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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

11-18-2012 , 08:30 AM
aceswon all i know of snooky is hotels, they are all the same, ask a moto driver to take you to monkey republic or serendipity beach, walk around that area and check the places out find one to your liking, stay for a few nights before you commit to a month

as far as apts go i know of a guy who stays in a pretty nice/clean building and its very cheap but its kind of in a hard to access location, if you are interested pm me a week or so before you come out and ill ask him if places are still available so you can check it out

imo its worth it to spend a little more to live near the beach/restaurants/nightlife and not have to rent your own motorbike or take 5 minutes to get to civilization but you may not feel the same

turn on laptop today was a couple minutes late for first tourney already and it doesnt boot up right goes to black screen with white writing saying some nonsense about "intel blah blah reboot with blah blah" ive never seen it before, i try rebooting it 5 times but it always says the same thing, i freak out dont have a clue waht to do

i had just been talking to "dead mans hand" when waiting for my food at a restaurant up the road he is good with computers and an extremely nice and helpful guy so i take advantage of his kindness and text him to see if he will take a look, he said he wasnt there anymore was at a different establishment i ask if he minds if i swing by for him to take a quick look he says its fine

so i take the 5-10 minute walk get there interrupt him sitting around the table witha group of people he comes over i pull out laptop and it boots up fine no problems at all

turn it off try it again and 100% fine nothing wrong with it

lol my life

new hot girl at my hotel hasnt been here the last 2 days, they rarely ever get a day off let alone 2 in a row and right after they started working..... me thinks she quit already

what a waste of my 32 cent investment of the ramen noodles i gave her

i know where else she works though so if she isnt working here anymore i will have no problems asking her out and getting rejected

not sure if i should try that guys "want to make some money on the side"offer or not, not a big fan of propositioning normal girls for sex
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-18-2012 , 09:21 AM
Stop talking about POKER
and more about HOOKERS!
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-18-2012 , 04:58 PM
yeah!lets see some photos. I want see what a $10 cute cambo prostitute looks like?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-19-2012 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by AcesWon
I plan to move to Cambodia soon and wondered if anyone can recommend a clean, budget price level month-to-month apartment or hotel? Kitchette would be a bonus but optional.
Most hotels will do month plans, but both places have condos for rent too. Very few and only the most expensive ones have websites though. So it will be better for you to arrive here and stay in a hotel for a week. Then find someone who can drive you around to find places.

The deal in Cambodia is that the person that shows you around will get 1/12 of your rent for up to one year. You will rarely be able to negotiate the deal down if you go by yourself, so may as well take advantage of it and get someone to do the job. Lots of agents, either people who work in real estate or just moto-taxi drivers will love to spend 2 days with you, just going from place to place. If you decide to rent one of the places they have struck a gold mine.

As expected PP is usually more expensive than SHK, but also have lots more options.

In SHK, where I live, you can find a nice furnished 1-2 room condo with small kitchen for around 150-300 dollars per month depending on location and how long term contract you want.

Send me a PM if you get here, and have more questions.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-19-2012 , 05:57 AM
think everyone needs to know that if you get an offer from wabby or deadmanshand to send them a PM them if you have any more questions definitely take them up on it

mentioned how the new guy that watches over my hotel at night runs a much tighter ship, well now he has started locking the gate and then unlocking it to let people in

the only problem is that he sleeps on the job (which is allowed and what the last guy did the entire time)

so last night at about 1am i head down to the beach not to find a girl (unless a supermodel is out and about ready to go for $20) just to rest eyes after playing online all day, when he unlocks to let me out (which i hate obv) i tell him no need to lock it back up ill be back in 20 minutes or so he says ok, but when i get back its locked and he is asleep on a couch/chair about 5 feet away

and then i find out that he is a really deep sleeper, for 10 minutes im sitting there saying hey, hey dude, hey guy, open up, wake up, banging on the gate, getting louder and louder and louder but he doesnt wake up so eventually i have to slide through the small opening

quite an unnecessary pain in the ass imo, and i really dont wanna bring a girl back and have to wait around for him to let us in, not that they care but its just awkward and i hate awkward

and now to my fun day of being fulltilts errand bitch, again unnecessarily

(the following is a long boring rant that you will have no interest in reading, you are welcome for the warning)

so ive been waiting damn near 2 weeks and still am not playing, when they finally got around to responding they said the date on my bank statement is to old (over 90 days) , i try to explain to them that im in cambodia and things like addresses arent the same out here but they wont listen.......

so i go to bank A today to open up an account instead of paying $10 for a bank statement, wait at bank A for 20 minutes they have previously told me to open an account all i need is my passport with 3+month business visa and money

so i bring those two things but now they say i need some official proof of address from some place, meaning i would have to go to some govt building here pay for that and wait for them to do that for me and who knows how long that would take.......

so i go to bank B, again they have told me i just need a 3+month visa and passport and i can open an account, but no, must get this proof of address thingy (wish one of these two would have mentioned this previously)

so i decide F it ill just pay $10 for a bank statement (which tilts the hell out of me, $10 for a piece of paper) never heard of a bank that wont give you a statement

so i say this statement will have my name, date and address on it right and the lady says no it wont have the address, she shows me what one will look like and i ask if she could please add the address and she says no


i had already asked if she could re-print my "pass book" with an updated address last week but she said she couldnt, i decide to ask again just in case and she says ya they can do that for the $5 fee, im fine with that its better than the $10 i was about to pay, i ask will the address be updated and she says yes

so she re-prints the passbook but the address isnt updated it still has the address as the day i opened the account (thought that might happen)

she gives it to me i point that out and she says it cant be changed but says she can fix and pulls out some white out

obv fulltilt is way more anal then that so i explain how that wont work (she says no no she will put her signature on it so it will be ok)

so now im running out of options, i ask if i can open up a second account she says no only 1 account per person.... i ask what about checking account she says no they only have savings at this bank, eventually after many questions i get around to finding out they have a riel account that i could open and get a new passbook with

i end up paying $5 for the other passbook that she made, i told her i didnt wanna pay for it since the date wasnt updated, she said but the old one is no good now, i say thats ok i dont use it anyways i dont need a passbook, then she says she wont open up the riel account unless i pay the $5 after saying sorry she knew it was her mistake she still needs me to pay.... ugh

so anyways i sent the requested stuff into fulltilt after a long boring pain in the ass day, i really really hope they accept this and dont make me do the run around again but it wouldnt surprise me if they did
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-19-2012 , 06:17 AM
you should try using more paragraphs it would be easier to read.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-19-2012 , 04:14 PM
took 2 days off, texted girl tonight no response so head down to the beach

must have been taxi girl night off or something, only a few working girls down there and nothing worth taking

been like 2 months since ive seen that bad and small of a selection to choose from, went back and checked 2 hours later still nothing going on

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:25 AM
Finally read through the whole thread. Can't say how many times I wanted to comment, but kept quiet for the most part... With the exception of some nonsense.

This tr has made me really consider SK as my 1st sea move. If that ends up happening I'll promise to at least double the amount of wh0res and bananas itt+pics+vids+whatever other degen happenings go on. This will most likely end abruptly however since it's highly likely I end up in jail or dead. But if I end up in jail you all should send k2d $ for a smartphone to ship me and I'll give insight on what it's like being a white dude in cambojail... Followed by more abrupt silence, since I'm likely dead at this point.

K2d, like the majority here says, keep it up n fcuk the haters.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 04:43 AM
A sad event here a coupla days ago. The French baker and coffee shop owner on the hill where I get croissants and coffee sadly hit a moto with a father and daughter aboard. Father died and the young lady lost a leg. On their way to a wedding.
Reports have the Frenchman as then intoxicated and currently in the slammer. He's newly a father. Shame all around.
Can't be too careful here.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 06:27 AM
doubling the amount of wh0res in this thread kramer? i smell a challenge

(challenge not accepted, for me to be going with more and more wh0res that would mean i would have to take a severe cut in quality and its not worth it, so you win)

i appreciate the kind words, only problem with keeping it up is that my life is so un-story worthy at this point, i sit in my room alone all day grinding, walk on the beach alone for half an hour, bang the same chick most nights.... whats there to talk about?

of course thats not gonna stop me....... just sayin

twintri - i heard about that, ya really is awful for everyone, not sure whats worse though being the guy that died or being the guy that has to sit in 3rd world prison the rest of his life (thats not true prison far worse)

got activated on fulltilt, not many tourneys at all in my playing time though, at least not with a guarantee/big field
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by twintri
A sad event here a coupla days ago. The French baker and coffee shop owner on the hill where I get croissants and coffee sadly hit a moto with a father and daughter aboard. Father died and the young lady lost a leg. On their way to a wedding.
Reports have the Frenchman as then intoxicated and currently in the slammer. He's newly a father. Shame all around.
Can't be too careful here.
Yes, that's a very terrible event. I happened to chat with the French baker on a previous visit there and he seemed like a pleasant guy. A sad reminder that drinking and driving are bad for everyone involved.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 06:40 AM
Hey k2d and Wabby. I'm feeling a bit down after the previous post, but wanted to thank both of you for your info and invite to send a PM to view some properties when I get to Snooky. Being a five minute walk to civilization is fine depending on the area of course. A one or two room furnished condo with a small kitchen for that price range would be quite good. Didn't know that drivers get a 1/12 commission for monthly rentals and certainly worth a try. I'll send a PM about a week or so before I get there. Thanks again.

Last edited by AcesWon; 11-20-2012 at 07:10 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 09:20 AM
K2... does this mean your over the 10k mark work the millions you have with fulltilt?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:06 PM
i have $1900 on fulltilt but we dont get that back yet we have to wait for the us govt meaning who knows, but no that would put me at 8k

just had the most tilting poker day i can remember since getting over here

first off i get another headache, a month ago i said if i was still living a boring existence in vegas and was getting this many headaches i probably would have thrown on a ski mask, well after another month of them 5 or 6 days a week no doubt in my mind i woulda gone for the big gamble

so anyways, TMI here but i throw on some porn and take one of my few remaining advil migraines (not sure what im gonna do when they run out, guy on the snooky forum said he is coming over in january and would bring me a few bottles i hope he comes through)

i mentioned sex is a really good way of making the headache go away, well porn is as well, i HATE to do that when im playing so almost never do but todays was very painful early and had extreme pain potential so u gotta do what u gotta do, particularly because i had some huge stacks going for me and needed to be somewhat clearheaded

so anyways (again) i get 10th in the $11r on party that is my best tourney, first hand of final table i open shove A4o in hj with M of 5 stack, standard imo

then comes the pain

13 left in $11 $5500 guaranteed on fulltilt, the first (and only) tourney i play on fulltilt and im chipleader with 120k after there is an all in and call to me with AK its half my stack to call so i do, im against KK and AJ and make a straight to scoop a huge pot

and then i get AK in the sb open raise, bb shove for 35k i call he has QQ and wins the race, now a few rounds later we are on the final table bubble there is a guy at my table that is uber nitting it up folds to 1 bb he is utg and will post it the next hand, folds to me in the sb i have 25 bb;s and 109 the sb has 20 bbs, about as good of a spot to abuse the bubble as you can get so i shove...... the same dude has QQ again and i end up bubbling the final table after being chipleader 20 minutes before

but its alright i have a big 200k stack on 1500-3000 with 20 left in mass field stars rebuy......... and then i lose two races to the same person (one wasnt a race i was 60/40) and gg me

had 3 great opportunities today and made like $30
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:16 PM
So you can play on full tilt if you deposit new money but all the money that was in your account before black friday is gone now?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:27 PM

we get it back whenever the department of justice gets around to it, dont quote me on this but i believe everyone other then americans already got their money back (in their accounts i would assume)

dont see myself playing on tilt much though, just not any good tourneys during the times i play, theres a $2 rebuy with $12k guaranteed that i would love to play but its a rush tourney and dont think i can handle a rush tourney while 10 tabling

the one i played today has $5,500 guaranteed which is good for an $11 buy in but the starting stack is only 1500....... i do much better in deeper stacked tourneys (actually i do much much better in rebuys)

month girl didnt respond to texts again so had to go get a different girl, went with the one with the best @ss (ok tied with m3thy for best @ss) who i was going with pretty frequently a month ago but hadnt seen for awhile, she said she had just got back from a trip with some other guy (who she caught cheating on her last night in phnom penh so she took the bus back here today)

a great way to relieve stress from a teaser poker day is to hate f**k a great @ss doggystyle
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 07:03 PM
look at them sng matrix games they look fun
i cant play em /i watch them, games some
same players 4 tables at a time

Last edited by hott sweaty; 11-20-2012 at 07:04 PM. Reason: usa not allowed
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-20-2012 , 09:22 PM
K2D - I wasn't exactly planning on doubling the amount of whores you slay, just keeping up enough to make double in the thread... However if there's a challenge, I'll gladly get down with some hobbits, lbs, even animals, the unwilling, the non-breathing, and so on. All holes are pink on the inside right?... Okay, that's pretty ****ed up, maybe not all animals...

But seriously at this point, and I guess I'll only speak for myself, but just reading your avg daytoday bs has become part of my daily routine... The nonsensical surprises are a bonus. I enjoy knowing what it's like living there, and someone providing us with daily updates is great. Knowing you're okay is obv good too. If you disappeared for a while we would worry.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 06:59 AM
partypoker is down today so looks like ill be having a losing day

last night new girl doesnt respond to text for 3rd day in a row (she did so well at this last week, ugh its annoying to sit around waiting all night to see if she is gonna say yes or not)

so went down to dolphin in "gonna take a night off unless i find something new and outstanding" mode

there are actually a couple of really cute girls there but they are already dancing with guys, i wait around for like 15 minutes to see if they separate but they dont

there were definitely a couple others around that i would have been happy to go with (including great @ss from the night before) but i was fine with a night off busted many nuts the previous day

so go back to room read, watch some tv, turn off the lights at 530, maybe half an hour later get a knock on the door

oh sweet m3thies back, hadnt seen her around for maybe 3 weeks (no concept of time over here at all) last i had seen her we were talking about doing the 3some, so she shows up last night at 6 am with another girl, but this girl is not someone i would consider banging

maybe back when i lived in the states id prolly have hit it for free out of desperation, but im certainly not gonna hit it now with so many other options, not gonna pay for it, and not gonna involve it in my first ever 3some

(4 months in asia no 3somes yet i fail, pooter im sorry for letting you down)

m3thie just cant believe that i am not jumping all over this wonderful opportunity she has presented me, she gets pretty upset, my wallet and laptop are out and i start to get a little concerned when she starts to talk to the other girl in khmer, particularly sense the last time i saw m3thie it was when she knocked on my door at 6am trying to sell me a camera, im sure she had just purchased that camera at a store and wouldnt have gotten ahold of it in any sort of devious manner

she then starts begging says just $10 for each girl, she almost gets me to agree to just bang her for $10 (im all about the value) but i dont want to support this kind of behavior, plus its so hard to actually make it all the way through the night without banging something if i can get through it i like to get the off day in the books, and also it would have been quite rude to ask the other girl to wait outside while we........

when she first got there i asked her where she had been she said phnom penh, i asked her how it was she said very good many customers, yet she is already broke begging me to bang her for $10 at 6am

not surprising, this is a girl that in one night can go with me for $20, then another guy for $50, and by 11am the next morning be knocking on my door broke asking if she can crash in my room because she cant pay for a motorbike back to her place

one time she brought up the idea of us doing the month thing together after i told her about how i was doing it with shack girl and it didnt work out, she said she wanted to start saving some money so i would just hold onto the money till the end of the month, i nodded along saying ya sure ok

but no way i would every try that with her, she would be here every single day asking for money, probably the only girl ive met out here that would be a worse option for it then shack

really hope new girl responds to text today

Last edited by kick2dante; 11-22-2012 at 07:07 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 08:33 AM
shocker: party poker is down and 3 hours into my playing session ive already quit, out of all my tourneys on stars, out of my one MTT on fulltilt and lost like $20 in sngs there......... god i hate pokerstars

10 hours till time to sleep, slight headache, no life nothing to do...... i really really really hope new girl responds to text later

think im gonna go to the beach now and look for something else to bang in the mean time
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 09:16 AM
well plans have changed

i realized that since it was a throwawayday already, and a prestigious holiday like thanksgiving a celebration is in order

2 chicks wont be enough, so im gonna try for 3

have the (tied for) best @ss on her way over right now

texted shack girl to see if she was back in town as she told me she should be soon and in fact she arrived today, said she can come over in a few hours

and then hopeful of this new chick responding to text tonight

quite a line up

best @ss

best tits

sexiest face

lets hope this works out
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 09:17 AM
Shocked you aren't trying to get in the pants of female tourists. I assume there are usually a few kicking around. I'd assume they're drunk and easy game if you put in a few minutes of your time. You already have one hell of a story to tell.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 11:08 AM
would rather pay $15-$20 to bang in shape tan azn chicks then hang out in bar trying to impress ugly white chicks

seen very few attractive white girls since ive been over here, the hottest one i was planning on getting rejected by and went searching for her all night but never found her, coulda tried on the beach when i saw her i suppose but my chances would have increased dramatically to like 2% if i saw her later when drunk

best @ss is down, had a bit of a scare, we always do the 2 for 20 deal, on phone i said i just wanted to do 1 but id give her 50,000 riel ($12.50) she said ok but didnt understand what i meant, so when she gets here i explain again and she doesnt want to, she says 15 i say ok then she says no (????) and gets up to leave i say fine we can do the 2 for 20

i really dont wanna do 2 if im gonna try and go for all 3 girls but you gotta do what you gotta do, then after we do the 1 and im in shower she says 1 for 15 would be fine

just waiting on shack girl to get the 2nd out of the way
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 11:59 AM
I will be heading to Cambodia on a border run from Vietnam soon. I never been there and really have no clue. I have done little research other than what I need to do and expect regarding visa and issues. So if anyone can recommend me places to see, eat, lodge that is worth it and not over priced in Phnom Penh that will be appreciated.

Is it worth it to visit Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, National Museum, Tuol Sleng Museum, the Central Market? If so, if you had limited time, what would you recommend for a fly through visitor do/eat/go?

Thank you,
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 02:20 PM
so shack girl cancels on me meaning i have to go on the hunt to find a replacement, i see this one cute vietnamese chick that i went with like a month ago and have been planning to go with again but there is a guy talking with her so i go check other spots and keep in mind to check back there in a bit if i dont find anything better

go down to jjs and see this one girl who i saw earlier in the evening talking to some guys and it looked like one might be her boyfriend, very attractive and had on this really sexy shirt that made her look even moreso (hard to describe the shirt)

but she is sitting in the middle of the bar with people on each side of her (think she was just with 1 girl not the same group of guys) facing inwards so i woulda had to walk up and interject myself into her convo or tap on shoulder or i dont even know what, either way woulda been really awkward so i decide to wait for better opportunity

then i see a girl just as hot, face not as good but way curvier, she is walking away from JJs so i walk (stalk) behind for a bit, they get to dolphin her friend sits down and she keeps walking, perfect i'd much rather approach a girl solo, but i get rejected

it really hurts, i lead with hey wanna go back to my hotel and she says no...... not sure how any girl could turn down such an amazing offer but a few do, i never press the issue so i say ok have a good night

go back to JJs sexy shirt still sitting in same spot, go to where cute viatnamese chick was she is gone...... damn

go back to dolphin and the girl i had banged 2 hours earlier is there, its not crowded at all because so early, we make eye contact i wave but dont go over, she is sitting with a view looking out to where i usually stand and i really dont wanna go up to other girls right in front of her (but will if the right one comes by)

this one girl i was with a month or two ago is totally eyefukkin me but id rather not, if to much time passes and i dont find anything else i would have

theres this one thick one that has big boobs that ive got my eyes on, but not worth approaching right infront of the great @ss chick, anyways i go check out other bars still nothing there and the thick girl is walking the way i was coming from, i stop and pretend to text in her path she says hi i say "hi" she asks if i want massage i say how much she says 20 i say 15 she says massage yum yum boom boom i say sounds good

get in room stomachs a lil fatter than i thought, tits still nice though and stomach wasnt huge or anything, i ask if we can boom boom first and end with yum yum she says ok, only 2nd chick out here who has let me cum in mouth, quite good oral skills all around

so now im just waiting to see if new month girl responds to text tonight, its 1:15 and she hasnt but a couple times she didnt let me know till 3 am so who knows

i had planned on going out and getting a third if she hadnt responded by 2, but A) im fully satisfied and un-motivated, B) going out and looking for a girl is no fun and i was just on the hunt for over an hour not sure i can handle more, and C) dont really wanna walk past the security guard who takes his job way to seriously for the 2nd time tonight with a different girl

i realized that if m3thie had shown up with a hotter chick last night i could be going for 5 in a 24 hour period
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
