Originally Posted by ReidLockhart
I worked at Echo Farms for a summer. Never got out to Landfall. Where do you normally play? (I don't live down there anymore, just curious)
Played pretty much everywhere (that i can get on) I ve only lived here about a year and a half and dont have any golf connections to play any of the private places. Would always come down with my buddy while in college to visit his sister who went to UNCW. and we d always play like Magnolia greens, the beau, and the cape. Never echo though, were they open to the public like 5 years ago?
They just completely re did the Cape. Same layout, which was good, but tore up all the greens / fairways, have not played it but it looks pretty nice.
When the roommate plays, its always the Muni. Not bad for $15 if u dont mind a crowd.