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GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO)

03-27-2012 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22

Pre-scandal and injury, Tiger's life was pretty sweet though.
See, I disagree. It LOOKED sweet, but he wouldn’t have done what he did if he were happy. Keep Tiger single and just living the George Clooney dream and it is slightly more appealing. Or make him actually want to be married and have a nice life with his wife and kids and it is slightly more appealing. BUT, what he was doing is not what a happy person does. I am happy and thus I would not want to trade places with an unhappy person for sure, let alone the fact that living in a fish bowl is not a good way to live your life.
Originally Posted by MaliceUW
He said the same thing on SportsNation too. He also said some insane stat, in some 3 year stretch when they worked together (the last 3 years maybe) Tiger won 45% of his tournaments...pretty insane when you consider most people believe that was when his swing was at his worst
I think that anyone could have coached Tiger to the exact same if not better record. Tiger was and is an unstoppable machine. To me he won all those events IN SPITE of being coached by Haney, not because of him.
Originally Posted by jsb235
Really, your idea of a crappy life is people wanting to come up to you to shake your hand? You should meet my maid. It would do wonders for your perspective.
The question wasn’t would I like to trade places with your maid, it was that I wouldn’t trade with Tiger. However, for what it’s worth, my maid AND landscaper are both way happier than Tiger. They may not have as much crap, but the get to live with their families and their bills are low so they get by just fine. My lawn guy in fact is probably the happiest person I know. He whistles all day long while busting his ass in the 100 degree heat. He simply loves what he does and makes enough to live on. The Notorious BIG had it right when he said Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems. Money doesn’t buy happiness, I don’t think you can be happy without money, but having it doesn’t make you happy….see Woods, Tiger.

Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
ship, I think you're overestimating the amount of stuff he can't do because he's so famous. He can fly to any private resort he wants to at a moments notice. He owns nice boats, probably a jet or two, and basically can have all the toys anyone could ever want. He can play any course in the world whenever he wants, have dinner at all the finest places, etc. Yeah he can't just walk in to a movie theater or disneyland, but thats a small price to pay iyam. What can't he do that you like to do now that i might be missing? Not saying you're crazy for not wanting to trade places fwiw, just disagree about the negatives being negative.
Notice everything you said he can do is alone. What can’t he do that I like to do? Again, didn’t you just name them all? Bounce house birthday parties, Disneyland, movies, go to the store, sit on a patio on a perfect night like tonight and have a cocktail, go to a resort and meet new people to talk to and learn about them and not be forced to regale them with stories of yesteryear…and the list goes on forever.
Originally Posted by jsb235
Really? That's your definition of a crappy life? Really?
Yeah, actually it is. And the times I have played golf with (watch out, names about to fall) Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Turco, Bobby Hull, Jett Terry, Modano, Turco, Brett Hull, Fred Couples, hell all the PGA Tour guys in Dallas, Daryl Johnston, Craig James, etc they have ALL implied that it is an ass whip. I don’t think you can appreciate how invasive people can be when you are in the public. People think they own a piece of you and that you owe them this or that. If you don’t you get flamed on some random internet board that you are an *******. Those people don’t know that you were late for a flight, your dog just died, your wife was cheating on your, your girlfriend is pissed you won’t leave you wife, your coach just got caught doing coke, you just got caught doing coke, etc.

John Public truly thinks that stars owe them something. They don’t. Yes you might not think that way, but you are in the minority. I have been to dinner and Stars/Rangers/Mavericks games with Modano and Couples a ton and it is a never ending cycle of jerkwads coming up to tell you some gay ass story or ask you some gay ass question. THAT would get old real fast…faster than the 2 days alluded to earlier.

Originally Posted by smbruin22
i respect your voew and more or less agree. BUT there's a reason elvis and michael jackson became pathetic drug addicts. i think there are a very few numver of celebrities who are virtually prisoners to their fame

no doubt though, not now how you'll pay your rent in 4 days is much much worse
and Charlie Sheen, Whitney Houston, Kurt Cobain, wait…this could go on for days. There is a reason so many celebrities wind up dead young.

And as stated above, agree that you have to have the basics of your life covered, but once you have that all you have is more stuff. That is all, stuff.

Originally Posted by smbruin22
great comments, but what's an ass whip guy?
A person who beats you down since you owe them something because they think that you make so much money because of the fans.
Originally Posted by NegativeZero
If it means more HH books sold + more stupid HH reality golf instruction shows + stupid HH golf gadgets, he probably was being honest.
Well, this is probably true, but that isn’t a reflection of honesty without selfish reasons.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:22 PM
John Public truly thinks that stars owe them something. They don’t. Yes you might not think that way, but you are in the minority. I have been to dinner and Stars/Rangers/Mavericks games with Modano and Couples a ton and it is a never ending cycle of jerkwads coming up to tell you some gay ass story or ask you some gay ass question. THAT would get old real fast…faster than the 2 days alluded to earlier.
If a star sells me on his wholesome image he owes me that image. Though I do agree that if they are out for dinner or at a game leave them alone. Though many a star complains about it but many miss it when it is gone
Thing I dont get is the grown men that want to high five Tiger or Phil or apt them on the back between holes. Yeah if its a kid i get it.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:26 PM
What products did you buy based on tigers wholesome image?
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:34 PM
am i the only one that gets the "perfect golf swing" advertisement on every page.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
Notice everything you said he can do is alone. What can’t he do that I like to do? Again, didn’t you just name them all? Bounce house birthday parties
Fun, but he can still go to birthday parties with close friends if he wants to.

Ugh, keep it.

(although he could pay to shut down the park for a day and have it all to himself probably)

He probably has the hookup on copies of all the latest movies before they even hit the theater, and he probably has a sick ass home theater that beats any theater you can find.

go to the store

sit on a patio on a perfect night like tonight and have a cocktail
I'm quite certain he can do this whenever he wants.

go to a resort and meet new people to talk to and learn about them and not be forced to regale them with stories of yesteryear…and the list goes on forever.
Sounds terrible to me.

Guess I'm more of an introvert than you are
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by BeerMoney
am i the only one that gets the "perfect golf swing" advertisement on every page.
Haven't seen an ad on this site in years so I wouldn't know.

Do you use internet explorer too?
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:40 PM
I don’t think you can appreciate how invasive people can be when you are in the public.
Huh? This isn't quantum physics. I get the fact that celebrities get bothered by people when they go out in public. I understand that they have trouble eating in restaurants. I am aware that society has a fixation on famous people.

But do not delude yourself for one second that this is any kind of hardship. This is an inconvenience. It is part of the opportunity cost of being a famous person.

The difference between Troy Aikman and your maid is that Aikman has control over his life. He could easily live in complete obscurity in any of the 195 countries in the world where he isn't famous. Thus, he could easily solve what you perceive to be his greatest hardship, or what makes his life, in your words, "pretty bad."

Your maid and your lawn guy don't have those options.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:55 PM
We aren't even talking about a normal celeb here ffs. Tiger is in a whole other realm.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Fun, but he can still go to birthday parties with close friends if he wants to.

Not without be hounded by the staff at the party or having every move he makes be watched by someone. The fishbowl I referred to earlier is what living their life is like. Somebody is always staring at you and it is unnerving. It is unnerving just sitting at the same table as some athletes as you are being constantly watched too.

Ugh, keep it.

(although he could pay to shut down the park for a day and have it all to himself probably)
again, by himself.

He probably has the hookup on copies of all the latest movies before they even hit the theater, and he probably has a sick ass home theater that beats any theater you can find.
My home theater is ****ing absurd....and I don't have to put up with all the other crap. 120" 1080 with insane sound.


The store point was a joke for effect...guess it was lost on you.

Sounds terrible to me.
Actually the resort to meet people sounds terrible to me too. Was more meaning in that people won't come up to me while I am on vacation and insist to be lozen.
Guess I'm more of an introvert than you are
Originally Posted by jsb235
Huh? This isn't quantum physics. I get the fact that celebrities get bothered by people when they go out in public. I understand that they have trouble eating in restaurants. I am aware that society has a fixation on famous people.

But do not delude yourself for one second that this is any kind of hardship. This is an inconvenience. It is part of the opportunity cost of being a famous person.

The difference between Troy Aikman and your maid is that Aikman has control over his life. He could easily live in complete obscurity in any of the 195 countries in the world where he isn't famous. Thus, he could easily solve what you perceive to be his greatest hardship, or what makes his life, in your words, "pretty bad."

Your maid and your lawn guy don't have those options.
well, I have offered celebrities that have stated to me that it is a hardship, can you reference any who don't think that way? Also, All I said was I wouldn't trade lives....sounds like you would so have at it. But again, your solution is to move to a foreign country, I would rather just live my life where I am from than have to escape who I am. Does that even make a little sense to you?
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
well, I have offered celebrities that have stated to me that it is a hardship, can you reference any who don't think that way? Also, All I said was I wouldn't trade lives....sounds like you would so have at it. But again, your solution is to move to a foreign country, I would rather just live my life where I am from than have to escape who I am. Does that even make a little sense to you?
I think all famous people would agree that living in a fish bowl is somewhat of a "hardship" at certain times.

I also think the overwhelming majority of them would choose to continue dealing with said hardship rather than give up everything they have due to their fame (and skills that led to fame).

That said, this is sort of a dumb "debate" to have since it really comes down to what type of person you are. I prefer my solitude and don't have any urge to expand upon my small circle of friends. So having enough money to do whatever I want with friends and family is about as ideal as it gets. Not being able to go to typical public places (Chipotle, grocery store, the mall, movie theaters, etc) would be the definition of a minor inconvenience to me.

But I understand not everyone is wired the same way.

One thing I am a bit baffled by is how certain you sound re: Tiger's happiness. (or lack thereof, in your case)

Roughly half of married people will cheat at some point in their marriage. Do you think all of them are unhappy? I don't mean to say that the only reason you think he's unhappy is because he cheated, but that's one thing you referenced so I figured I'd ask.

What is it that makes you so sure he's not a happy person?
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-27-2012 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Fat-not-Thin Man
What products did you buy based on tigers wholesome image?
Not one I saw through it all

What is it that makes you so sure he's not a happy person?
One Think Hank said also was that one moment Tiger could be the most likeable person joking around and than the next closed off. Only a few people will ever know if Tiger is happy and that would be Tiger and maybe family and a few close friends
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by ship---this

I think that anyone could have coached Tiger to the exact same if not better record. Tiger was and is an unstoppable machine. To me he won all those events IN SPITE of being coached by Haney, not because of him.
yea, my point was that it could have been even better, which is ridiculous
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:38 AM
wait, so I should actually be a HUGE Hank Haney fan

never thought of it that way, thanks Hank!
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:39 AM
looooool wrong thread/forum

post above still stands, though
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
One Think Hank said also was that one moment Tiger could be the most likeable person joking around and than the next closed off. Only a few people will ever know if Tiger is happy and that would be Tiger and maybe family and a few close friends
Hank is too big of a bitch to ask for a damn popsicle and he got all butthurt when he wasn't offered one. I'm not going to look to him for information on who's happy or sad.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by jsb235
But do not delude yourself for one second that this is any kind of hardship. This is an inconvenience. It is part of the opportunity cost of being a famous person.
You're the one that's deluded if you don't think any life has its hardship, and having money and fame does not change that. It's human nature to always strive for something more and/or something different and just because someone has a ton of money and a ton of fame, does not mean they're happy.

The only reason Tiger Woods life seems so awesome to you, is because you do not live it. You can certainly compare Tiger Woods life to that of a starving child in Africa and say 'Tiger has nothing to complain about and should just be happy', but the human mind does not work like that.

It's possible Tiger is the happiest person in the world for all I know, but it's equally possible he's miserable as ****. Whether or not he considers certain aspects of his life hardship or inconvenience is not your call.

Originally Posted by jsb235
The difference between Troy Aikman and your maid is that Aikman has control over his life. He could easily live in complete obscurity in any of the 195 countries in the world where he isn't famous. Thus, he could easily solve what you perceive to be his greatest hardship, or what makes his life, in your words, "pretty bad."

Your maid and your lawn guy don't have those options.
Troy Aikman, whom I've never even heard of, can probably move to a number of countries and live happily unnoticed.

Unless Tiger Woods wants to live like a monk in a remote village in Tibet though, he does not have that option.

Last edited by MinusEV; 03-28-2012 at 03:45 AM.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
I think all famous people would agree that living in a fish bowl is somewhat of a "hardship" at certain times.

I also think the overwhelming majority of them would choose to continue dealing with said hardship rather than give up everything they have due to their fame (and skills that led to fame).

That said, this is sort of a dumb "debate" to have since it really comes down to what type of person you are. I prefer my solitude and don't have any urge to expand upon my small circle of friends. So having enough money to do whatever I want with friends and family is about as ideal as it gets. Not being able to go to typical public places (Chipotle, grocery store, the mall, movie theaters, etc) would be the definition of a minor inconvenience to me.

But I understand not everyone is wired the same way.

One thing I am a bit baffled by is how certain you sound re: Tiger's happiness. (or lack thereof, in your case)

Roughly half of married people will cheat at some point in their marriage. Do you think all of them are unhappy? I don't mean to say that the only reason you think he's unhappy is because he cheated, but that's one thing you referenced so I figured I'd ask.

What is it that makes you so sure he's not a happy person?
I certainly agree that this is a dumb debate since all I said is that I wouldn’t trade lives with him…if somebody else wants to then perfect, go for it. Pretty simple really. I wouldn’t want his life they would. Not even a debate really other than they want to show me why I think Tiger’s life would suck is wrong. I have first hand experience watching guys in the limelight hate it and so I would make the choice to not, again, if you would like that have at it…go work on your short game! But I am telling you from my experiences that 100% of the guys listed have specifically said to me that it is a beating. Somebody always comes up and says something to them and since I was trying to play on the PGA Tour at the time and knew that was a part of the “deal” I would always try to get inside their heads a touch and ask what that component was like. They ALL said it was by far the worst part of their jobs.

As far as my certainty about Tiger’s unhappiness I would say that while yes lots of people cheat that YES most of them are unhappy with their life and thus are looking elsewhere for the fun. Certainly not 100% as some people just aren’t faithful by design, but the majority of people who cheat on their spouses are to some degree unhappy and unfulfilled, that is why they are cheating (ldo). It also comes down to low self esteem often times which is another sign of unhappiness. As for Tiger specifically he has stated in the past that the only time he feels comfortable is inside the ropes where nobody can get to him or ask him questions. Couple that with what his lifestyle was and I think it is quite clear he is not the happiest guy on Earth. But his statements on his comfort inside the ropes also shows that my point earlier about his competitors being in an unknown crazy atmosphere is the problem, not that they are intimidated by him are pretty dead on. He is more comfortable in that arena, and they are less comfortable….that is quite an advantage.

Originally Posted by MinusEV
Troy Aikman, whom I've never even heard of, can probably move to a number of countries and live happily unnoticed.

Unless Tiger Woods wants to live like a monk in a remote village in Tibet though, he does not have that option.
Funny you mention Aikman. I knew that a ton of guys on here wouldn’t know who Daryl Johnston or Craig James are due to age and potentially living in another country, I did not think that Aikman would be the one to have never been heard of.

Your point is good though. Would I trade lives with ANY other Tour pro…well, still no, I love my life. Would I trade JOBS with any other Tour pro, yes. But I wouldn’t trade jobs with Tiger. There is no other golfer that can’t live a fairly normal life and I agree that it is a cost of doing business to give up a part of your life to chase your dream and get paid HUGE. But Tiger has to give up 100% of his life for it and that just wouldn’t be worth it to me.

Every point here so far has been that Tiger can rent out a theme park or has a private jet or can rent an entire resort or any other number of things in isolation. And while yes I was kidding about meeting new people at a resort (kill me) the spice of life is having people around you. Ever been to a comedy show that had an empty crowd or an empty movie theater? Things just aren’t as fun/funny by yourself. That is why they put laugh tracks on TV shows…people are happier around people. It is human nature.

In before “I’m not listening to a word you say, TIGER’s LIFE RULEZZZZZ!!!!”
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
I did not think that Aikman would be the one to have never been heard of.
In my defense, I live in Norway
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
In my defense, I live in Norway
Don't worry, there was no question in my mind you didn't live in the US. It is impossible to watch less sports than me so I certainly couldn't even name a sport you play in Norway let alone know who your big names are.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:01 PM
It is really amazing how much people value fame and fortune. Once you have enough money to be decently secure and comfortable (which really isn't a lot) anything extra just really doesn't improve your happiness by any significant amount
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
It is really amazing how much people value fame and fortune. Once you have enough money to be decently secure and comfortable (which really isn't a lot) anything extra just really doesn't improve your happiness by any significant amount
It is such a diminishing return it is amazing. I don't think people who don't have any money can appreciate it or believe it. Those who strive to keep stockpiling money like a scoreboard (Trump) in my opinion have something severely wrong with their head. It is just a number on a computer screen...that's it.

I certainly chased it hard for 5 years from 2002-2006 and I didn't realize at the time how much of a toll it was taking on me. I'll say it one last time, I don't think you can be happy without money, but money doesn't buy happiness. You have to cover your basic needs (which vary from person to person) but beyond that money just really doesn't matter.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Kyle Mulhesta
You're a buffoon.

We want to estimate how Tiger's going to fare in the Majors this year. Being that Tiger's healthy and confident it only stands to reason that we'd start by looking at his record from other times in his career when he has both healthy and confident.

and @ leo... I'm sure those folks you kick it with NC ride with shotguns in the pickup and always carry a lynchrope.
So not pulling for tiger makes me a racist?
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
Don't worry, there was no question in my mind you didn't live in the US. It is impossible to watch less sports than me so I certainly couldn't even name a sport you play in Norway let alone know who your big names are.

Shame on you sir, shame on you.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:58 PM
kevin please dont make me go off on a soccer tangent.
GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:03 PM
Lol soccer!!! Wait, are you serious? I played soccer right up until 3rd grade when I realized sports with action are more fun, like golf.

GOATiger Woods Thread (lol BO) Quote
