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Analyze my swing Analyze my swing

09-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
Ok no laughing and go easy guys.

Ive been playing golf About two years. When i say year, i live in new england, so my first year was driving range, golf channel, self taught, and maybe ten rounds. This year is my second year. Probably about 15-20 rounds this year

Played college football and baseball. Pretty athetic. Not sure what my back legs purpose is. And how to loosen up through my follow through.

Pick it apart. I need it.

I will upload irons and pitching as i take them.

This is a driver, shot was 270 started slight left, ended center right of fairway. Not much movement in air though, stayed relatively straight. I do someyimes have a slice i can adjust for on days its around. May have to turn sound up real high and monitor sideways as i have no idea how to edit

Here is 4 iron warmup. 220 off teebox in second video to a revien layup hazard. Got it right to edge but drifted right side by cart path

The shot

Last edited by walkmyline; 09-09-2011 at 06:44 PM.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 06:48 PM
lol come on man...gotta get a better camera view that that. Get a buddy to take one next time. Preferably one from in front of you and one "down the line" from behind. I'm sure you will be able to get some good analysis here. I also def get the used to play baseball vibe from the waggle, follow through, and ur left heel coming up on the backswing. Nowdays I'm pretty sure everyone prefers and teaches to keep the left heel planted. Overall def not terrible for a natural swing and being fairly new to the game. GL man.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 06:57 PM
This is a joke right. Save up for a tripod.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 06:58 PM
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:01 PM
U guys really tape ur swings that much, that ur comment is on the camera Angle etc?

Again im very new to the game, I play solo alot with no one who is going to head out and tape me. The last thing i know how to do is tape a swing correctly. So we will call this a start and as my swing hopefully gets better i will also try and get better at taping it haha.

Not sure why quality is so bad, when viewing directly on iphone it looks and sounds much clearer.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by walkmyline
U guys really tape ur swings that much, that ur comment is on the camera Angle etc?

Again im very new to the game, I play solo alot with no one who is going to head out and tape me. The last thing i know how to do is tape a swing correctly. So we will call this a start and as my swing hopefully gets better i will also try and get better at taping it haha.

Not sure why quality is so bad, when viewing directly on iphone it looks and sounds much clearer.
Is this a level. You have the camera on the ground.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by huntypro
Is this a level. You have the camera on the ground.
Use of "level" and LOL and all that other cool internet lingo is awesome. But as i said, i dont have anyone to hold and video for me. I was bored, figured id stick a tee in the ground and rest iphone against it. Did not have my tripod with me. Then was a bit bored and figured id upload. Again very new to the game, still figuring out the game, swing, etc. The last thing i know right now is proper video angles etc.

Some help, given i have an iphone, no one with me, on how i shouod video would be greatly appreciated though.

And i will try and get better videos uploaded but this is what i have at the moment
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by walkmyline
Use of "level" and LOL and all that other cool internet lingo is awesome. But as i said, i dont have anyone to hold and video for me. I was bored, figured id stick a tee in the ground and rest iphone against it. Did not have my tripod with me. Then was a bit bored and figured id upload. Again very new to the game, still figuring out the game, swing, etc. The last thing i know right now is proper video angles etc.

Some help, given i have an iphone, no one with me, on how i shouod video would be greatly appreciated though.

And i will try and get better videos uploaded but this is what i have at the moment
Ok. You need to get the camera at roughly the same height as you because to anayse your swing from the angle you have is very difficult. Record your swing from front on and looking down the range/golf course. Take the critisism as a gift.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by DJA125
lol come on man...gotta get a better camera view that that. Get a buddy to take one next time. Preferably one from in front of you and one "down the line" from behind. I'm sure you will be able to get some good analysis here. I also def get the used to play baseball vibe from the waggle, follow through, and ur left heel coming up on the backswing. Nowdays I'm pretty sure everyone prefers and teaches to keep the left heel planted. Overall def not terrible for a natural swing and being fairly new to the game. GL man.
Thanks for advice on angles. I just kinda went by couple i saw posted on youtube.

Ya thats kinda what i meant about my back leg and heel. Im not really sure in its puropose or what it is supposed to be doing. Pretty much lost on alot of the swing, follow through, lower body after and during backswing etc Trying to piece together advice i hear.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:20 PM
People might believe you were by yourself if there wasn't video of someone else there.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by KenoVictoryLap
People might believe you were by yourself if there wasn't video of someone else there.
Try listening to the video and the ranger tell the couple of 90somethings they had to join me for one hole, the last hole, before they started the back 9. Def a good addition to the thread tho
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by walkmyline
Try listening to the video and the ranger tell the couple of 90somethings they had to join me for one hole, the last hole, before they started the back 9. Def a good addition to the thread tho
Ill be sure to ask randoms to film me next time they join .
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:56 PM
Ill just take some better ones at a range soon
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 07:57 PM
re: filming: take your golf bag and stick your iphone into one of the holes to use a makeshift tripod. I do this at the range all the time, it will be around the right height, then line up with the camera directly behind your hands for the 'down the line' shot, and straight in front of your chest for the 'face on' shot.

re: swing - man good baseball players make it look so easy.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-09-2011 , 10:49 PM
try swinging less hard
Analyze my swing Quote
09-10-2011 , 03:50 AM
To get more helpful answers check out and follow the instructions in this thread.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-11-2011 , 07:45 PM
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:39 AM
Hey walkmyline - I'd love to help, but can't give you much off these vids - follow the link Mvoss posted to get some quality shots & I'll be happy to post some thoughts.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 01:35 PM
Got a few more to upload today, this one has the green netting in the way, and I put the bag with phone on it as far back in next open spot as possible still couldnt get the ball though.

Again, about 20 rounds of golf, and about 15 times at the driving range in past two years. Before this I had never played golf, (college baseball/football) very new and would love some help on gaining balance and power and downward contact on ball. Feel I could get very good at this game once I understand it. And love playing. I shot high 80s on my first ever rounds of golf, at places like atkinson country club, pasaconaway country club (look up courses for score cards) But have no progressed much since. Although I shoot low 80s now. I need some intervention. Tips on how to practice etc.

Have some decent videos coming with the camera behind me. Just trying to upload now.

4 iron - 3/4 swing - 220 yds or so, slight fade today. Feel Very stiff, feel rushed, and unbalance in my back swing, also want to try and get hands a bit more forward on contact.

Driver Side View with ball included. 3/4 swing as full swing I was very off balance. I had a very rough shoulder, chest, shoulders workout last night, and feel very weak in those areas during this. I think it altered my swing a little today. Also some left wrist pain (my backswing is usually very straight, you can see in back iron shots, the bend in my wrist and pain is affecting my backswing today a ton). And very windy. About 250-270yd marker, straight, slight right. One topped and went nowhere.

6 iron back, 180-200 yds or so, slight right, good height. Alot of fat shots though when on golf course. I take alot of farway with my shots

4 iron from back view - Feel very off balance on my backswing. I dont play hybrids etc, so every 180-210 out shot is some variation of a 4 iron

Last edited by walkmyline; 09-12-2011 at 01:57 PM.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 02:08 PM
Got a few more to upload today, this one has the green netting in the way, and I put the bag with phone on it as far back in next open spot as possible still couldnt get the ball though.


Again, about 20 rounds of golf (some walking 9 only as a round), and about 15 times at the driving range (on top of each round I do driving range as well) in past two years. Before this I had never played golf, (college baseball/football) very new and would love some help on gaining balance and power and downward contact on ball. Feel I could get very good at this game once I understand it. And love playing. I shot high 80s on my first ever rounds of golf, at places like atkinson country club, pasaconaway country club (look up courses for score cards) But have no progressed much since. Although I shoot low 80s now. I need some intervention. Tips on how to practice etc.

Have some decent videos coming with the camera behind me. Just trying to upload now.

4 iron - 3/4 swing - 220 yds or so, slight fade today. Feel Very stiff, feel rushed, and unbalance in my back swing, also want to try and get hands a bit more forward on contact.

Driver Side View with ball included. 3/4 swing as full swing I was very off balance. I had a very rough shoulder, chest, shoulders workout last night, and feel very weak in those areas during this. I think it altered my swing a little today. Also some left wrist pain (my backswing is usually very straight, you can see in back iron shots, the bend in my wrist and pain is affecting my backswing today a ton). And very windy. About 250-270yd marker, straight, slight right. One topped and went nowhere.

6 iron back, 180-200 yds or so, slight right, good height. Alot of fat shots though when on golf course. I take alot of farway with my shots

4 iron from back view - Feel very off balance on my backswing. I dont play hybrids etc, so every 180-210 out shot is some variation of a 4 iron

150yd pw - impossible off these stupid mats alters my contact alot. I do hit low and tend to hit alot of shots fat when in fairway using this club like 70-90 yds from green and push right alot

I feel very awkward with clubs Tend to push these a bit. I have stock set of callaway diablo edge, reg shaft, reg lenth. I feel very hunched over in my short irons, and awkward at contact length. Im about 5-11, 175lb athetic build

Driver from Back. Camera angle is not straight to my position. Reference Skinny tree, 130yds, tree to the left of it and farther back out of the 3 trees is about 220, My balls are hitting 3/4 way up on the middle tree with driver.

3/4 swing, 2nd to last ball big time slice i think, again, shoulders, arms, feel very weak today as I did a pretty intense workout last night. Wrist pain most likely from that. Felt very unbalanced and weak muscularly today, not tight at all.

Want tips to practice, already started doing the unltimate practice routine posted by doc. Want it mastered in 2 years. By the time Im 29. Want to be a scratch golfer by low thirties. And plan on putting alot of time into golf. As my work allows me alot of free time. And im building a dogleg fairway, 3 greens, 2 bunkers, and a tee box into my backyard

Only way im achieving goals is with a good base to practice, which i do not have today.

Last edited by walkmyline; 09-12-2011 at 02:19 PM.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 04:31 PM
Much better. Nice to be positive about your thread. Dagolfdoc is the nuts but I would like to give you my input. Lots of positives in your swing including excellent rotation through the ball.

My suggestion is to look at the image I have posted and look at the position of the wrists and clubface halfway back and the spine angle of the player at the to of the backswing. Repeat these positions in the mirror if you want to get an understanding and feel of what the correct positions feel like.

The above link should take you to Luke Donald from the front.

The spine angle is the most obvious difference. If I am not clear enough let's discuss.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 04:40 PM
K i will try to mirror the hip slide, wrist in backswing, no front foot turn on backswing, over the next week or so and repost.

My left wrist was killing today as noted in thread so my backswing wrist position/clubface etc even to myself today seem very strange and diaconected
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 04:55 PM
The main thing to note is not the hip slide. Look at how Luke Donald has his chest over his right thigh at the top of the backswing. Your chest is over your left thigh at the top of the backswing. This incorrect movement messes with your balance.
A few tweaks to your set up would help.
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 05:05 PM
Ok i c it now having them side by side. Feet closer together ball little back in stance might be a start ill try it out this week. Is my chest upper weight to be on the back leg on backswing then transfer to the front leg at impact? Using my hips?
Analyze my swing Quote
09-12-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by walkmyline
Ok i c it now having them side by side. Feet closer together ball little back in stance might be a start ill try it out this week. Is my chest upper weight to be on the back leg on backswing then transfer to the front leg at impact? Using my hips?
Get your body in the right position at the top of the backswing and remember what it feels like. No sliding your hips in the backswing. Turn your right hip behind your body and no sliding. Your turn and thinking through the ball is good so do not think about this too much.

Repeat the movement until your body shape is close to Donalds at the top. Not necessarily exactly the same beacuse your body shapes are different. GL mate.
Analyze my swing Quote
