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03-05-2016 , 02:00 AM
What? Why going after me Swimmin? I'm literally the one dude that has actually given you real advice, and real answers to your questions and concerns.

I don't have any hate towards you, nor am I miserable.

Last edited by ITT666; 03-05-2016 at 02:23 AM.
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03-05-2016 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
Because you got Spiv banned?
As annoyed as Spiv was, it was still his obligation to maintain a civil manner of replying.
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03-05-2016 , 04:05 AM
bring back spiv and pe

after all we got donald trump here running for president and hes talking about his package on the debates and in the media
if you hadnt heard that yet

Last edited by RowdyOne; 03-05-2016 at 04:07 AM. Reason: this stuff is redicuous now
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03-05-2016 , 04:52 AM
I'm sure Trump is nothing but a source of amusement for you in Canada Lonely box. But what if he ended up becoming the Prime Minister of Canada? You probably wouldn't be laughing then eh? You'd permanently relocate to Korea most likely. Hell you might even relocate to North Korea
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03-05-2016 , 04:56 AM
Unfortunately the outcome of the next US election is also very important to Canada. We depend too much on you guys to think of Trump as only a source of asmusent.

But you have to admit, John Oliver killed it. Hopefully Trump won't win the presidentials.
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03-05-2016 , 05:00 AM
Well I hope so too, but he has a decent chance to do so at this point. For me what's sick is, I was eligible to vote in both 2008 and 2012, but I never did. Now I feel like I may have to finally vote for the first time, and it's to vote for Hillary. Vomit.
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03-05-2016 , 05:02 AM
So it's confirmed? It's going to be Trump vs Hilary? Bernie Sanders and the latin americain guys don't have a chance?

Last edited by LonelyBox; 03-05-2016 at 05:03 AM. Reason: I'm not following it so I rly don't know
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03-05-2016 , 05:08 AM
I think it's unlikely. To put it in poker terms Rubio, Cruz and Sanders aren't drawing dead but they are drawing thin. Hillary and Trump are the clear favorites at this point, if not the heavy favorites. Actually I'd probably call Hillary a bigger favorite than Trump, even though personally I guess Sanders is probably the candidate I'd most prefer, of the ones remaining.
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03-05-2016 , 10:37 AM
Sanders of course

Im off the charts extr3me leftist but would vote for trump over hillary bc she wouldnt address the most important problems as prez so *** her lol

and trump has multiple red pill quotes and hillary is a feminest so i gotta give it to the cunning and ruthless trump

he wants to get rid of the epa (environmnet) and the 'future' aka teachers funding etc

well both those 'institutusion' are actually ****ty compared to what they should be

liberals diagnose the problems correctly, but they say, we want BETTER g0vernement,

the answer is less g0vernment, or no government0
to the degree people are responsible, we will have @narchy
an@rchy=lay all our cards on the table
travel low content thread Quote
03-05-2016 , 10:47 AM
'The greatest argument against democracy, a 5 minute conversation with the common man, or a 1 minute Swimmin rant, because everything is always shorter with Swimmin' - Winston Churchill

Last edited by ITT666; 03-05-2016 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Now that IS me trolling you Swimmin. ;)
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03-05-2016 , 10:56 AM
I fail to see the allure of Trump unless you're a rich white person who hates non rich, non white people.
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03-05-2016 , 11:07 AM
Right and a good majority of his base is actually poor white people. So he's not 'for them' nearly as much as they'd like to think he is. But rich whites getting poor white trash to align with them and vote against their actual interest is a tale as old as time in America. And they always have done so by convincing said poor white trash it's the minorities they have to worry about, when really the true divide is and always has been a class one.
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03-05-2016 , 02:46 PM
From that FB group of farang hunter girls

Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 03-05-2016 at 03:01 PM. Reason: had to delete one of those pics. Come on.
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03-05-2016 , 04:18 PM
Damn I missed that pic
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03-05-2016 , 04:38 PM
Didn't miss much, was just the ladyboy sending a pic of herself getting banged, she looked too manly for guy, that's why he asks 'oh, are you gay? i don't do men'.

Anyway point being 6 inches is small to a ladyboy.
travel low content thread Quote
03-05-2016 , 04:42 PM
From the Tinder in Bangkok thread on - ladyboys have 5.5 inch penises apparently.

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03-05-2016 , 06:53 PM
Lol, poor LB got to lick dirty ass, hope for her sake its not Lol69 or Spiv.
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03-05-2016 , 07:01 PM
The cleanness of the booty didn't matter that much if she put special rubber on her tongue like smart pros do.
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03-05-2016 , 07:21 PM
When I lick a girl ass, I don't want any rubber on my tongue.
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03-06-2016 , 02:07 AM
Oh wait. Is it done for the licker's pleasure due to (presumably) just the soft texture of the licked skin, or can it cause anal orgasms or (in men) stimulate the prostate somewhat if the tongue is especially long? I was assuming the latter (and hence that the tongue must penetrate the hole), otherwise why do people do it at all?

My general understanding is that, during sex, anything that goes into any hole must have rubber on it (in the case of anal, nasal or aural penetration - just for hygienic purposes or to prevent HIV contraction if both partners have cuts or wounds).

Last edited by coon74; 03-06-2016 at 02:17 AM.
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03-06-2016 , 02:14 AM
Can't tell, the only time I was the reciever had been erased of my brain. So I'd say mostly for the licker pleasure.
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03-06-2016 , 02:14 AM
Haven't tried, but I imagine youd need a tongue of unusual size and firmness to do any stimulation of the prostate.

It's kinda funny watching an asexual talk about sex. Like a dog doing calculus.
travel low content thread Quote
03-06-2016 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Haven't tried, but I imagine youd need a tongue of unusual size and firmness to do any stimulation of the prostate.

It's kinda funny watching an asexual talk about sex. Like a dog doing calculus.
Pretty sure the point here is not to stimul the prostate, but mostly the humid/tickling sensation?

Mayba that does not make much more sense either, so I'll stick with it's mainly a giver thing than reciever thing.
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