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Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Disc Golf is F*n Awesome

10-21-2008 , 01:55 PM
Yo, So I've been a golfer since a young age, and today only still a Bogie golfer. Its a tough sport to be good at. But I just love the concept of Golfing! That's why Disc Golf is where its at! Plus, Birdies galore! The sport is growing so fast that there is a probably two or three FREE courses near you. And the discgolfers I've meet lately are a lot like the poker friends I have... gamblers. My home course has a weekly double match for $10 a head, win like $80 a round! The sport is so fun, cheap, and easy. And if you like throwing a Frisbee you should see what you can make these things do! Check it out!
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Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:15 PM
i've tried it. it's ok. there are definitely courses all over the place, especially west coast. i've even seen disc golf setup on a real golf course during designated day (off-season, etc.)

never tried gambling though.

(i am super excited though that i just learned how to tunnel through the firewall at work and can now once again post on 2p2 unabated.)
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:04 PM
This has something of a cult following and I guess there are some courses not far from me, but nobody I know has ever played it that I am aware of. Also, and I know what I am about to write is pretty useless, but I've heard that the sport is hugely popular with stoners. It somehow appeals to their senses or something.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:48 PM
Lol yeah, pretty much all my stoner friends love disc golf! I've never played though. Looks fun I guess, maybe I'll go out with them sometime.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
I've heard that the sport is hugely popular with stoners.
It is uncanny. I thought stoners were supposed to sit around and do nothing. In my city they show up at the disc golf course in large numbers, it seems even at designated times!?

I also think it is just okay.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:37 PM
Wow, and I thought this was a golf forum. Can we discuss Scrabble next? Or perhaps chess?

Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:45 PM

only if we get high first
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 08:45 PM
Looks's a stoner sport. I don't know anyone who's ever played it except one of my burnout college friends who took it as a PE requirement. You'd need a court order to get him in regular classes on a consistent basis but he never missed disc golf
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-21-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Wow, and I thought this was a golf forum. Can we discuss Scrabble next? Or perhaps chess?
Looks like someone needs to get high and chill out a bit! Maybe play some disc golf.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-22-2008 , 08:12 AM
wtf where are you people from? I'd say 40-60% of people I meet either play, or have at some point played disc golf. As to the type of people that play it, I would agree with the sport attracts people who are into that certain recreational habit, but it is by no means exclusive. It was even mentioned on an episode of Seinfeld like 12 years ago (even though they kept refering to it as the ever so tilting word "frolf") so it was pretty mainstream back then.

The fact that it is free is pretty hudge too.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:19 AM
Guess it's an American thing, never heard of a course in Europe, let alone people who have played.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-26-2008 , 04:20 AM
We have 3 courses in my city in Linköping, Sweden . It's great fun with friends on a hangover and you can get really competitive if you feel like it too, and its a lot cheaper then regular golf.

Also what are the odds of this throw (I made it), notice its a twinned power cable, it was _NOT_ easy getting it down, couldn't believe our eyes when we saw it.

Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-26-2008 , 02:32 PM
It's a huge stoner sport for sure. But you guys say that like it's a bad thing.

I started playing about a year ago. Awesome game, especially for those who like golf. I played every day for a while, now I only play 2-4 times per week. I'm still not very good though.

Related video: (NSFW)

Last edited by tuq; 10-27-2008 at 01:04 PM.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-27-2008 , 12:46 AM
I just realized my link is NSFWish. Mods please put that in my post. Sorry.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-27-2008 , 12:28 PM
There is a disc golf course near my house, and it seems like all the players have to have a bag to carry their discs in. I don't understand how you could possibly need more than three discs, so I'm obviously missing something.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-27-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
There is a disc golf course near my house, and it seems like all the players have to have a bag to carry their discs in. I don't understand how you could possibly need more than three discs, so I'm obviously missing something.
I bring a putter, long/mid drivers and then a speciality disc for a tomahawk throw, which I have completely mastered. And I think 4 is excessive. But people that are hardcore about it will carry 20+ discs. "Bag-people" is what the folk 'round these parts call them.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
10-27-2008 , 02:46 PM
I have a bag and a bunch of discs. They're like golf clubs. Some are "understable" meaning they're softer and easy to turn over (draw). Some are "overstable" and always slice. Some are meant to be flicked, others are meant to be thrown backhand. The disc spins much more when flicked, so you really do need different discs for flicks hand backhands. I also have a putter and mid range disc. The bag has a bottle holder too.

I'm not very good and could do without many of those discs. But it makes a big difference for good players.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
11-01-2008 , 02:35 AM
It was fun in college in Austin when we were young poor and bored and would go out and smoke pot and play it for an afternoon. Austin was/is a pretty hardcore disc golf town. That was about 15 years ago.

I recently went out a couple years ago with some buddies who still smoke pot, and realized how boring it really was compared to real golf. No thanks.
Disc Golf is F*n Awesome Quote
