handicappers and I could give them so much (mostly the simple stuff) but I just don't unless they ask for it.

I went around today didn't really score all that well but was hitting the ball a bit better. Wind was up and it was a cold cold wind.

Chipped in on the last for a birdie to keep me coming back.

I also changed the grip on my wedges and some of the woods. Felt great having some decent grips that I didn't have to strangle.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-02-2022 , 07:35 PM
Golf game kinda meh lately. 39-38-77 today with 5 bogeys. My swing is currently on the ledge an ready for a collapse. The driver is completely inoperable right now. The rest of the clubs are on the edge. So far I have found a small fix that seems to work, even under pressure so that's good.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-03-2022 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by scottc25
Golf game kinda meh lately. 39-38-77 today with 5 bogeys. My swing is currently on the ledge an ready for a collapse. The driver is completely inoperable right now. The rest of the clubs are on the edge. So far I have found a small fix that seems to work, even under pressure so that's good.
I think I was in the same place a week ago, Literally was hitting everything so scabby. I think I found some sort of a fix. For me my weight was a little to much in the toes, Started feeling I'm more on my heels a bit more and I feel like I can get a better turn and the strike has sorted itself out a bit.

I played a semi serious round today meaning I was actually trying. Shot 80 +10 equalled my best round this course.

1st Hole, Good drive alright 2nd shot but just went into a bunker, I've bladed a bunker shot so far it's gone into a main road.

3 putt on 4 green was a bit ropey but was more me.

7 had to chip out after drive and 3 putted that green (Says 2)

8th decent drive but when a yard off the fairway into some rough, didn't quite catch the approach and went in the small water hazard defending the green.

16/17/18 all shitty 3 putts.

Course isn't particularly long, However it is lined with a lot of trees and the greens have a lot of break on them.

I would of taken 80 at the start of the day though bit of a shame I couldn't break it as it could of easily been done today. Time to put in some putting practice I think.

EDIT: I've just realised I got 79.... On 17 I hit the green off the tee and 3 putt. so should be a 4 instead of a 5. Happy days!
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-04-2022 , 10:57 AM
Annual long weekend golf trip, haven't seen scorecards - hopefully I will and can fill in the numbers. 18 on Thursday (ok), 27 on Friday (morning 18 I believe I heard was 39-43-82), 27 on Saturday (morning 18 was bad), 18 yesterday (played much better). Had a few birdies, including the last hole of the trip.

Ball striking was generally subpar, didn't compress many shots the first couple days. Pitching and chipping was wildly inconsistent but I (fingers crossed) found something yesterday and pitched/chipped very well. Putting was (other than Saturday morning) well above average.

Funny - to me any way - highlight from Thursday. We're playing a 2v2 best ball game. Par 3, one of our opponents hits first and launches a beautiful shot right at the pin, ends up four or five feet away. I hit an absolutely dismal hybrid that has no chance - I don't get much on it and it wouldn't be high enough to carry anyway. It dies well short of the green, barely hits the base of the rock wall ... but WAIT WHAT'S THIS. Since it didn't hit the face of the wall the ball shoots almost straight up and has just enough forward momentum to hop onto the fringe and roll out to 2 feet below the hole. I make, opponent misses, write down a WIN.

What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-04-2022 , 12:57 PM
Lol. Id rather be lucky than good.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-04-2022 , 01:51 PM
41 - 44 = 85

Bad score for me, but actually not unhappy. I had ten pars and five doubles (lol), but struck the ball really well. They had JUST punched and sanded the greens, and putting on them was atrocious. I also ended up in three traps that were soaked and it didn't end well.

Upside is I knocked a 75 off the handicap, which gained me another stroke leading into Spring Four Ball matches, ha.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-05-2022 , 01:59 PM
Wanted to get out and play a few holes before fitting tomorrow, Only did 9

Went like this

Double (Bladed 2nd shot long into a bush), Birdie, Par, Bogey, Bogey, Bogey, Birdie, Birdie, Par

On the 8th down wind can drive the green it get very tight towards the green and you'll be lucky to miss the bunker guarding it. For once I actually hit the green. It probably went about 270 as it went to the back of the green. Hit a really bad eagle putt and left it like 10 feet short. Managed to get it in for Birdie though.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-07-2022 , 12:42 PM
9 holes didn't keep track. Maybe 50 degrees? Steady wind oddly from northeast. Cloudy and soggy.

4 iron on 171 yard par 3 missed to the right of right greenside bunker. Pitch to 10 feet on short side pin. Ok putt speed but missed low. Tap in bogey.

Driver way wide right made par 4 fifth hole play about 475. 3 wood from ? picked nicely off soggy lie played to cut to get it high quickly out of the soggy. Felt good. Never saw it fly against the grey clouds. Oh 10 feet for birdie? Mark it 7(or 8 I lost count lol).

3 wood to the skirt on 237 yard par 3. Mediocre chip to 15 feet. Missed par. Made 4 foot bogey.

4 iron to 15 feet on 167 yard par 3. Birdie missed low. Par missed. Bogey confirmed.

4 iron to corner of hard dogleg left about a club short of the fairway lollipop tree. 6 iron to the back of the green from 147. Birdie put hit the pin but didnt fall. Missed 5 foot par putt coming up the hill. I think I missed bogey from 2 feet too.

Nice drive on 9 center fairway decent length cut basically as the hole is shaped. Found downslope of hilltop 200 yards out. 4 iron from 163 to 15 feet missed the green right thought. Chip was 10 feet short. Made bogey.

Holes 1 to 3 were disasters with ok shots mixed in.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-07-2022 , 12:50 PM

Windy AF. Beat the tornado warning so there is that.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-08-2022 , 03:12 PM
Post-work nine yesterday: 37

Started with a double bogey, parred the next one, then another bogey. Played really well with two birdies going in. Funny thing was it paired with a 45 and knocked off a 76, so my handicap went up. I wasn't sandbagging by any means, but I'm happy to report my handicap went up a stroke, so that's one extra going into my Spring Four Ball match tomorrow morning.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-09-2022 , 03:07 PM
Gotta share the bad ones, right?


No birdies, 3 doubles

Rare for me but I feel like I played better than the score. No putts made. Battling with tendonitis in my hand again. First two holes not good, then loosened up, then 1 bad swing on 17 tee and immediate pain. Might need to take next week off.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-09-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
Gotta share the bad ones, right?


No birdies, 3 doubles

Rare for me but I feel like I played better than the score. No putts made. Battling with tendonitis in my hand again. First two holes not good, then loosened up, then 1 bad swing on 17 tee and immediate pain. Might need to take next week off.
I'll join you

Played a comp at my local

39-42-81 (+12)

Started off with a birdie, Then went downhill from there.

1 Birdie, 3 Doubles a lot of bogey's a few pars and a few 3 putts and a ton of bladed irons.

My average around here is like 4-7 over.

Last edited by UnitedAs1; 04-09-2022 at 04:32 PM.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-09-2022 , 04:44 PM
Spring Four Ball match: 38-39 = 77

Very consistent round for me. No doubles, no birdies. Five bogeys, thirteen pars. It was very, very windy, and I bogeyed an easy par 5 when I picked the wrong club and ended short and well below the green. Did the opposite from 120 in on a relatively easy par 4; thought I needed more given the wind, and flew the green into the bad stuff.

We lost our match on 18. My partner didn’t play well at all, but made some clutch putts to get us to 18. I’m trying not to be bitter, but one of our opponents was a 22 who is NOT a 22. I don’t think it was purposeful sandbagging, he’s new to the game, but he only posted three scores in 2021. Pro said his best 18 holes is 83, but that score wasn’t posted? Anyway, we had our shot and couldn’t pull it out. Just sucked having to give a stroke on the last two holes, one of them a par 3. My partner birdied 17 but we pushed since 22 handicap made a par. High handicaps like him are hard to play anyway; he’s young and absolutely bombs it, so when he hits it straight he’s green side on even mid length par 4s. He also had an eagle putt on a par 5 where he got a stroke.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-09-2022 , 06:48 PM
Just north towards Boston got a storm today. We had some occasional morning drizzle that turned sunny around noon. Winds strong from South and west. High 50 degrees. Local 9 par 34. Didn't keep score. Mixed tees because I played middle tee on par 3 fourth when ladies let me through, and again on par 3 sixth because back tee is lol 245.

2 pars. Both 2 putts on par 3s had lots of par putts (1,2,3,4,6,7,9)

3 birdie putts but no birdies.

Lost track of bogey or worse scores. Use your imagination for terrible putting zingers please.

9th featured a punch out to fairway then a 5 wood to 8 feet. Par putt trickled 6 feet past lol.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-09-2022 , 07:02 PM

First round of the season at the home course. Conditions were awful. 40 degrees and windy. Cart path only, wet and muddy.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-10-2022 , 05:07 AM
I'm playing better tee to green than I hoped, yesterday featured just a singular disaster over 9 holes(hole 5, par 4 pull hook drive, chunk 3 wood with ob trees in my backswing, blast 3 wood into a wormhole never to be seen again, passed by the green on the way to the next tee to accommodate the ladies that had let me play through on 4). So, hot shot brag time imo. Highlights from yesterday:

7 iron to 10 feet from 150 marker at back pin gave me a chance at par on 556 yard par 5, ranked hardest hole on course.

4 iron to front edge from 175 marker gave 20 foot par putt on 446 yard par 4, ranked 2nd hardest hole.

7 iron to right edge gave 15 foot birdie putt on par 3. (I once triple skipped a wedge over the pond from front tee to 10 feet lol)

5 wood to left edge median from 195 left 30 feet to back pin on par 3.

5 iron from 161 to 15 feet on par 3.

Cut 5 wood from 190 off left angled downslope around prohibitive trees along right side including a large front right tree that blocks the right side of the green, which left me 8 feet for par.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-10-2022 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
Spring Four Ball match: 38-39 = 77

Very consistent round for me. No doubles, no birdies. Five bogeys, thirteen pars. It was very, very windy, and I bogeyed an easy par 5 when I picked the wrong club and ended short and well below the green. Did the opposite from 120 in on a relatively easy par 4; thought I needed more given the wind, and flew the green into the bad stuff.

We lost our match on 18. My partner didn’t play well at all, but made some clutch putts to get us to 18. I’m trying not to be bitter, but one of our opponents was a 22 who is NOT a 22. I don’t think it was purposeful sandbagging, he’s new to the game, but he only posted three scores in 2021. Pro said his best 18 holes is 83, but that score wasn’t posted? Anyway, we had our shot and couldn’t pull it out. Just sucked having to give a stroke on the last two holes, one of them a par 3. My partner birdied 17 but we pushed since 22 handicap made a par. High handicaps like him are hard to play anyway; he’s young and absolutely bombs it, so when he hits it straight he’s green side on even mid length par 4s. He also had an eagle putt on a par 5 where he got a stroke.

Ok, guess I’m not done being bitter…. he posted an 89 yesterday and his handicap dropped 3.5 strokes.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-10-2022 , 02:17 PM

1 birdie, 1 double

Not a lot of putts made, except for one from 30 feet to save bogey.

One of the regular guys in our Sunday group is 83. He has shot his age for the last 11 years straight. He was 130 out on a par 4 today, took one bounce then I heard it hit the pin (pin hidden behind a bunker). Get up there and yep it's in the hole for a 2 net 1.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-10-2022 , 03:47 PM
Played 9 holes before the golf started today +3

3 bogeys rest pars.

Played decent Short game and putting was with me today.

Only real highlight is long par 4 I think I had like 180 to the middle on my 2nd shot pin was at the back so made it like 215, Hit a hybrid out the semi rough. Probably went about 235 total which is pretty crazy for me. Went over the green into the rough got up and down for par.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-12-2022 , 11:32 AM
Solid golf today decided to enter a card for general play,


1 Birdie 14 Pars 3 Bogeys

Short game was on point, 26 putts and a chip in. Guess the only down point is only hitting 7 greens in reg but not going to be to hard on that as when I did miss I wasn't far off.

Surprised I played so well to be honest. 4 senior guys in front were so slow and it started raining and the wind was blowing a bit. I remember on the 15th hole its quite a long hole, The Seniors were on the green, We was about 120 yards from the green. Guy behind us was about 240 away and there were people waiting to hit on the tee, So 4 groups on 1 hole, It only got slow when we started our back 9 but still they should of let us through as it was clear in front of them. Main problem with them is they don't play ready golf, They wait till everyone has finished there shot before starting to think what to do and they mark everything on the green.....
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-13-2022 , 09:06 AM


4 birdies, 8 bogeys

Freshly sanded and rolled greens, fast and true.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-13-2022 , 06:48 PM
Played 9, 2 over 1 birdie and 1 bogey and a double.

Bumped into a old friend and we've decided to start playing golf with each other again. He play's off 6 used to be off 4 so pretty nice to play some golf with a half decent player. Played 3 holes with him. I think I must of been about 60 yards behind him on the par 5 off the tee. Think he got it to about 280-290ish

We did have a brief discussion about how the course is rated. We play at a fairly easy golf course. Pretty short and you can hit it anywhere within reason. Par is 69 and the course rating is 63, slope is 97. I don't really get this new system but I assume a scratch player would have to shoot 6 under? and off the normal tee's course rating is 61.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-13-2022 , 06:50 PM
Yep, from what I read the course rating is off of what a scratch player should shoot. Slope is off of what a bogey player would shoot.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
04-14-2022 , 11:21 AM

2 birdies, 2 doubles

Birdied 15 and 16. Then proceed to 3-putt from 12 feet on 17 for bogey. Miss an 8 footer for birdie on the last.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
