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online pros living in Vietnam thread online pros living in Vietnam thread

06-05-2020 , 08:22 AM
living as a whitey in asia has definitely given me appreciation for the general unease if something is happening because you're not one of them or if it would happen anyway and how that can really mess with your mind and how you interact with the rest of the world

i don't like the terminology of micro agressions but it fits and totally explain how you can engage with someone on very friendly terms and while he'll never say or do anything over the top that individually can be pointed out and analyzed, there's just a small enough discreprancy in many little things that add up where you finish the otherwise friendly interaction with a cold distance that wouldn't happen otherwise
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-05-2020 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by GonZo72
People change from their personal experiences. Take for example a country girl who is going to work in the showbusiness industry, after a while working there, with all the bling bling, meeting high status people + a chit ton of other people too, do you think that she will not change at all or is it more likely that after a while she will become more materialistic, more money/career oriented etc?

Nothing crazy with having a little list of "not interested in girls working in industry X or working in industry Y" and having your own red flags list to check every time you date a new girl. It's like in poker, you can play YOLO mode or after a while you can decide to do some data analysis in your game to increase your win rate. For example you could notice that opening UTG J9s is not ev+, so does it mean that you should NEVER open J9's UTG anymore? It's table dependant, most of the time it won't be ev+ but sometimes it will be. If you stop opening J9's does it mean that you will only open AA UTG (aka only allow your gf to go out with friends escorted if males could be present)????
i agree there's a lot of professions that would be instant vetos for me, i'm a huge snob who could never date a career barista, now if i met someone who wanted to become a career barista, me saying "no you can't be a barista" won't change the fact that she is still in the kind of category of person who would seek a career as a barista so whether or not she is technically working that job or some other career I nudged her into, she's still the same person with the mindset and ambition of a barista which is what i was looking to avoid in the first place

it's possible i'm conflating two separate issues together here but i genuinely believe that if a girl is going to be a stripper or whatever for example and wind up being unfaithful as a result, well she was probably going on that path anyway even if she worked as an accountant because she was still someone who was open to being a stripper in the first place
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-05-2020 , 08:46 AM
Passive aggression, fake friendly hostility and covert narcissism is the norm in South East Asia these days. It's basically a predatory snake pit where you're a mark and anyone can do almost anything to you and get away with it as nobody is on your side unless a few high ups benefit from your very existence and would like to see these significant benefits continue to come their way.

Go to the police to Thailand if a thai does anything to you and the first thing they will ask what you're even doing in their country. On a 3 month tourist visa? How suspicious, you must have stolen money or be a criminal on the run. Then they will talk to the thai person, get their bribe and take their side. Chances are you'll meet some sort of upstanding moral policeman are slim to none. The powers that be want corrupt easily controllable people so they have set things up that way.

Your experience as a first world person is way outside of their realm of experience as thais neither take extended time off nor have high salaries without a higher level family background which requires non stop maintenance of personal relations.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-05-2020 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by iLiveInAsia
If you spend a couple months or longer and you don't look impoverished especially in Thailand people expect that you spread your money and do favors. Rich man takes care of the poor little man and all that.

If a restaurant is in your condo or right next to it, they see you coming and going and never going you're the stingy anti social foreigner.

If you don't give the guards cigarettes and make friendly chit chat you're the anti social foreigner.
I find this really strange! How have you done your research, regarding giving guards cigs for example?

How do you know that they expect you to spread your money and pay things for them? Give me some stats, some evidence, something concrete.
Basically anyone who sees you on the regular and feels as lower status as you expects hand outs from you. If you don't do it there will be bad blood quickly.
How are you suppose to know they feel lower status? This all screams complete fabrications mate! How do you know they are expecting hand outs, how many people have you encountered to make you say this? Which locations, what kind of people? If you are dealing with all ladyboys or prostitutes, perhaps there's some truth to that.

It's up to you to make sure you have people around that you can rely on when the people looking for hand out get too greedy to smooth things out and to guide you on how much to give to whom.
Tell me how many encounters have you had that were borderline going to end up in arguments/fights? How many Thais have done this begging with expectations to you?

There are 20% or so genuinely good people in Bangkok and a lot of others will smile in your face and stab you in the bag / trash talk you when you turn around. The face culture and the subservience to higher up culture makes westerners think that people feel in a way they actually don't and thais are good actors to give people face. Even if they give you face they might plot and scheme behind your back and you'll never suspect it.
I heard Thais like to save face, take a liking/stick up for their own but there's a big jump from that to say, collude, cheat, steal and kill, the 1st 2 are kinda innocent while the others are criminal!
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-05-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by The_Jackal21
I find this really strange! How have you done your research, regarding giving guards cigs for example?
This happened to me before with one night time shift security guard at my condo in Ratcahda. He tried to slime his way in by giving me some cheap ass miniature buddha and then telling me to give him money to donate to the temple or something like that. And a few weeks later he tried to sell me a gun lol.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 03:23 AM
I have spent an extended period of time LIVING in SEA while you extrapolate things from travel. Once people figure out you're actually living there it's a totally different ball game.

Everybody seems to have their own opinion on Thailand though depending on their social background back home (usually lower middle class and below), whose company they keep / look for, what kind of places they frequent and what kind of building / area they live in etc. - usually without speaking thai.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 03:51 AM
TR on purchasing and using the gun please
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 03:59 AM

I think this guy gives a pretty good insight into the Vietnamese mind if you can read between the lines.

Both in Europe and in the US they're also the most hostile group of people to outsiders and largely prey on each other as well.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 02:44 PM
I watched the videos, and i really don't see the point you are trying to make with them.

However, that was depressing af and i wish i didn't watch that ****.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 02:47 PM
Same, some struggling guy with no education has been taken advantage of and abused enough times that he's very cautious so he went be messed with again.

Sounds pretty standard and yeah the entire time thinking damn that life seems awful.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by ChoboPokeR_r
I watched the videos, and i really don't see the point you are trying to make with them.
South East Asia is predators preying on predators.

Especially Vietnamese people largely scam, pimp out and enslave each other - even in western countries.

online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-06-2020 , 09:47 PM
Well, the way to avoid that stuff is to be an elitist and not go out of your way to do favours for others, as harsh as that sounds.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-08-2020 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Never thought I would miss questions about visas.
I’m due for a Visa run early August and so far I’m not sure at all where to go. Any idea when Vietnam will open border to tourists?
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-08-2020 , 03:58 AM
Earliest i would think is August, but nobody actually knows atm.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
I’m due for a Visa run early August and so far I’m not sure at all where to go. Any idea when Vietnam will open border to tourists?
Vietnam no idea but I'm betting Vietnam-Thailand will be one of the 1st routes open for travel with no quarantine. You're in Laos which seems pretty infection free but like Cambodia I think you guys do such little testing that your neighbors are not going to fully trust your results for free travel. Probably Cambodia will be your best chance for anything cross border without needing a quarantine but 100% speculation on my part.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-08-2020 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Vietnam no idea but I'm betting Vietnam-Thailand will be one of the 1st routes open for travel with no quarantine. You're in Laos which seems pretty infection free but like Cambodia I think you guys do such little testing that your neighbors are not going to fully trust your results for free travel. Probably Cambodia will be your best chance for anything cross border without needing a quarantine but 100% speculation on my part.
Are you aware of any country that allow tourist with or without any quarantine?

I’m in Taiwan since last February, if that change anything.

So far seems like only Laos accept tourist with 14 days quarantine at crown plaza
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-08-2020 , 08:43 AM
Taiwan should be on the shortlist of countries of origin that will be allowed free travel but this whole free travel thing is just a guess on my part from some mumblings from Thai officials and common sense.
I believe Portugal is now open with no quarantine, or will be within days, and some other Western euro countries. Doubt you'd be allowed back in Taiwan but you would know better than me.
My buddy got a place in Lisbon for a week for like $20usd a day. 1br in a nice neighborhood. From the pictures you couldn't something of similar standard in Bangkok as a short term rental for that price.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-10-2020 , 06:35 AM
Hey guys, I'm in Hanoi right now. Any of you guys have major lag issues with stars and then get them fixed? I"m not sure if it's an internet issue because when my tables lag out I can still open up chrome and web browse fine. Very frustrating because I've tried Ethernet cables, upgrading my router/internet speed and even moved out of my old place to a new house and I'm still having problems. Pokerstars support being their usual unhelpful selves
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-11-2020 , 04:30 AM
theres something wrong with the cables for last 2 weeks. I am in Cambodia rn and usually my ISP sets me up with some Vietnamese location, but last 5 days I have been connecting to some ISP in Africa, total beat can't even play real money games on stars atm.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-11-2020 , 05:25 AM
I don't suppose there's anything new we could try saying to stars support?
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-11-2020 , 05:32 AM
and how do you check your ISP on the stars software?
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-11-2020 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by hurtNCYDE
Hey guys, I'm in Hanoi right now. Any of you guys have major lag issues with stars and then get them fixed? I"m not sure if it's an internet issue because when my tables lag out I can still open up chrome and web browse fine. Very frustrating because I've tried Ethernet cables, upgrading my router/internet speed and even moved out of my old place to a new house and I'm still having problems. Pokerstars support being their usual unhelpful selves
Internet remains sluggish in Vietnam as undersea cable repair delayed
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-12-2020 , 03:41 AM
I recently changed my ISP to Viettel 4 days ago and it has significantly improved my connection to PS. It's always good to go to your command prompt and ping to the PS server. Copy/paste this into your command prompt: ping -t

Last edited by ChoboPokeR_r; 06-12-2020 at 03:49 AM.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-12-2020 , 07:05 AM
When you open Pokerstars click the "Network" button on the initial launch window. There you can see better ping stats to multiple servers.
online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
06-12-2020 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by oxygia
When you open Pokerstars click the "Network" button on the initial launch window. There you can see better ping stats to multiple servers.
looking good for me here in Vung Tau with Viettel.

online pros living in Vietnam thread Quote
