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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

12-10-2014 , 01:54 AM
wheeling a bag through a small airport car park and taking a tuk tuk ride to your hotel with your luggage is not much of a risk.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:04 AM
Sure, my point is though that it's far more of a risk in Cambodia than it would be in, say, Canada.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
Sure, my point is though that it's far more of a risk in Cambodia than it would be in, say, Canada.
but during the day on a busy highway into town, the risk is negligible.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
No, I don't find it unbelievable at all. Lots of people are terrible at assessing risk.

I just continue to point out that despite how people feel, South East Asia is not particularly safe at all, and people should be more careful than they would be in their home countries.
So for the record do you feel safe living in Samui?

When you return to Aus do you noticbaly feel safer there?

Main issue is you try telling people, that their feeling safe is wrong. when a feling -despsite facts to the contary can't be wrong.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:32 AM
If i wanted to try to stay in cambodia aslong as possible. Should i rent a house or stay in a hotel? is siam reap the cheapest place? If i find a cheaper town but its not very many tourists would it be less safe and would they speak english?. Do i get a tourist Visa? If im travelling there do i need too have my hotels and stuff already booked? Do you have any good websites where i can plan my trip? How would i set up my internet there?.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:32 AM
thx guys, fascinating stuff about the airport. both sides have been debated well, and everyone reading the threadd will be able to make an educated decision that suits them best based off of what was already said.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
So for the record do you feel safe living in Samui?

When you return to Aus do you noticbaly feel safer there?

Main issue is you try telling people, that their feeling safe is wrong. when a feling -despsite facts to the contary can't be wrong.
I'm not disputing their feeling, I'm disputing the advice they give to other people that a place is perfectly safe when it isn't.

And no, I don't feel safe in Samui, especially compared to Australia. A friend of mine was shot here by muggers last year (he survived). Another friend had a motorbike accident last week (stray dog ran onto road), and when he was laying on the ground, local Thai people robbed him, and then left him in the middle of the road to fend for himself. Another friend was walking his dog (on a leash) down the street. It growled at a Thai man, who just pulled out a gun and shot it dead while my friend was still holding the leash. Police did not care at all. Thailand is not like your home country.

Anyone who feels that Thailand is safer than a Western country just doesn't realise what is going on. Cambodia is even more dangerous, the country being awash with weapons left over from the Vietnam war and Khmer Rouge genocide. People there are desperately poor and that is a recipe for danger in any country.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 03:46 AM
agreed that both countries are have a heightened level of danger, but pulling a bag through phnom penh's small airport car park and then taking a tuk tuk along a busy road to your hotel put you at virtually no risk of being mugged.

walking in phnom penh at 1am along a quiet dark street puts you at a huge risk of being mugged.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 04:08 AM
If somone says they feel thiland is safer than the uk - they can be proven wrong statisically speaking.

I KNOW the uk/aus are safer than Thailand FACT!

Yet I feel safe living here.

I would not live in a counrty i did not feel safe in. (unless i had no choice in the matter.)

One could knowingly walk blindfolded though a minefeild with a 99% chance of being blown apart yet - If they feel safe doing it, their feeling can not be false. They may indeed be mental but their feeling will be just that their feeling.

If they argueed that the safest pastime in the world was walking through minefelds blinded and it was safer than playing chess in a libary. They could be proven wrong.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 04:15 AM
kind of like how han solo successfully piloted the millenium falcon through that asteroid field even after c3p0 told him the chances were 3720 to 1.

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
And no, I don't feel safe in Samui, especially compared to Australia. A friend of mine was shot here by muggers last year (he survived). Another friend had a motorbike accident last week (stray dog ran onto road), and when he was laying on the ground, local Thai people robbed him, and then left him in the middle of the road to fend for himself. Another friend was walking his dog (on a leash) down the street. It growled at a Thai man, who just pulled out a gun and shot it dead while my friend was still holding the leash. Police did not care at all. Thailand is not like your home country.
Agree about SE Asia being dangerous, but Samui and the South of Thailand are rough as f***, on a whole other level to Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc. Backward inbred island people. There's a thai saying if you don't have rice to eat, in the North someone will give you some. In the south, you'll starve.

Originally Posted by Pooter
I KNOW the uk/aus are safer than Thailand FACT!

Yet I feel safe living here..
Because we spend all our time in the sexual playground expat ghetto, which is well-lit, well-populated, and set up to extract money from us in legit ways. Low level criminal elements operating there would be harming the businesses (owned by more upmarket criminals) there if they scared tourists away.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 05:31 AM
love the huge debates over trivial topics haha <3 it
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 08:46 AM
Hopefully this might put an end to silly arguments about which country is safer. Happy reading.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:21 AM
Hey guys!

Just booked a flight to PP on saturday. Planning to stay somewhere close to Red fox, play some cash games, eat well and have some sunshine. Im looking for ideas where to live. A friend of mine lives there and suggested some guest house close by. Not sure how safe it is in terms of keeping valuables. Any opinions? I definetly wouldnt want to leave my laptop + bankroll in a hotel / guest house room. Im not looking to spend much (pricerange preferably somewhere between 9-15 dollars/night)

Also if someone has room in a larger "poker player house" and wants to have a reliable Finnish lawyer as a room mate, let me know and lets talk more.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by supersinz
Hopefully this might put an end to silly arguments about which country is safer. Happy reading.
If you think that list is accurate then I have a bridge to sell you. It would only measure reported crime for a start, which is a pathetic measure in any country with a high degree of police corruption.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 09:59 AM
Even if those stats are correct and we all agree upon that. It does not change how one feels.

Crime Index* Saftey Index**

Canada 37.16 - 62.84
Thailand 37.01 - 62.99
United Kingdom 41.00 - 59.00
Thailand 37.01 - 62.99
New Zealand 42.38 -57.62
Philippines 42.02 - 57.98
United States 50.16 - 49.84
Myanmar 49.77 -50.23
Australia 41.65 -58.35
Cambodia 40.76 -59.24

From the site:

Crime Index is an estimation of overall level of crime in a given city or a country. Crime Levels up to 50 are reasonable, and crime index levels more than 100 are too high.

Safety index is, on the other way, quite opposite of crime index. If the city has a high safety index, it is considered very safe."

**** knows what they are basing it on, their saying cambo is safer than Aus lol

This website is prolly not taking things into account like, emergency serivces in the uk are awsome,response times are very quick, compared to Thailand and the responders are highly trained and your chances of survivial are much greater. however that still does not leave me living with a sense of perpetual fear or 'unsafe' i feel safe, content and happy despite knowing i am living in a les safe country than the uk/aus.

From persoanl experince i know more people that have been mugged/robbed and attaked for no reason in the uk than in Thailand or PI.

in 16 years in Pattaya I have one hotel room burgled and one hooker steal my laptop and ps2.

In the uk - I was robbed by a london bouncer - two freinds have been mugged at knife point in london nightclub toilet - whole group of freinds mugged at knife point by gang with pitbull dogs too. My mates sister got mugged on bus in london - my mother had her phone ripped from her in broad daylight in london. My lodgers mum got her car hi-jacked at knife point by gang in london. Not even gonna list the amount of bottlings and fights in pubs on weekends, where they start over nothing.

Last edited by Pooter; 12-10-2014 at 10:11 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
If you think that list is accurate then I have a bridge to sell you. It would only measure reported crime for a start, which is a pathetic measure in any country with a high degree of police corruption.
Yeah This^

But the fact no-one here can get their heads around the differnce between subjectiveness and factuality is quite staggering - back to my philosophy forum i guess.

Last edited by Pooter; 12-10-2014 at 10:14 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:17 AM
Spiv also think Kuta, Bali is one of the most dangerous places in the world...

He's hysterical.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Yazzx
Nice... was planning to spend xmas in pp anyway, may go a few days earlier for this ^^

is it free entry but some mahoosive rebuys+addon or some ****?
I was told everyone gets a free entry and will get the same amount of starting chips. But I was also told that they would allow for rebuys and addons. I don't know what the starting stacks are or how much the rebuys would be. Knowing the players there, especially the locals, I'm sure there will be many who will rebuy.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by UUNI
Hey guys!

Just booked a flight to PP on saturday. Planning to stay somewhere close to Red fox, play some cash games, eat well and have some sunshine. Im looking for ideas where to live. A friend of mine lives there and suggested some guest house close by. Not sure how safe it is in terms of keeping valuables. Any opinions? I definetly wouldnt want to leave my laptop + bankroll in a hotel / guest house room. Im not looking to spend much (pricerange preferably somewhere between 9-15 dollars/night)

Also if someone has room in a larger "poker player house" and wants to have a reliable Finnish lawyer as a room mate, let me know and lets talk more.
You'll find plenty of your countrymen here for sure as there are many Finns who play at both the Riverking and the Red Fox, especially the latter. For the price range you stated it looks like a guesthouse will be your best bet. I've never stayed in one but have friends who do and they don't seem to really mind their accommodations. I wouldn't count on having a safe though. If you plan on playing at Riverking you can keep your money there as it literally is the safest place in town. Or you can open up a bank account at ABA with nothing more than a passport and they'll set you up with an ATM card and online access almost immediately.

A handful of us poker players stay at Long Live Hotel. If you're willing to go towards the high end of your price range, you can get a monthly deal for $450 which averages to basically $15/night. When you get your room, just mention to the front desk that you know "Bong Vi" and that he told you the price was $450.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by lol69
Spiv also think Kuta, Bali is one of the most dangerous places in the world...

He's hysterical.
No, I am just realistic. Poor South East Asian nations are more dangerous than rich western nations and the reasons why are obvious. Telling people that it's super safe and they don't need to be more careful than they usually would at home is terrible advice.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by poker_triad
You'll find plenty of your countrymen here for sure as there are many Finns who play at both the Riverking and the Red Fox, especially the latter. For the price range you stated it looks like a guesthouse will be your best bet. I've never stayed in one but have friends who do and they don't seem to really mind their accommodations. I wouldn't count on having a safe though. If you plan on playing at Riverking you can keep your money there as it literally is the safest place in town. Or you can open up a bank account at ABA with nothing more than a passport and they'll set you up with an ATM card and online access almost immediately.

A handful of us poker players stay at Long Live Hotel. If you're willing to go towards the high end of your price range, you can get a monthly deal for $450 which averages to basically $15/night. When you get your room, just mention to the front desk that you know "Bong Vi" and that he told you the price was $450.
Thanks for the info.

Does the long live hotel have a safe or some other arrangement where I can keep my laptop? I dont really care that much for the aparment – wont be spending much time there while im awake – but Im willing to pay more if thats what it takes to have my laptop somewhere safe, and have a peace of mind about it.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
If you think that list is accurate then I have a bridge to sell you. It would only measure reported crime for a start, which is a pathetic measure in any country with a high degree of police corruption.
Its all in the Numbers. I have lived in New Zealand, London, Cambodia and Thailand.
If you can send me some relevant statistics to back up what you are saying then I will listen.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by UUNI
Thanks for the info.

Does the long live hotel have a safe or some other arrangement where I can keep my laptop? I dont really care that much for the aparment – wont be spending much time there while im awake – but Im willing to pay more if thats what it takes to have my laptop somewhere safe, and have a peace of mind about it.
There is no safe at the Long Live Hotel. But if you're worried about your computer equipment it's very safe. I have both a laptop and a tablet that I keep in my room at all times. I even leave it in there when I'm gone when the maids have access to my room and I've never had an issue. And they're really good about security. Residents are required to turn in their keys to the front desk when leaving the hotel. This way, anyone who does not pick up a key at the front desk when entering is not allowed to go into the elevator or up the stairs. And they have security that sits outside by the garage 24/7.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
12-10-2014 , 11:51 AM
@all ppl who live in camb and play online at stars:

dunno if you heard bout it, but its obv. not a good news..
And given that malaysia was also cut off (there is somewhere a list), its imo not 100% impossible that this might happen one day also to cambodia...

So plz@all ppl who play on stars but are still ****ing registered in their homecountries, get your fat ass up and finally change i nthe stars-client your location to cambodia...

its btw. against stars-rules to have a false location registered and could lead to that your br mught get frozen in the worst case...

But rly, imo its just important that more ppl who play on stars and live in camb change also their destination in the stars cleint to cambodia, so that camb will not be cut off like it happened to 30 outher counties recently.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
