Originally Posted by Double Eagle
Here's the new shaft angle. I'm still kind of hunched over at the shoulders, but at least I can get the club on the ball from the inside.
Very nice. Mate, you have a little Hogan thing going on there. You aren't able to maintain this great spine angle through the ball though and that is the next thing to work on imo.
Because of where you were at before, you needed to violently pull your left shoulder out of the shot or else you'd take huge deep divots.
Your old set up, you were set up to hit it low, so at the moment of truth you were forced to swing to hit it high to recover. Now you are more on your right side at address, so set up to hit it higher, you can feel more of a down-blow at impact. Keeping your left shoulder lower than the right a bit longer.
I see that green bucket next to your range balls. Stick that under your left foot to work on your back-swing. Stick it under your right foot and hit some half shots to feel the extension of the right arm away from the right heel through the ball.