What to do in Outer Banks, NC?
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,134
So the last week of June I'm heading down to OBX with my friend and his family (his dads a big drinkers, we are both over 21, alcohol isnt an issue...) and we are staying at Southern Shores, which is in Kitty Hawk. I've never been to OBX, so all of this means nothing to me... My question: wtf is there to do for 2 single 22 y/o guys down there? It appears somewhat like a family area (at least the immediate area) as its very secluded and I could only find 2 bars in the area (1 is 1/2 mile away ftw). Is there any nightlife in OBX, or at least in that (general) area? Also, wut is there to do besides chill on the beach all day? Help me out guys. I assume at the very least it will be relatively crowded given we will be down there until July 5th.
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 18,688
I was there a couple years ago but stayed on the north end, where you have to drive 5+ miles on the beach to reach your house. There were a few bars that got relatively crowded on the weekends, but by and large OBX is comprised of 2 key groups - families and groups of young adults that party at their rented house.