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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

07-02-2017 , 06:11 PM
had to walk off the course after 9 holes this morning. i'm not sure what's going on but there's a very sharp pain on the inside of my left elbow (i'm right handed) when i extend my arm and twist my hand to the left...i'm guessing you can understand the challenges with that particular situation. i've been trying to strengthen my grip lately and i'm wondering if this is simply a result of elbow tendons being used in a new way.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-02-2017 , 07:25 PM
39-53 -- 92 today

i'm special

re: scrambles, my team shot 16 under on wednesday and didn't come close to winning anything. it all depends on handicapping etc. we probably had 50 drinks between the four of us (two dudes and two chicks) by the end of the round. should definitely get some kind of bonus for that.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-02-2017 , 09:13 PM
I could get behind a mulligan for every 5 beers rule.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-02-2017 , 09:55 PM
I'm playing a 9 hole scramble on the 4th. My guess on score will be -4. Mostly cause it's me, an 8 cap, and 3 kids 11 or younger. Plus the course was just aerated less than a week ago.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-02-2017 , 10:31 PM
Is aerating in June/July common down there?
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Boulder Creek with a group of 16 where we have to hit every shot and we have money for the top three net, skins, and closest to the pin.

Front 9 I had 7 pars, 1 bogey, and one double - on the 9th. Putting was lights out. I only had 14 putts.

Back 9 I birdied 3 or the first 4 holes, 3 bogeys, two pars going in to the last hole...

If I could par a downwind par 5, I would shoot a personal best 75!!!

But I double-bogeyed it.


I had the closest to the pin at about 12 feet until the last group...but I birdied it and got that skin for $21.

My other birdies got tied, so no skins there.

But even though I choked the last hole I still won the big money with a net of 66 (I got 11 strokes based on my hci and the 141 course slope). . $91!

So I made $112.

Not too bad...but I'm still pissed I doubled that last hole.
77 in that wind is redic good. You might have to give me strokesnext time. 😙
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by ntanygd760
Is aerating in June/July common down there?
May through August it is common. Our course is done 2x. Last year they had to do it a 3rd time. At least we have 36 and they try to do them a month apart so one course is always in good shape.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by mendicant loafer
77 in that wind is redic good. You might have to give me strokesnext time. 😙
There was no real wind on the front did pick up on the back, but wasn't that bad
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 12:28 PM
Par 70~6,800 yds

73-71 this weekend. Hitting it not too bad considering only 4th and 5th rounds of year.

Getting pretty f-ing short tho

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
May through August it is common. Our course is done 2x. Last year they had to do it a 3rd time. At least we have 36 and they try to do them a month apart so one course is always in good shape.
Oh ok, up here is March/April and sometimes September/October

I have found the best way to play plinko punched greens is to close your eyes as you hit the ball then you won't know if you got screwed or not and won't let it bug you.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 02:56 PM
41-41-82. 1 birdies, 2 double bogeys.

Certainly felt worse than that. C- ball striking, short game awful.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 07:19 PM
39 (+4) tee balls beyond terrible, only hit 1/7 fairways and that was a pop up 3wood. Score about as good as I could have expected
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 07:29 PM
Walked 18 holes today on the local hilly course in 87 degrees as a fat guy from New England. Can't move. Shot 91. 30 putts with no 3 putts. I'll take it.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 08:58 PM
Didn't poast but two weekends ago did a good trip in Kelowna, BC. Ticked off pretty much all the major big courses we had not yet played in the Okanagan area.

Okanagan Bear & Quail (Thurs)
Black Mountain (Fri)
Gallagher's Canyon & The Harvest Golf Club (Sat)
Tower Ranch (Sun)

First three were just okay but last three were really great. Gallagher's probably objectively the best one but I played the worst there by far. Harvest was easy, tons of room to miss. For anyone in the area that hasn't played it, Tower Ranch would be my recommendation. Best mix of challenging mountain design and forgiveness. Fantastic shape too.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-03-2017 , 09:01 PM
41-43-84 today, 1 birdie, 2 doubles.

Kept it in play, irons were working well all day and scrambled alright. Just some mental errors preventing something in the high 70's.

Pretty happy with how the game is coming along at this point. The above 6 rounds on a long weekend really help to whip a game into shape.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-04-2017 , 01:46 PM

3 birdies, 4 doubles, 1 triple

I made those 3 birdies on the first 8 holes and was even par, then it all fell apart hard. Tripled 9. I'm real happy about those first 8 holes though, I was very focused on what I was doing playing within myself, not compounding mistakes. Gotta find a way to keep that focus for all 18 somehow.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-04-2017 , 01:49 PM
30 (-6)

Family scramble with me and my son, friend and his two daughters.

Was -3 through 4 holes on my ball including an eagle. Hit my 3h from 215y to 1 foot. Technically my son made the putt.

We ended up winning by 4 shots. Obviously not the best players in the world.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-04-2017 , 02:44 PM
38-41-79. 2 birdies, 3 double bogeys.

Had it going for a while. +1 through 14 after narrowly missing yet another makeable birdie putt. Then finished double-par-double-double. Felt good while it was working.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-04-2017 , 07:09 PM
Another one of those hitting 20 yard wide fairways is way overrated rounds. Missed in the right places. Was 3 over after 4 so I will take it

39 - 35 = 74
29 putts with one 3 putt
4/14 FIR
9/18 GIR
1 eagle 2 birdies no doubles
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-05-2017 , 06:54 PM
Spanish Trails Las Vegas with Mendicant Loafer.

We played from the tips for some freakin' reason. 6966 yds.

It was a tale of two nines...


Not bad, I guess...too damn hot out. Front nine I couldn't wake up. Had two doubles.

Back 9 I had 6 straight pars and a birdie sandwiched by two bogies.

Best part was taking 4 skins from ML, tho.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-06-2017 , 01:42 PM

7 pars, 8 bogeys, 1 double, 1 triple, 1 quintuple

FSGA individual event.

First time playing the course. Course is basically a joke. I was in the fairway on multiple occasions and completely blocked from going for the green. There were a number of 45* plus doglegs where you can't cut corners. So you have to hit it 200y to hit another 200y shot.

The quintuple was something special. Hybrid off the tee on a big dogleg right to the left rough. Had 225y to the hole and went for it. Hit it short of the greenside bunker into an area with no grass growing. Try to play a sand shot and drop it in the bunker. 4th shot I hit thin into a flower bed over the green. Take an unplayable and drop in the bunker. 6th shot over the green, 7th on and 2-putt for a 9.

I was clearly frustrated and it got to me.

Oh yeah, also didn't make a putt all day long.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-06-2017 , 01:48 PM
At that point I would have taken a full swing flop shot in the flower bed taking out as many flowers as I could just to spite the course.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-06-2017 , 01:49 PM
Haha, a bush in there too making the shot impossible. I did play 2 balls on the hole thinking it might be a free drop from the flowers. Nope.

Also forgot about the worst designed hole ever. 380y dogleg right with bunkers crossing the fairway from 230y out to about 275y.

Last edited by scottc25; 07-06-2017 at 01:58 PM.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-07-2017 , 02:54 PM
Wasn't sure I'd be able to get out before the weather today, so I ran over to my local muni Fox Prairie when I saw it wasn't busy and I wound up finally breaking par (71) playing central-west. I've shot 71 (and 72) as even par on different courses before but never got under. Longest putt I made was about 5' or it could've been lower. Hole by Hole...

1 Central - Par 5 with a creek bisecting the fairway at about 250-265 off the tee. So 3w to left rough just off fairway. 3w short of green about 20 yards. pitched on to about 15'. Missed putt just left of hole, tap in par.

2 Central - Par 4 same creek bisects fairway at about 220, so I hooked a hybrid into the trees between 1 and 2 and had to punch out. Then 8i to front of green, and missed the par putt from about 20'. Tap in bogey.

3 Central - Nice draw off the tee into fairway. Hooked same hybrid from about 180 out to pin high. Chipped to 2', made par putt.

4 Central - Par 4 90-degree hole, blasted over trees that guard right side and was just off fairway. Hit 9i to about 8' under the hole and missed simple birdie putt. Tap in par.

5 Central - Hybrid to back of long par 3 green into the wind. Birdie putt from 20' or so just broke at last second. Tap in par.

6 Central - Drive just off fairway cutting corner on par 5 dogleg. Over the back in 2 (never did that before) with 3w. Chipped back to 3' and made birdie putt. Back to even.

7 Central - Blocked my drive but got away with it as it settled between a pine tree and traps with a window to green. Hooked 7i pin high just off fringe. Chipped to 2'. Made par putt.

8 Central - 7i to back of par 3 green while playing through group. Left 40' putt about 3 ' short. Made par putt.

9 Central - Hooked drive into trees. Punched a 4i to the front of the green, leaving the hardest putt I'd have all day, big R-L break over a swale. Left it high about 5' past the hole and made the comeback putt knowing I needed it for 36.

1 West - Long Par 5 and again pulled my drive a little left. Punched 41 to 150 stakes, and hit 7i pin high to fringe. Putt down went about 3' past the hole and made comeback putt for par.

2 West - Hybrid over long par 3 green. Chipped back to 2' and made par putt.

3 West - Was into the wind today but it's a drivable par 4 when the wind is down. Pulled it left again and hit sw over the flag from about 50 yards. Missed 10' birdie putt just low. Tap in par.

4 West - Long par 4, hit nice fade drive into fairway, Hybrid landed next to the hole, rolled 20' or so past. Too firm on birdie putt, but made 4' putt coming back up the hill for par.

5 West - Hybrid into fairway that has 2 ponds on either side of par 4 (short L off tee, long R protecting green). 7i over flag to back of green. 30' putt just short. Tap in par.

6 West - Short par 5. Perfect draw into fairway. 3w short left of green, with trap between me and hole. Hit perfect chip which stops on the lip on the cup. Tap in birdie. Now I'm thinking just get in, and it's all I am thinking the next 3 holes.

7 West - Perfect drive, GW to 10' on par 4. Birdie putt just breaks at last second, catches bottom lip and spits out the back about 2'. Made comeback putt for par.

8 West - Par 3 over water but only a smooth 8i downwind to center of green. Misread putt and push it wide. Make 3' comeback putt for par. Now I'm really nervous.

9 West - Hit driver a little fat, but down the middle. 145 in to back flag and hit perfect 8i to center of green. 15' birdie putt again breaks in front of hole and catches bottom lip, but just sits next to hole this time. I groan, then laugh as I tap in for 35 on the back and 71 overall. 30 putts, 13 GIR, 7 fairways.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
07-07-2017 , 06:26 PM

Coyote Springs - an hour north of Vegas in pristine desert. Beautiful course. We started at 7:50 and it was a balmy 101 degrees. With a strong breeze, it wasn't bad at all. However, by the end of the round, it was 117 degrees.

I wasn't playing bad...but I was plus 5 the last three holes due to heat stroke lol.
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