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08-30-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by BeerMoney
Ship, don't listen to Trout! Have you seen the guys swing, he's a hack! JK.. hahhaa

Ship, can you do a well? I got like a zillion questions I'd like to axe.
This ^^
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08-30-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Shoot59
What's your miss? hook followed by block right? or thin? or both?
I don't miss hit very many...directionally it would be a block or pull, usually don't have too much movement on the ball either direction.

Originally Posted by Spenda
I'd guess he hits a few shots fat from shallowing out too early

of course he's not some 20 handicap and actually has body/position awareness so it might not be the case but someone that gets that tall/underneath at impact should hit shots fat, not thin. It's science.
Thinking about it I would say on the range if I miss hit one it is usually fat.
Originally Posted by JTrout
Get you an impact bag, or something like it, and use it.
When you make impact with it, note your shoulder tilt and your right hip.

Also, go to impact position on the bag (or shoe box full of golf balls), and, without a backswing, shove it forward with as much power as you can.
You'll instinctively learn that to best move it will require use of legs, hips, core, etc.

Tom Kite, who fires his right side as well as anyone, used to have a drill where he set the clubhead on the ground about 1 1/2 feet behind the address position (right foot or so), preset his downward body position (weight on left foot, left hip over left foot) and then swung as hard as he could to the finish.
Looked like a hockey shot.

I think it'll help you.
I think the problem deals more with actually get the muscle to activate. I know what to do and can do it quite well in a slow practice swing...maybe I'll try to video that. My weight on my right foot loads in the back swing with a clockwise movement through the foot. Then when I start down the weight has moved from the ball of the foot circularly around to the instep. It is a very unloaded and weak feeling for the entire right leg. From there it goes toward the target instead of firing out towards the ball to get the right foot moving towards the toe. I really jacked my ankle up in June (drunk) and my rehab has consisted of working on a ton of dorsiflexion (pulling the foot up toward your shin without curling the toes up). I have been hitting balls trying to feel that and it has given my leg a new feeling of being very "heavy". Typically at address my right leg feels no weight and basically dead. This new dorsiflexion at address and into the swing has given me a solid stretch reflex any of you who know what I am talking about have a loaded stretch reflex feeling in the front of your right shin in the back swing?

How about some multi-quote props?
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08-30-2010 , 02:22 PM
Sick Multi-quoting.
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08-30-2010 , 02:24 PM
l33t skillz n00b
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08-30-2010 , 03:08 PM were who I was hoping could comment on dorsiflexion/stretch reflex concepts since you are my trainer per BeerMoney.
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08-30-2010 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
I'd guess he hits a few shots fat from shallowing out too early

of course he's not some 20 handicap and actually has body/position awareness so it might not be the case but someone that gets that tall/underneath at impact should hit shots fat, not thin. It's science.
I miss the same way. I think my good swings are a lot like ship's. I still hump the goat a bit though, he has a much better unwind. I throw my right hip at the ball whereas he unwinds hard left.

Originally Posted by ship---this
Are you saying my swing is a 10 to finish drill and that I need more shoulder turn?
You're swing is fine, but you should be able to increase shoulder turn & your hip turn. I'm the same way though, I can't get full hip turn & shoulder turn. The only way I get the club pointing back toward the target is by arm run off & unsyncing everything. I'm very inflexible too, and I think I have gotten worse since getting into lifting. Go get some ART(Active Release Technique). 2 of the guys that Geoff sees have done that and have had great results.

Obviously you've seen Matt's swing, look how deep he gets with hips/shoulders & the club fully turned back while staying in sync. God his swing makes me bust a nut.

Flexibility is huge though and I'm in the same boat as you.
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08-30-2010 , 03:55 PM
Well I'd typically just reference you to the dynamic duo of Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson when it comes to stuff like that. They have a bunch of tests you can perform to see what's up when it comes to glute activation and other stuff in that area.
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08-30-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Well I'd typically just reference you to the dynamic duo of Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson when it comes to stuff like that. They have a bunch of tests you can perform to see what's up when it comes to glute activation and other stuff in that area.
holla this too
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08-30-2010 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
My weight on my right foot loads in the back swing with a clockwise movement through the foot.
Try having the inside/front quarter of your foot sink deeper in the ground on the backswing. No weight on the outside half.
It's the same as a pitcher pushing off the rubber, or the centerfielder throwing it home. When the max weight is on the back foot, none of it is on the outside.
Or just grab a sledgehammer and starting throwing it as far as you can!

But don't let anyone see this!
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08-30-2010 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by JTrout
Try having the inside/front quarter of your foot sink deeper in the ground on the backswing. No weight on the outside half.
It's the same as a pitcher pushing off the rubber, or the centerfielder throwing it home. When the max weight is on the back foot, none of it is on the outside.
Or just grab a sledgehammer and starting throwing it as far as you can!

But don't let anyone see this!
No. I think this needs some slow motion video...
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03-17-2011 , 01:39 PM
Bump for 1beebers1 to disect my swing....he sent me a pm offering to help so I am just helping him find this thread.

dagolfdoc - what are your thoughts?
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03-17-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
Bump for 1beebers1 to disect my swing....he sent me a pm offering to help so I am just helping him find this thread.

dagolfdoc - what are your thoughts?
Time for popcorn!

Personally, I thought when we played you were standing too far away from the ball after you hit it.

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03-17-2011 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
dagolfdoc - what are your thoughts?
just saw this - I'm working until 7, I'll take a look & give you some thoughts tonight. I look forward to watching your swings.
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03-17-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Time for popcorn!
Might want to grab a 6-pack as well.
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03-17-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by JTrout
....When the max weight is on the back foot, none of it is on the outside.....
Or just grab a sledgehammer and starting throwing it as far as you can.....
sick bump!

upon further reflection, I think a sack of potatos would work better
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03-17-2011 , 06:15 PM
nice swing......
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03-18-2011 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Time for popcorn!

Personally, I thought when we played you were standing too far away from the ball after you hit it.

First time I read this I thought to myself, I do stand far from the ball, I didn't realize it was that noticable/bad. Then I read it a second time, funny.

beebers, I was expecting more from a guy who sent a PM to offer help....
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03-18-2011 , 08:33 AM
nice action Ship
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03-18-2011 , 09:03 AM
Ship- wanted to reply last night with some thoughts, but NXTWrldchamp kept me out too late drinking green beer. I did get to watch your swings this morning & I'm going to post a few thoughts in the next couple hours.

Where did you play in college & what years? You look familiar, I'm thinking we've met at some point in our careers.
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03-18-2011 , 09:23 AM
Sam Houston State 1991-92 and Texas A&M 1993-95
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03-18-2011 , 09:29 AM
hey ship this,

if ya can provide a little more info.

misses? stats? weaknesses....

what you are working on....

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03-18-2011 , 10:43 AM
Just harassing you beebers.

Not sure on any stats or misses as I haven't played much in the last 4 months. I have a nagging shank that pops up about once a quarter and screws with my mind until the next one.

Working on -
Not moving off the ball and then getting the right side/leg to fire into impact to stabilize the face and have less flip just post impact.
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03-18-2011 , 10:53 AM
Ship - I tried to read a few of your other posts to get some info on your game & what happens when it's working & when it's not. Overall, obviously, your swing is very solid & powerful. FWIW, my "philosophy" is more of a rotational swing with less hand action/more body release for better players. From looking at your swings (it's obviously a little tough on youtube to stop frames & see positions) I would take the approach of trying to get the body to rotate a little more left through impact, and get the butt of the club disappearing (seeing the butt going left so it disappears behind your body from down the line) before the clubhead goes left. The issues you have would seem (taking into account I don't know your game other than a few threads) to be some misses that would be caused by a little too much hand action through the shot - lot's of forearm release, extension more down the line than swinging the club around & left. From dtl - it looks like you stay on the right foot a long time & lose a little spine angle - while that can produce some power, it can really cause some inconsistency, especially at your level.

At the 1/2 way point in the follow-through (from dtl - when the club is appearing left of your body), I like to see a good amount of left hip/butt cheek, and I prefer the club to exit mid-torso - yours comes out higher than I like to see it because of the release/right foot. Swings that do this well are Hogan, Matteo Manassero, Hunter Mahan, Duval (when he was #1 in the world), etc. I would dare to say your release would really show itself on wedges with distance/trajectory control, and with some 2-way misses on longer shots (left & right - as opposed to having just 1 consistent miss).

I'd be happy to offer some drills/videos that show what I'm talking about, but with good players, I don't want to assume you agree with that, so I'd want to make sure you & I were on the same page before I went into a lot more detail. I don't think the changes would be difficult for you & I think the payoff would be huge.

I really like the action & I love the commitment to the pre-shot routine, setup looks great to me as well. I'd just like to see more rotation through the ball & less arm rotation. Since we appear to be the same age, holding that right foot on the ground could cause some lower back issues over the coming years as well.

Just my thoughts. If you have questions or would like more info, I'd be happy to provide some help! Are you doing any qualifiers this year?
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03-18-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by ship---this
I have a nagging shank that pops up about once a quarter and screws with my mind until the next one.

Working on -
Not moving off the ball and then getting the right side/leg to fire into impact to stabilize the face and have less flip just post impact.
Just saw this post. Makes lots of sense to me.
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03-18-2011 , 11:15 AM
My issue is that to get the club moving left and more butt cheek the right side has to activate. Mine doesn't. Any thoughts on that?

Getting the butt of the club to disaPpear while still seeing the club head DTL is almost all I have been working on for 3 years.
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