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02-24-2016 , 10:51 PM
doesn't mean i cant read your true thoughts like a book :P

i just saw the ultimate

a lady gets on the elevator on floor 5, we are going up, my elite reading skills has me think she wanted to go down

the elevator stops on floor 6...... i am still going up.... she now hits the floor 5 button

the door closes we start to move....... the kicker...... as we are moving she then hits the door close button

the door was closed na
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02-24-2016 , 10:54 PM
Bad read
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02-25-2016 , 11:52 PM
What do you think 888 get out of having a doom switch for you? Do they have one for every player? Do they employ an army of workers flipping everyones switches all day long?
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02-26-2016 , 12:00 AM
He didn't quite say that.

He just means that in his experience he either goes on big downswings or big upswings on 888, he doesn't experience more even keeled result periods.

By the way, it's very possible that he is right that that's the way he has run on 888 to date. What he's wrong about is that that means it's going to keep going that way.
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02-26-2016 , 11:57 AM
they dont need to flip them all day long cuz the good times last a month and the bad times last 2-3 months
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02-29-2016 , 09:22 PM
so i havent played poker in like 4 days

the previous two days i played i quickly won 200 each day and then realized i had some great online work

somehow i got some temporary online job that pays quite well

if it continues for another couple weeks that will have me well above my $21k life goal for 6 months after starting poker

my poker account will 'still be due for a rush'

but i am not sure if i would go back

either way, 5 days with no poker =
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03-01-2016 , 12:38 AM
fargo season 2 8/10, would have given it 8.5/10 but last episode was to boring

biggest question.... how did todd get so fat?
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03-01-2016 , 01:11 AM
1st episode seemed 100000x worse than the 1st season so i couldnt finish it

new characters, new boring slow plot, how the F is it comparable?
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03-01-2016 , 02:18 AM
First episode of first season was just Bilbo Baggins wondering around from place to place getting sh it on by everyone he meets. Can't exactly call that an amazing start either.
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03-01-2016 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
fargo season 2 8/10, would have given it 8.5/10 but last episode was to boring

biggest question.... how did todd get so fat?
Thats what i said about season 2. It was good but had a couple weak episodes. Season 1 Goat level tv though.
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03-01-2016 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Swimmin
1st episode seemed 100000x worse than the 1st season so i couldnt finish it

new characters, new boring slow plot, how the F is it comparable?
It gets going. Its for sure worth watching. Its just not gonna be as good as the 1st season.
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03-01-2016 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Swimmin
1st episode seemed 100000x worse than the 1st season so i couldnt finish it

new characters, new boring slow plot, how the F is it comparable?
its good, it can be a bit slow at times but definitely should be on a watch list

maybe just skip the last episode

Originally Posted by ITT666
First episode of first season was just Bilbo Baggins wondering around from place to place getting sh it on by everyone he meets. Can't exactly call that an amazing start either.
but bilbo baggins was pretty awesome
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03-01-2016 , 03:06 AM
Nick Offerman's bit in Season 2 is excellent though. Also last episode is worth watching just for the lol's of the scene that shows where Mike Milligan ends up.
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03-02-2016 , 05:37 AM
how f'ing annoying is it when you are trying to look at a menu outside of a restaurant and a waiter/host stands there either looking over your shoulder or even worse talking to you while you check out the selection
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03-02-2016 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
how f'ing annoying is it when you are trying to look at a menu outside of a restaurant and a waiter/host stands there either looking over your shoulder or even worse talking to you while you check out the selection
Not as annoying as when you sit down to look at the menu and the waiter just stands there with their notepad in hand waiting for you to order. Go get me a ****ing beer and let me read the menu. The pressure is too much.

Welcome to Thailand
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03-02-2016 , 09:13 AM
lol @ sitting down in restaurants

(and ordering drinks)
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03-02-2016 , 10:10 AM
So I meet k2d at a Little Italy, he wants to split half a pizza to save costs, and brings in his own soft drink from 7/11.

Then we go cowboy, he ducks into the shop in the middle to write his Line ID on several scraps of paper, freerolls the paper from the shop counter and invests 10 baht on the pen.

Finished writing out the scraps of paper at the shop desk, we walk into Cowboy 2, only a couple hot girls so we do a lap and walk out, he hands his number to one of the hot ones while she's off the stage, mamasan sees and sorta follows him out to say something but is too slow.

Go into Crazy house next, good lineup so I get a drink. K2d checks menu, cheapest drink is 160. He walks around upstairs to avoid the mamasan then comes back to table. Eventually another one comes over, asks him if he wants a drink, he says I gotta go toilet one min. Mamasan asks me if my friend wants a drink I say I don't know that guy.

K2d comes back and sits on the other side in the shadows behind a pillar. Another min passes buy, mamasan comes back again and asks, he says we're about to leave.

So we leave and go into dollhouse, I get a drink and grope girl dancing on upstairs table a bit. K2d goes downstairs to avoid mamasan. Comes back up and mamasan comes back, he says he doesn't want a drink. She won't let him sit there without a drink so he leaves and starts handing out numbers outside until I finish my drink.

I head out, k2d asks if I was able to feel up the girls only for the cost of one drink, without buying her one as well. I confirm. It's also a bit cheaper in there at 135 for draft beer.

Leave cowboy, handing out number to one of the door girls first, she's confused at what's going on.

Go to thermae, go in the back door where the toilet is and do a couple laps without needing to buy a drink cos it's busy. K2d hands his number to a girl.

Walk to check out Soi 11 massages, see a cute chick, k2d gets her Line since it's a good approach spot. In Line she won't budge from 2.5k to come to his place for bj.

K2d gets a bj for 600 baht total from an older chick, freerolls the 300 massage room price which sometimes happens if you get lucky.

At first I was kinda cringing at his cheapskateness, but part of me also respects the brazen fearlessness. He's also been handing out numbers on the skytrain with the whole platform / carriage staring at him. Gotta respect the work ethic.

Would recommend though ditching the shorts, baseball cap, training shoes and old looking t shirt that doesn't fit properly. It'll result in spots like the girl who wouldn't budge from 2.5k to come over.

I can understand the logic of 'why should I dress in something I'm not comfortable in if I can still get laid enough with a mass volume approach' (you probably cold approach more girls in a month than I do in a year), and 'why would I dress up nice for hookers or girls who only see me for 10 seconds on the street while I hand them my piece of paper'.

However I still think eventually the investment would pay for itself, enough girls would agree to lower prices, or not flake (time=money), if you just raised the bar slightly higher on personal appearance.

Last edited by jspill; 03-02-2016 at 10:22 AM.
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03-02-2016 , 10:44 AM
that sounds pretty pathetic tbh

i know a guy like that but hes from india so its genetic I guess

he ended up going to places like bush mountain in pattaya where the local busdrivers get blown because you can get sucked off for 200 baht or whatever

I had to cut ties with this dude after he started complaining about paying 10 baht more for his oatmeal it all got a bit too much for me

Last edited by eishundo; 03-02-2016 at 10:49 AM.
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03-02-2016 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
Mamasan asks me if my friend wants a drink I say I don't know that guy.
Simple and efficient.
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03-02-2016 , 11:09 AM
all true but a bit slanted

reason sat behind pillar is cuz someone else stole my original seat

girl at thermae was a girl that if i saw at a mall i may not even hand my number too, why would i pay her 2500 baht

i hate sitting in bars, buying a drink means A) i will be there longer and B) i am paying to be somewhere i hate

i have said numerous times if i saw some hot girls i would buy nicer clothes, i will pretend to be a fake person if it will get me some 9s, but whats the point of putting in effort to over pay hookers?

handed out number to 3 nonhookers, got 2 textbacks, was wearing standard gear for both

i didnt even want the bj from the older chick thats why i lowballed her, if she didnt want to do then thats fine she is the one that rushed up to me asking for it, i offered what i was willing to pay for it, she took the offer, if she didnt i would have walked off and been fine

thai girls aint hot, they are in shape but i dont find their faces attractive at all, i dont even know who to approach unless im in a hooker disco and can confirm their body is sexy, them asking for 3x what i would be willing to pay them is laughable, there are way to many tourists in thailand and it spoils the market, far better value other places
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03-02-2016 , 01:19 PM
Sounds like a terrible night out however you want to cut it lol. But alas K2 is not out for fun yoloing so it's not like he is trying to have a good time getting drunk etc.. so all good for him.
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03-02-2016 , 03:24 PM
I'd call you out on your hyperbole if I hadn't seen it in action.
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03-02-2016 , 04:13 PM
Kinda cool to have no shame. Bkk must work out great with not needing to run into the same women much.
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03-02-2016 , 07:08 PM
**** I thought I was cheap.

I respect k2d's budgeting ability but spend a little to live a little. Don't have to make it rain but at least buy a damn drink.
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03-03-2016 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
At first I was kinda cringing at his cheapskateness, but part of me also respects the brazen fearlessness. He's also been handing out numbers on the skytrain with the whole platform / carriage staring at him. Gotta respect the work ethic.
that's simply plain embarrassing. giving white foreigners a bad name.
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