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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

11-10-2012 , 10:39 AM
k2D me and few other 2+2ers in PP for APT cambodia 14th onwards, i'll PM you if we end up heading over to snooky
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 10:48 AM
What's the buy ins spill
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 11:01 AM
Dam shame I'm going to miss this maybe they will have it next year seems a decent game for $1000
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
k2D me and few other 2+2ers in PP for APT cambodia 14th onwards, i'll PM you if we end up heading over to snooky
ok cool im a flake though and even moreso with a rando on the internet (even if its you) so expect "hey ya lets do something tomorrow night" followed by no response till you are out of town

(but if you got any questions about decent food or where to go ill gladly answer)
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:13 PM
so today was.........

shack girl calls me earlier, says she doesnt like koh-kong its very bad place and she wants to come back, asks me if i can give her money for a cab (lol this girl) cuz she has no money, i say no, she says come on give me $70 ill pay you back

i say uhhh take a bus, she says she doesnt like buses and only will leave by cab..... very high standards for broke 3rd world hooker imo

2 nights ago this new girl (rubberless) said she would come over yesterday, i text her around 11 saying you gonna come over she doesnt respond, i text again at 130 no response..... she has this annoying lil habit of not being able to put in "yes" or "no" or "i dunno"

sometimes she responds with yes, most often she just leaves me hanging to wonder

she calls me today says she has some problem (i cant understand anyone on the phone unless they speak perfect english) i couldnt tell what it was (she wasnt asking for money) i say ok no big deal, i ask if she can come tonight she says maybe, dont hear back from her text her around 12 again no response, not sure this month deal is gonna work out, i cant handle not knowing like that, need to schedule how late to sign up for tourneys and what not.....

but she's hot and i like the rubberless so gonna have to give it some more time

quick poker beat get to $2r final table, 7 left stack sizes are

600k (me)
600k (him)

10k-20k blinds, its not exactly a turbo but its got a faster structure than standard stars tourneys

"he" raises utg to 60k, folds to me in the bb i overshove with JJ, he CALLS with QUEEN TEN, GG me (calls what would have still been the 3rd biggest stack).... it really seems like the worse the call someone makes the better chance they have, like i woulda been more confident against AQ in that spot then Q10

first was $600ish so not life changing money, but really you hit call with Q10?

so at this point its like 2am i rush down to dolphin hoping there will still be some sort of selection, there is and its a pretty big one, see a few decent ones around out front nothing special but im ready to hump out my frustrations from how that ended, take a quick walk inside to see if anything better and see the big boobed chick from 2 days ago and insta-ship it

we are walking back to her hotel she talks to the security guy, scares me some but whatevs the boobs are worth a lil risk, i didnt have my $ with me so i tell her ill be right back, she wants to wait out in front of her hotel but its right next to mine and i dont want her to see where i stay (cuz she is crazy) so i sorta make her go in

get in go to set my clothes down on a table move some paper towels to the side and theres a used condom under it (just sitting on the table)


whatevs the boobs are worth........

o ya she was wanting to borrow my phone to call her "ice" dealer to bring some over i said no way wait till i leave, she keeps trying to talk me into trying it with her

anyways we finish round 1 i ask her what she does all day cuz no tv in her room she says hand me lighter i do and she starts burning a empty water bottle, room reeks of burnt plastic she just plays with it making it shrink, re-forming it..... quality entertainment

im ready to go so rush through round 2 get out of shower start to put clothes on she opens door i see a flashlight and the security guard im like awww **** here it finally is....... she says something to him shuts the door im wondering how much its gonna cost me to get out of this one

but naw nothing happened when we went out no one was there

this girl with great body = crazy and scary
m3thie = drama
shack girl = so much drama
new girl = wont respond to texts leaves me hanging
my fav = who knows wtf happened at the end of her last visit

why must all the best ones be so difficult

ive met a couple that arent any drama at all (though i woulda said that about my fav until the most recent visit) that were more than good looking enough (one actually has tied for the best ass with m3thie) but one of them no longer goes to dolphin she got a job at some other place where u gotta buy ladies drinks/barfine (deadmans can guess who) and the other i havent seen out for awhile

the more i think about it i should be trying the month deal with the no drama great ass girl, but she is so adamant against rubberless maybe i could talk her into it if i took another test for her.....
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:25 PM
60 bb shove reeks of jacks or smaller pair but I would wanna flip in his pos tbh
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:38 PM
was 30 bbs

how in the world can you say you would want to call off to flip given those stack sizes?

my range for shoving there is like 99-QQ, AQ and AK, heck i might even do the overbet with AA and KK because it would look weaker then a 3bet to 150k

so Q10 is a flip against one of those hands, is 2 live cards against 1 other, and is dominated against everything else

are you just trying to put me back on tilt?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:39 PM
Typo meant I wouldn't wanna call to flip from his point of veiw
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:42 PM
I deffo put u on the lower end of the range small pair like u said don't think ur jamming premium hands but the line could also apply to KK n AA so in villains spot easy fold unless he puts u on say 66-99 then I guess he may wanna just flip but given u could be super strong I fold and pick a better spot in his shoes
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:51 PM
lol i thought u were mad at me for that droogs convo from the thailand thread when u said u would wanna call

(never shoving 6's or 7's in that spot against an utg raise when im in 2nd and theres 3 shorties, ever, even if guy is hyper aggro and i have noted that he raises utg every round look at those stack sizes)
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:57 PM
Yeh notes, mad at what didnt understand that comment either way q10 re shove is -ev
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
so today was.........

not sure this month deal is gonna work out, i cant handle not knowing like that, need to schedule how late to sign up for tourneys and what not.....
You forget that this girl actually has a job to take care of. She can not promise you at 11 in evening that she will show up 2-3 hours later. A wealthy customer may show up. First of all she wants to be able to go with him. Second her boss wants her to be able to go with him. She can not just say "no, I have a another date, that does not pay barfine". So do your thing, but don't expect her to be able to give you an answer ahead of time. Its like if she asked you at 9 in evening if you would come over at 1 am. And you would be like "meh, maybe, If I hit a final table I want to finish play it so wait and see."
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:14 PM
Good way to put it k2 earns his money she needs to do same ideal world we don't live in
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:51 PM
actually ive thought about it and we talked about it, i told her if she said yes and then a better opportunity comes by im not gonna be mad if she cancels, i just wanna know if she plans on coming if nothing better comes along

pass on the rubberless cuz im at a final table.... are you crazy? wouldnt be the first time ive done that multi-tasking
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:57 PM
Lol good to see u know what's important
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-10-2012 , 11:15 PM
So rubberless girl is a flake and you wanna do month deal that already caused you unnecessary drama the first time ...

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by mixgameADDict
So rubberless girl is a flake and you wanna do month deal that already caused you unnecessary drama the first time ...


you think a sample size of only shack girl is enough to know that i shouldnt try to do the month deal again?

in hindsight i would say of all the girls id consider doing this with shack would have to be the 2nd worst to try it with only behind m3thie

granted you have a point that this new girl being a flake isnt a positive sign heading in, but other then me going crazy in my head wondering if she is gonna come over or not i dont see any other real down sides

did i mention i find her extremely attractive and the rubberless aspect? and 15 times a month for $200.......... im all about value, plus it gets her over here often

ive also put a tweak on it this time, instead of trying to just pay it all at the end (which will never work unless the girl already has money which none do) im gonna try giving $10 each time when leaves and then $50 at the end

and im gonna pay a crazy tax (me being crazy that is) and tell her if she responds to all my texts in a timely fashion ill give her a $20 bonus, its worth $20 to have my mind at ease
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 06:32 AM
$20 to respond wow
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
r if she responds to all my texts in a timely fashion ill give her a $20 bonus
Paying for a whore to respond to your texts, you've somehow found a new depth of low.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:06 AM
Paying somebody to respond to texts is just sad.

That comes off as way, way desperate.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:14 AM
I think he just wants to have a deal sorted so he can plan his boom boom round his mtt action but I wouldn't pay for the peice of mind
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:53 AM
ok, $10 bonus

ya its a new low, and yes its desperate, but its not paying her to have a convo with me, its paying so i can have some sort of plan for the rest of my evening

if i know she is gonna come over (or is likely to come over) at 1 or 2 i dont wanna sign up for mass field tourneys on stars that start at 9 that i will have a hard time playing well in late and will force things, so i can just sign up for sngs for greater flexibility and forego the late tournaments

on the other hand if she says no she cant come over i know i can play in those, and then if im out early and feel like it i can head to the beach and find someone else

also as mentioned before i have a crazy mind that never stops, and i hate thinking the "is she gonna come over or not" thoughts all night

and what if i head down to dolphin at 1 because she hasnt responded, start walking back to my room with a lesser chick (that will be rubbered with) and then she finally decides to getting around to saying yes she will come over

what do i do..... say sorry nevermind im gonna go ahead and go with this less attractive/less fun chick instead, or do i say sure come over and tell the other girl sorry and give her a few dollars for the tease?

responding to a text is so simple not sure why she cant just give me a yes, no, maybe, probably, probably not, or whatever

but its clear already she only responds like 20% of the time and usually way after so hopefully if i offer her some incentive to that will change
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 04:16 PM
honey, this idiot called a raise with queen-ten offsuit!

i would say just get a ****ing gf but i have a feeling that won't happen...
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
what do i do..... say sorry nevermind im gonna go ahead and go with this less attractive/less fun chick instead

Whores don't give a **** about you. Why do you give a **** about them?

All you are is a mark to them and you don't deserve their time any more than any other mark.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
