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Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR

08-11-2011 , 02:18 PM
ill give it a go in 60-90m, saw u posted in another thread about putting an alignment stick thru the belt loops, prob gonna try that too
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
08-14-2011 , 12:18 AM
I have been putting off calling Geoff this past week due to working hectic hours and not wanting to do anything when I get home. Can anyone who has been in contact with him tell me if it's cool to call him on a Sunday? I have nothing planned tomorrow but it is a Sunday and I just want to check and make sure he doesn't mind getting calls then.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
08-14-2011 , 02:18 AM
He wont answer most likely, leave a message he'll get back to you within a couple days normally.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
08-14-2011 , 06:42 AM
You might get an answer if you call at night after he gets back from the range. I'd try calling at like 8:30 pm cst or so. I don't know if he has any issues with receiving calls on Sunday, but I seriously doubt he'd be the type to get upset about something like that anyway.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-11-2012 , 12:01 AM

This thread was my discovery of slicefixer!

Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-11-2012 , 11:22 AM
I am going to be seeing Slicefixer in two days and staying there for at least a month or so focusing on nothing but golf every day. Goal is to get single digit handicap before I leave :P
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-11-2012 , 02:06 PM
lol you renting an apartment or something? I'll be there Feb 27th for a few days.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-11-2012 , 03:32 PM
how has your game been since your lessons this summer, you been able to work the stuff you've learned into your swing?
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:58 PM
Yeah my swing is coming along nicely. Down to a 1.9 handicap from like a 4-5. Takes a lot of practice and studying.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-14-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by sheetsworld
Geoff is terrible,almost hopeless at self-promotion. He has been working on a book for years and a website as well....he is so busy with so much going on I cannot imagine either of them ever getting done.
One year later, still not even close to finishing as I imagined....

Have stayed in touch since my visit and he has probably dedicated another 15-20 man hours in followup analysis of vids I have sent him. He is the best.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-23-2012 , 04:36 PM
TR spinoli?

I booked the 15-17th of may with geoff, weeee
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
03-26-2012 , 09:50 PM
Watching the golf fix on the golf channel. The guy just broke down Tiger's new swing and it is heavily influenced by Slicefixer. I have read his "book" and noticed many similarities between Texarkana and the guys analysis of Tiger's swing. It also looks like Tiger is trying and successfully hitting the knuckle fade. He calls it the stinger.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-05-2013 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by LOL_Colij
TR spinoli?

I booked the 15-17th of may with geoff, weeee
How did this go?

Originally Posted by MiloDanglers
Watching the golf fix on the golf channel. The guy just broke down Tiger's new swing and it is heavily influenced by Slicefixer. I have read his "book" and noticed many similarities between Texarkana and the guys analysis of Tiger's swing. It also looks like Tiger is trying and successfully hitting the knuckle fade. He calls it the stinger.
Geoff attributes this to Foley stealing his **** basically.

I never have time to practice, but when I do play, my swing is pretty good. My short game sucks to high hell.

One day I'll go back after I've committed the proper time so we can tweak things.

Oh, and his book is "actually" coming in 2013.

A domain now, lol.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-08-2013 , 11:34 PM
It was fantastic, and could not praise Geoff enough. I actually just shot him an email asking when he's free in the summer/fall. You definitely have to be dedicated tho, and as others have mentioned, it's not a quick fix, but a long term dealio.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-09-2013 , 04:00 PM
There's a town called Linkoping in the US?
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-10-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by LOL_Colij
TR spinoli?

I booked the 15-17th of may with geoff, weeee
TR is slicefixer is not a good golf coach for most high handicappers imo. In particular, he's got a one-size-fits-all approach and doesnt really pay attention to your individual swing issues and tends to take a drill sergant approach to teaching golf. In my case I had issues with my hands and arms not working correctly, but all he seemed to care about was the pivot. Also he has so many students, he gives you very little of his time. He can also be a little combative if you challenge his approach to golf. Before seeing him for many many lessons I was shooting in 90s, after all those lessons and a almost a year I was shooting in 100s.

Slicefixer is good for people that already have hands/arms working correctly and have a hook from a stalled pivot. And thats about it.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-12-2013 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
TR is slicefixer is not a good golf coach for most high handicappers imo. In particular, he's got a one-size-fits-all approach and doesnt really pay attention to your individual swing issues and tends to take a drill sergant approach to teaching golf. In my case I had issues with my hands and arms not working correctly, but all he seemed to care about was the pivot. Also he has so many students, he gives you very little of his time. He can also be a little combative if you challenge his approach to golf. Before seeing him for many many lessons I was shooting in 90s, after all those lessons and a almost a year I was shooting in 100s.

Slicefixer is good for people that already have hands/arms working correctly and have a hook from a stalled pivot. And thats about it.
Did you ever pay him? I think you were there for 3 weeks so far when I was there and you hadn't handed him a single dollar.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-13-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bro Sagan
Did you ever pay him? I think you were there for 3 weeks so far when I was there and you hadn't handed him a single dollar.
Of course I paid him. We had an agreement that I paid at the end of the trip.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
04-23-2013 , 06:50 PM
Heading to see him for a half day in a few weeks. What should I do beforehand to get the most out of it?
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
04-30-2013 , 01:18 AM
Ok. I watched over half of the two-hour video on you-tube and it does look sound and helpful.

I am going to try some of the drills, but right now why I am picturing a whole lot of shanks in my future? It looks like the miss should be toe hits, but when I got in that position in the past is has it has been hosel rockets for me...
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
04-30-2013 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Ok. I watched over half of the two-hour video on you-tube and it does look sound and helpful.

I am going to try some of the drills, but right now why I am picturing a whole lot of shanks in my future? It looks like the miss should be toe hits, but when I got in that position in the past is has it has been hosel rockets for me...
its not your imagination, the shanks are usually what happens to those that try to learn online. Which cannot be done imo.. if you want to learn the swing you have to go see the man yourself. You are more likely to ruin your swing than get better from trying to learn from videos and Enyclopedia Texarkana online.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
05-03-2013 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Justin A
Heading to see him for a half day in a few weeks. What should I do beforehand to get the most out of it?
I would say make sure you're physically ready to hit a lot of balls. I went a year ago today I believe, and hadn't been golfing a ton and my hands were wrecked to the point where I couldn't hold a club. Geoff also drastically changed my grip.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
12-31-2015 , 02:13 PM
Hey guys, does anyone know if Geoff still gives these 1-3 day long lesson sessions like he used to?

Hoping I did not miss my chance here.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
01-05-2016 , 10:47 PM
Yes he does.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
02-26-2016 , 07:09 PM
So, I tried contacting Geoff but have not heard back from him. Has his number changed? (I last spoke with him 4+ years ago)

If anyone could PM me it please, I would appreciate it.
Slicefixer Swing Discussion/Texarkana TR Quote
