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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

11-13-2016 , 12:53 AM
73 with a tee shot on the 3rd hole that was about 70 yards right and OB, and a 4-putt from 20 feet on the 10th. Could have been a great round if I didn't just throw away 4 shots.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-13-2016 , 07:19 PM

Haven't practice in two months, and gave just played. It really does matter. Missed some putts, one double, no birdies. Missed a 2 foot putt for birdie, too.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-13-2016 , 08:39 PM
37-39-76*. 1 birdie, no double bogeys.

More of the same, good ball striking (after the first two holes), can't buy a putt. Only birdie was a chip in.

Probably last full round of the season, the weather forecast for next weekend isn't promising and of course it gets dark so effin early. Maybe it'll change, who knows.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-14-2016 , 10:54 AM
Played this am in 1:50. 45-36--81

3 birdies, 7 pars, 4 bogeys, 4 doubles

Tale of 2 9's. -1 the first 2 holes, +10 the next 7, E the last 9.

Stopped thinking and started doing the last 9. The one double on the back was a 4-putt'ish. On the fringe and putted off the green where the false front was 3 feet past the hole. Too lazy to get my wedge so left it short again and putt came back but luckily hung up on the fringe.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-16-2016 , 12:53 PM
Monday - got off to the best start I have ever had, 3 pars and 2 birdies. Just hitting everything as pure as possible. Walking off the 5th green, stepped into a sprinkler hole and now I can't even walk. Grade 3 sprain. Probably done for 6 weeks. It is like a nightmare.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:25 PM
geeze that sucks...just assume you would've shot 61, though.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:48 PM
Could have been worse, at least you didn't get caught in a storm and hit by lightning and have your caddy leave you there..... Seriously tho that sucks and I hope it gets better soon.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-17-2016 , 08:05 AM
Ouch, literally.

40-39-79 yesterday for me. Struck the ball pretty damn good, just couldn't drop a putt. 1 birdie, 2 doubles.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-24-2016 , 03:57 AM
Does anyone use Golf GameBook?

Quick 9 at the local, played the back.

43. 4 pars, 3 bogeys, 2 doubles. 4 GIR. (Hit two tee shots on 14 and 16. First on 14 just missed right, first on 16 middled, just not happy with the swing so took a second)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-24-2016 , 05:35 PM
3 straight rounds in the very low 80s at a resort course. but quite long course

then 95 or even worse on a much tighter course yesterday.... one other huge difference was that all the greens yesterday were framed by traps and landscaping whereas resort course was pretty barren around greens.

very very wet conditions but that was the case on nice scores too.

it's bizarre but not sure i don't do better with much longer approach shots in the very wet winter. so easy to chunk an iron vs. a 5 wood.

i "think" my putting is ok, but not sure i made a putt over 4 feet yesterday. ok, maybe one or two but still just 6 or 8 footers. rimmed out a ton of putts.

so inclined to say it just wasn't my day.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-25-2016 , 10:35 PM

Quad on #2 other than that a good ball-striking round. Missed a bunch of short birdie putts. Winter goal is to work on putting in the basement. Just have no clue how to putt or even what style to try. Today I tried a Snedeker-style short stroke but was way off on distance, both short and long.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-26-2016 , 05:38 PM
41-41-82. All pars & bogeys. 4 fairways, 5 GIR, awful ball striking and not particularly special putting. Short game & lack of blowups carried the day.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-27-2016 , 04:23 PM
"Even", played 4.5 holes. Hit 4/5 greens, chipped close on the one I missed. Not a bad day at all, mid 40s, light wind.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-27-2016 , 05:29 PM
Played six rounds in Lanzarote. Good trip, happy times and few good golf shots. Four birdies on trip (one in total darkness), one front-nine in 39 shots were the positives, if I would have had to shoot scores I think average would have been like 92. Did get a deep wound in right hand front finger before trip so gripped three-fingered, don´t think it mattered too much though. **** was just difficult. The other course did have a bunch of lava stone, some just ran through the fairways. So a missed tee shot often had a price.

The other course the last two holes we arrived in darkness, the last hole you could not see the ball fly even a yard. Par-5 of 480yard I think. Just try to hit fairway and then use cell phone lights to find. First time friend hits it close to green in two and chips a couple of inches from hole, tap-in birdie. Pretty sweet. Next time same guy drives to center, but still has no idea of bearings and starts to walk 60yards right of fairway even though says "solid hit". I joke if he is going fishing for lost balls or what. We find his ball and he is taking aim 50yard of flag to some club house lights, we laugh and give directions, he hits a good one. I find my ball this time too and tap my 7 iron on the 3rd shot hoping to roll to the green. My ball is 11 feet from hole and friend is 2 inches behind it with his second! He sinks the eagle putt and I roll the birdie in. Some beers in and it was the most absurd and fun hole I ever played for sure.

Was nice to see Mr. Sun, now can stash the clubs away and dig out skies. Not happy.

A few pics
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-27-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by forssell
Looks like fun.

87 for me today. First time hitting the ball since my last lesson on Wednesday. 2 birdies, 3 bogeys, rest pars and doubles.

Was pulling the ball quite a bit and at least I know what causes that for me now.

Interesting hole of the day was 350y 7th. Pull the first that lands OB. Re-tee and hit best one of the day where I had 68y left. Hole was playing into a club and a half wind. Hit it to 6 feet but missed the bogey putt.

Going to practice every day this week to try and get used to the swing.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
11-30-2016 , 07:38 PM
40-41-81. Was a windy round, so a very nice score for the day. 1 birdie, 1 double, 8 pars/bogeys. Scrambling/putting was a lot better than usual today which helped a lot.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-01-2016 , 04:37 PM
Wow almost the exact same round for me:

40-41-81. 1 birdie, 2 doubles, rest pars and bogeys. I hit only my 2h off of the tee all day long. Tee shots were good early, struggled in the middle, then found my groove late. My two really good drives:

15th 402y par 4 - Downwind and cut the corner a bit, had 133y left.

18th 500y par 4 - Wind quartering downwind and to the right, had 267 left.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 02:58 PM

1 birdie, 1 double

Played better than I scored. 3 3-putts, 3 of 4 in sand saves.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 05:45 PM

Never shot below 39 before so I was playing out of my mind. Triple bogeyed the easy par 5 14th hole. 3 putted 17 for a bogey. And then on 18 I proceed to hit it into the lake. Re-tee. Hit it 300 yards right down the middle to about 95 yards left. Sand wedge to 2 feet and a kick in putt. Ugh.

Still haven't broken 80.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 05:52 PM
Just shot 41-42-83 myself.

Par 3s can suck my balls. I shot worse on them (+6 over 4 holes) than on the rest of the course (+5 over 14 holes) on this round. My greenside play was a joke in general and I maybe sunk 1 putt over 6 feet. My ball striking was good (10 FIR, 10 GIR) and had some good streaks (Hit every fairway on front 9, hit 7 GIR in a row from hole 7-13).
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by 00cooler00

Never shot below 39 before so I was playing out of my mind. Triple bogeyed the easy par 5 14th hole. 3 putted 17 for a bogey. And then on 18 I proceed to hit it into the lake. Re-tee. Hit it 300 yards right down the middle to about 95 yards left. Sand wedge to 2 feet and a kick in putt. Ugh.

Still haven't broken 80.
So close! I bet you were thinking about it after making the turn.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 09:26 PM
I was actually only planning on playing 9 but the group I got paired up with was playing quickly and with no one in front of us due to it barely reaching 40 degrees I decided to hang on

Was just so stoked about the first 9 that I didn't start thinking about breaking 80 until the 12th/13th. And even then I wouldn't say I was playing nervous cause I birdied the tough 16th hole. Just one swing on 18 tee that drifted too far right.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-04-2016 , 09:57 PM
extremely wet oregon course today. i didn't total the card at the end, but it felt like mid 90s.
one or two bogies and the rest was either par or triple. so many chunky wet shots from both fairway and rough. any decent look at a putt was left 4" short.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-11-2016 , 06:56 PM

1 double, 1 birdie, and a lot of bogeys. Missed a lot of greens and didn't chip it good enough to get up and down. Also didn't make a putt over 5 feet all day long.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
12-14-2016 , 11:02 AM
Emergency 9 before work this morning - 37.

I was fogged out yesterday morning so I waited and hit the range in the afternoon. Concentrated on the irons, having one of my best range sessions ever. Took it to the course today and then some.

Hit 7/9 greens. 6 of my birdie putts were 15 feet or closer, the outlier being 25 feet. The bad was the 17 putts on the day, making my only birdie from 8 feet on the 9th.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
