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03-08-2013 , 04:52 PM
In general, yeah. Longer hitters straighten their trail leg more, which is correlated with turning more, which is obviously powerful. Longer hitters also extend their spine in their backswing more, which is only possible if the trail leg is straightening.

It's obviously a matter of degree. The leg straightens more and the spine extends more as the club gets longer. Having a nearly completely straight trail leg when hitting a wedge isn't ideal, but with a long club it's fine.
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03-08-2013 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
In general, yeah. Longer hitters straighten their trail leg more, which is correlated with turning more, which is obviously powerful. Longer hitters also extend their spine in their backswing more, which is only possible if the trail leg is straightening.

It's obviously a matter of degree. The leg straightens more and the spine extends more as the club gets longer. Having a nearly completely straight trail leg when hitting a wedge isn't ideal, but with a long club it's fine.
tried out some practice swings w/ driver while consciously NOT trying to keep the right leg from straightening and i could really feel the right hip getting very deep. it felt more of a natural motion as well. too bad its raining out here. cant try out at range. tee time tomorrow. cant wait to try it out.

thx for the tip!
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03-10-2013 , 05:04 PM
Where are you already playing golf? I'm still waiting for the spring to come in Slovakia. I guess people are already playing in America and probably in the western Europe as well.
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03-10-2013 , 05:30 PM
Plenty of places in the US where you can play year round
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03-10-2013 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by igySK
Where are you already playing golf? I'm still waiting for the spring to come in Slovakia. I guess people are already playing in America and probably in the western Europe as well.
we play through winter here and bitch about 16* C temp! very spoiled here in socal.
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03-11-2013 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by igySK
Where are you already playing golf? I'm still waiting for the spring to come in Slovakia. I guess people are already playing in America and probably in the western Europe as well.
las vegas. the courses here don't close in the winter, they close at the end of the summer because all the grass dies of thirst
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03-11-2013 , 06:36 PM
This is what I was talking about, and what I prefer to see rather than a straight back leg at the top. The GOAT really turns well into his flexed right leg.
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08-10-2013 , 04:49 PM
today was literally my first range session in the last five months.

time to man up and start working on my game again, so i can be ready for the vegas city amateur at the end of october!!

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08-11-2013 , 05:35 AM
Maybe I'm a kook, but I think Augie's clubhead position from 10 inches pre/post impact are better than a lot of the pros he's trying to emulate. Real nice rate of closure on the clubface and zero hip/shoulder stall that I can see. Looks like this is going to be one helluva swing once the little things get cleared up.
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08-17-2013 , 01:49 AM
thanks seadood, yes you're a kook, but thank you, i agree that my swing is looking pretty damn sexy and in a couple years i'll be stadlering the US AM!

now that i'm a working stiff, i need a new routine. three days ago i got a new phone, and when i set my alarms i left an inspirational message for myself, and it's been quite effective.

but, i confess, it's easy for me to get up early, because i love it.

sitting in my back yard drinking coffee in the darkness and watching the sun peek out from behind the curvature of the earth to light up the mountains in a shade of red that can only be seen in those first few moments of the sunrise. that cool morning air. if i get killed in a meteoroid impact, i hope it's outside at 5:45 so the world can know i died happy.
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10-04-2013 , 08:46 PM
got my first ever club fitting yesterday! was on a trackman, from a mat in a hitting bay.

my specs are:


standard length. standard lie.

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10-05-2013 , 03:21 AM
Let's see some more swings Augie. I'm really liking your footwork and think all the other stuff is just fluff.
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10-11-2013 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
Let's see some more swings Augie. I'm really liking your footwork and think all the other stuff is just fluff.
the vegas city amateur is in two weeks!!!

i entered the net division just in case i pop a few 75s and ride my 9.4 handicap to victory and tens of dollars. i know i'm much better than a 9.4 right now, but i haven't played an 18 hole round since may, so screw it. i'll probably choke anyway.

went to the range this morning before work for a little target firing session. no alignment sticks, not working on anything, just full swings trying to hit the white post.

was hitting it so good. the swings look a little rough because i was free wheeling it but i managed to find the center of the club face. with the one and only tournament i'll play this year coming up, i don't want to try to make any more swing changes, just go with what i got and focus on solid ball striking.

for laughs

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10-14-2013 , 06:06 PM
GL, have some fun
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10-26-2013 , 03:36 PM
meh. two 3 putt bogeys, two missed birdies under 15 feet, one missed 3 footer, and several shanks coming down the back 9. lots of hope for tomorrow. probably only 3 or 4 shots back. 77 might take home the gold

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10-26-2013 , 03:46 PM
oops never mind about the in contention part. a 19 handicap chick apparently shot +3? heh. net 54 ez game
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10-26-2013 , 10:39 PM
guess that was a typo. she had a net +3. so i'm 5 shots out of first, 2 shots out of second.
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10-27-2013 , 05:06 PM
bummer, ended up finishing 3rd in net division with a 78 today. two day net total of E, two strokes behind first. got $125 in gift cards, yay!

of my 8 bogeys, seven of them were 3-putts. the only one that wasn't a 3-putt was #11, where i drove it 10 yards short of the green, directly behind a tree.

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10-27-2013 , 11:01 PM
Nice work, nice progress!
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11-04-2013 , 01:33 AM
thank you. looking forward to a lot more improvement. so much to work on.

keeping my arms in front of my body, less shoulder rotation in backswing, and more flex in the right arm are the things i'm working on now. also my stupid wobbling head!

Last edited by augie_; 11-04-2013 at 01:42 AM.
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11-05-2013 , 11:19 PM
11-06-2013 , 09:27 AM
Beautiful! Love the short back swing, and straight left arm.
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11-06-2013 , 02:23 PM
Where are all the clouds?
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11-06-2013 , 10:45 PM
vegas is not normally a cloudy place
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11-10-2013 , 03:58 PM
recently got a jumbo grip put on my 60* wedge. lovin it. gotta regrip all of my clubs asap.

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