Originally Posted by MacauChris
Basically breaking the law with your 3rd point up there....
Only a matter of time when your EE will be flagged and questioned as to why they keep on entering HK on a visitors visa especially if you are saying they are doing this frequently over a 12+ month period.
I have done HK --> China trip and had visa renewed 3x but was also in process of getting HKID.
Hey Chris,
Just an update, after speaking with immigration side/lawyers the above falls under the following:
"If you are formally resident and working in Macau and demonstrate that to ImmD if challenged at Macau Ferry terminal and so long as you frequently arrive and frequently leave you would not face any problems being a regular visitor to Hong Kong to augment your work and residence in Macau. If challenged, state that you live in Macau and need to visit HK frequently for business meetings and to see friends."
So overall if you can claim you live in Macau, due to their business trade ties, you can frequently go back and fourth between HK <> Macau and fall under general visitor visas, as long as you dont earn a wage in HK.