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02-05-2016 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i guess you know better than i do whether i hate gambling or not
With these sort of things its usually easier to see from the outside.

i got into poker because it was a way to make money while smoking weed in my boxers that was legal so i could stop growing weed
Yes, you got into poker cause you liked the idea of winning money gambling.

so when i easily quit poker after this next rush and never look back unless im around a 10k liferoll and have no better options will i still be a 'problem gambler'

or if 3 years from now after not playing a hand if i ask you if i am still a problem gambler will i only hear crickets?
Dont confuse what im saying as some sort of hate rant, I just hope if you intend on playing poker for a living, some things should be kept to a certain standard, like entertaining the idea that youre behind the times and require some work if you go on a 3 month downer.

If you dont play a hand for 3 years and are seeking other interests id wish you well, and it would be odd for me to suggest that you where a problem gambler, if you are still on a downer blaming it on the luck of others, then I would tell you how I see it.
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02-05-2016 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
problem gamblers dont count the days until they can stop like i did last year (and am doing again now) and then instantly stop last feb once my rush was finished and then basically not play at all for 7 months other than to try out spin n goes because everyone said they were so soft that i had to try them and then after losing 20 buy ins quit playing them

i have like a million personality flaws....... but i have great discipline and self control...... gambling never has been and never will be a problem for me

In response to this edit:

You dont think people with all addictions believe they can stop once they reach a certain point?

i would love to see this come up at a table full of PLO regs back in vegas circa 2011......... you would get laughed off the table
lel, your example of a place where my opinion would be proven wrong is a PLO table in vegas?
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02-05-2016 , 02:46 PM
K2d the thing you constantly mention is this notion of a "rush" that 888 owes u. Variance doesnt work that way. You should do some variance simulations with your perceived winrate, fwiw I would also suggest you never open a PLO table again.
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02-05-2016 , 02:52 PM
who would know better (other than me) about how much i like to gamble then the people that played with me every day?

i wanted to make money by doing anything other than getting a job, it had nothing to do with it being pro gambling and everything to do with it being not working

i went on a 3 month downer last september to december

last january i made 4500

last september to mid november i made almost 10k

so was last years 3 month downer a sign i cant win anymore? or could i just possibly be right that 888 has me on these brutal ****ing cycles.... no impossible for me to be right about anything poker related cuz i limp AA utg and twice a month try a bluff that doesnt make sense expecting a reg to get me the nit vig i deserve

why do you think i could stop last february but cant stop again?

i will gladly make a bet with you that i dont play 1 hand of poker through all of 2016 or 2017 for up to 5k if you allow jspill to hold it

im not doing that to 'feed my gambling addiction' i am doing it cuz its free money

its just hilarious how you are so ignorant to what you speak of yet think its true, dont
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02-05-2016 , 02:59 PM
Bet accepted

youve already played a hand in 2016, send to jspill and have him pass it on
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02-05-2016 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
who would know better (other than me) about how much i like to gamble then the people that played with me every day?
Ask a bunch of heroin addicts how bad another junkies addiction is, and theyll say hes not doing too bad.

i wanted to make money by doing anything other than getting a job, it had nothing to do with it being pro gambling and everything to do with it being not working
So you dont call the hours you spent grinding/thinking about hands to become a winner work?

i went on a 3 month downer last september to december
last january i made 4500

last september to mid november i made almost 10k

so was last years 3 month downer a sign i cant win anymore?
No, but its shouldnt be completely disregarded as a possibility.

or could i just possibly be right that 888 has me on these brutal ****ing cycles....
No, youre not right about this.

im not doing that to 'feed my gambling addiction' i am doing it cuz its free money
At what point in the 7 hour days, doing something you hate, does the free money appear in your account?
its just hilarious how you are so ignorant to what you speak of yet think its true, dont
O the irony
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02-05-2016 , 03:30 PM
yes i won 10k from mid september to mid november

ok i guess you are right, even though you have zero clue what you are talking about other than reading some of my vents here......... you just know it all

you know more about me than i do

you know more about me than people who have actually been in gambling environments with me

its one thing to tell someone they are wrong about something like a city, a movie, anything really

but to try to tell a person youve never met that you know more about them and their experiences than even they do....... thats a special kind of ignorance that only few would dare try to achieve...... congrats on that

btw nice misquoting which was clearly about me not playing another hand as the free money, not as the playing poker as the free money
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02-05-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
yes i won 10k from mid september to mid november
How could it be a downer then?

ok i guess you are right, even though you have zero clue what you are talking about other than reading some of my vents here......... you just know it all

you know more about me than i do

you know more about me than people who have actually been in gambling environments with me

its one thing to tell someone they are wrong about something like a city, a movie, anything really

but to try to tell a person youve never met that you know more about them and their experiences than even they do....... thats a special kind of ignorance that only few would dare try to achieve...... congrats on that
Its interesting that youre taking this as some sort of personal attack, I simply am saying you portray some of the traits of a gambling addict.

I mean, you could take this as constructive criticism, along with other advice posted ITT, or you could just slam the door shut, either way, it wont change my opinion on the traits youre showing.
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02-05-2016 , 04:23 PM
Dante, I was hoping that you'd adopt a better mindset for poker (i.e. start scrutinising your actions in all of your memories, incl. BBV), but if you're going to continue blaming everything on external factors, then I have no problem with that - there will be more money left in the poker economy available for me to withdraw.

As for your results, I guess most readers have lost track of them as you've presented them in a vague text form in several posts... could you present them at least as concisely as the following?

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
my hourlies from plo10 - plo50 last month: I ran kind of bad.

Originally Posted by coon74
Someone, pls draw a beautiful giraffe based on the above raw data while I'm sleeping.
Originally Posted by roggo
(A more pictorial line graph can be made in Excel.)

Originally Posted by kick2dante
i went on a 3 month downer last september to december

last january i made 4500

last september to mid november i made almost 10k
Originally Posted by purrretrog
I think Dante meant that he had had a downer in September-December 2014 and a ~$10K upswing in September-November 2015.

Last edited by coon74; 02-05-2016 at 04:40 PM. Reason: clarif. for purrretrog
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02-05-2016 , 04:52 PM
purrretrog winning thread.

i seriously dont get why you dont study k2d, even though i think poker is way wa y way more than just pio (ability to hand read, people misplace frequencies of ranges)...but if you pio'd 1 hour a day (run script over night), you would very very nearly become ahead of the curve. and itll be very beneficial. but im sure you will put all your time into grinding only

100-200 regs on stars are so lolololololbad. i cant imgine what theyre like on other sites

p.s. think im going to take week trip in thailand at end of feb to bkk. if anyone up for meeting. bar/watch football(soccer)/ play billiards. give us a pm

Last edited by Burnss; 02-05-2016 at 04:57 PM. Reason: didnt make abuses message when drunk and bored on 2p2. im proud of myself
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02-05-2016 , 05:01 PM
^ Lol at pioing 888poker spots. GTO play can't be applied in games that are raked so high; a lot of exploitation is needed there.
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02-05-2016 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by purrretrog
How could it be a downer then?

Its interesting that youre taking this as some sort of personal attack, I simply am saying you portray some of the traits of a gambling addict.

I mean, you could take this as constructive criticism, along with other advice posted ITT, or you could just slam the door shut, either way, it wont change my opinion on the traits youre showing.
how could it be a downer? because, well, umm, mid november was 80 ****ing days ago

why would i take constructive criticism from someone that has no idea wtf he is talking about and admittedly just comes here to be an ass?

when people say i should study more that is constructive criticism and something that if i wanted to have a future in the game i would need to consider doing

when a troll is telling me something that is so false that its laughable i am not going to consider it constructive criticism

Originally Posted by Burnss
purrretrog winning thread.
if having no idea what you are talking about is winning the thread then sure

Last edited by kick2dante; 02-05-2016 at 05:58 PM.
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02-05-2016 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Dace
K2d the thing you constantly mention is this notion of a "rush" that 888 owes u. Variance doesnt work that way. You should do some variance simulations with your perceived winrate, fwiw I would also suggest you never open a PLO table again.
in general in poker/gambling i would agree

if you had my experiences (and other regs i have talked to) on 888 then you would understand

this has been the pattern the entire time i have been on the site, you never run average, its either god mode or doom stick nothing inbetween

Last edited by kick2dante; 02-05-2016 at 06:17 PM.
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02-05-2016 , 06:17 PM
I'm afraid that the same 'pattern' can be found in NLHE winnings graphs at any other site if you start looking for it.

How do you define the start and the end of a downer / rush?
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02-05-2016 , 06:33 PM
the end of a downer is generally when i stop crying myself to sleep every night
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02-05-2016 , 06:36 PM
OK, try not to cry tonight, as simple as that There's hardly any reason to cry. As you've said, you have many more options to make profit besides poker, so daily results don't hurt your longterm wellbeing prospect that much anyway.
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02-05-2016 , 07:01 PM
80 ****ing days is pretty frustrating, im fine financially, its the torture that i cant take
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02-05-2016 , 07:05 PM
So why don't you just quit poker now then? You feel you're entitled to one more rush first? Why didn't you quit after the last rush ended?
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02-05-2016 , 07:11 PM
just had a 5 hand run on one table where i 3bet QQ and guy full pot 4bets with caller inbetween i fold he had AA and stacked the fish

four hands later on same table get KK vs AA

luckily it was at .25-.50 but...... o ya and about 20 mins earlier on same table i 3bet big with QQ from 2 to 8 with 50 effective, get 2 callers. flop JJ3ss i bet half pot drooler shoves his A6ss and turns A


i get QQ and 3bet and have to fold to a 4bet

then i get JJ and 3bet, the worst player on any table (he doubled me up earlier when he called a big 3bet with A5o and chekc called AQ8 and check shoved 8 turn vs my Queens full) calls a big 3bet with 10s vs my JJ and flop came 10 hi

you guys are right though im not running bad i just forgot how to play thats all, i have no idea what im talking about with the ****ing me for 80 days nonsense i am just running totally fine right now
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02-05-2016 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by ITT666
So why don't you just quit poker now then? You feel you're entitled to one more rush first? Why didn't you quit after the last rush ended?
on a site that is as swingy as 888 you would be a fool to quit at the end of a downswing instead of the end of a rush

i wanted to play through the winter when the games were 'good'..... that was the plan when i started up again in september...... you can even see me saying in this thread back in september that if i started off with a rush there is a good chance i would quit

but the rush was so damn big (not only the 10k BUT my last month i had quit before that was +4.5k, so we are talking 14.5k in my last 3 months of play) that i ******edly started thinking i should start playing year round

i also never ever would have expected that with playing 6 hours a day every day that i would run so bad for 80 days

the last 3 months of pain (meaning end of 2014) came when i was not playing much at all, it was probably as many hands as I played in a month this year, i was more focusing on online work then and not grinding hard

if i had known that it could last through this long with so many hands i woulda snap quit after i started losing in mid november
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02-05-2016 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
I guess you got the habit of writing on 2+2 during the grind in those times when you played MTTs and had to keep backers updated, but those times are gone and you don't gain anything now when you distract yourself this way.

To make things worse, this posting makes you relive the spots that you shouldn't be recalling during the session. Post-session reviews exist for this purpose - they're safer because they can only affect your mood when it can't spill into your play.
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02-05-2016 , 07:38 PM
what do you not understand about me being a nit and just waiting for hands?

hands don't come up often

the whole reason i vent is so 'it doesn't come up during my play'

my god guys...............

Last edited by kick2dante; 02-05-2016 at 07:39 PM. Reason: backers updated?
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02-05-2016 , 08:05 PM
Once again, how about adding tables from other sites if you're too bored by those six where you're supposed to be sitting during a session?
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02-06-2016 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
^ Lol at pioing 888poker spots. GTO play can't be applied in games that are raked so high; a lot of exploitation is needed there.
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02-06-2016 , 02:15 AM
kick2dante, how much bi are you down since november?

Might be willing to give you action (prob bet).
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