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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

11-22-2012 , 03:02 PM
**** it i set out with a goal at least gonna go down and see if there is anything worth going for #3 with
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 04:58 PM
well that was the best thanksgiving ive ever had
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 09:29 PM
def go to tuol sleng and killing fields. maybe read a bit about cambodias history before u go. its really interesting.

didnt wanna go to the shooting range after seeing all this sick ****. firing a rocket launcher at a cow for 300$ is way beyong my imagination anyway. rather spend the money on some school programs or whatever.

try heart of darkness or platoon?! at night. nice clubs. lots of girls
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-22-2012 , 10:53 PM
Asian Gigolo and K2Dante you guys MUST hang out together. Can you imagine the awkwardness and the stories?

I must admit Dante you give life to every thread that you post in especially the Cambo thread. I like how you have grown, slowly but progressively (with far more to go).

I have never been to Cambo but I may need to get over there on my next trip to SE Asia.

Asian Gigolo you are an interesting guy. One thing both you and Dante posess are interesting writing styles.

Good luck to both of you.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-23-2012 , 06:10 AM
i think its pontoon not platoon right? ive only heard it come out of cambodian chicks mouths so i could totally be wrong but it definitely sounds like pontoon

and ya they all mention heart of darkness as well

anyone who blows up a cow with a rocket launcher for entertainment deserves many awful things to happen to them for the rest of their lives imo, i hope you all have seen that youtube vid where the guy is "hunting" a lion in a fenced in area, basically shooting at him like a cardboard target (not sure why its better to shoot the real thing but some dudes got really small penis's and need to feel better about themselves) and then the lion charges him after getting shot and gets like 2 feet away from mauling him, damn i wish that woulda ended with the dude getting his throat torn out

someone stole my apple juice from the hotel fridge, been putting stuff in there damn near 4 months and only second time something has gone missing, i had only taken one small drink out of it so we are talking about -$1.60 in value...... what a horrible way to start your day

so didnt post the trip report for round 3 last night because i was exhausted, not sure if it was more all the boom booming or the 2 times having to go on the hunt for a random since new girl didnt respond to text (again) but i was totally beat after the third girl and had the best sleep ive had in years

but it was certainly an interesting experience so ill fill ya'll in now, i went down to the beach never letting my cell out of my hand hoping new girl would call me but she never did

when i first get to dolphin there is a lil scuffle going on, one dude (40ish) really wants to fight, but all that happens is just some pushing and shoving (standard)

later i ask the great @ss girl (first girl from yesterday) what it was about (because her friend was kind of in the middle of it, her friend is always in the middle of it actually, i wanna bang her but ive seen her get in a few altercations and she is pretty intimidating for a chick so havent approached yet)

anyways i guess there was an argument when some tourist grabbed one of the girls, the guy who was really pissed is a local who i guess is really rich (not sure if rich for cambodia or actually rich) and wanted to beat the guys ass, then a drink was thrown on someone, i dunno i just caught the tail end of it but was mildly entertaining

so around 230 i give up on getting a call from new girl but ive seen enough around to know im gonna go with something and accomplish the goal, i even tried to have a 3some to make it 4 girls as i saw the one girl from last week who was down for 3somes talking with another cute girl but the random girl was already with a guy

i ask the girl who had rejected me earlier again and she wanted to know why i wantd her, i told her cuz she was hot she said sorry i have to kill a european man tonight, i said well im not european so we should be fine but then she told me she was the girl who got grabbed that the fight was over and she couldnt go tonight was to upset but we could go some other time

(this really was a long taxing night)

then i see a cute girl talking to great @ss girl, wait for her to go somewhere else then ask her and she rejects me , not sure if taxi girl or not havent seen her before

so now its like 3 am and im running out of options, the girl that might have had the best looking body is still there but i wasnt 100% sure she was old enough, fwiw that doesnt mean she looked 16 and i hoped she was 18, it means she looked 20 but i dont wanna go to jail

she is hanging around great @ss chick with some older lady who is obviously with this other girl watching over her, i decide ill ask great @ss chick if that girl is old enough, she tells me yes then asks if i wanna go with her, i say ya so she asks her to come over and speaks to her in khmer, i find out this girl speaks no english at all so the negotiation goes through the older lady who is with her

she asks me to pay up front right then, usually i wouldnt do that but im tired, off my game, and just ready to get this over with so i pull out my wallet (with like 100 people around) and give this older woman the money to take the hot girl away (wonder if mamasan, or maybe even her actual mom)

so now walking with this girl find out she speaks no english at all, she also is walking really really really slow and keeps looking behind us and i start to think uh oh maybe i just fukkked up in some sting operation or something

finally get back to room she gets naked, could tell she had recently had a baby so body not quite as nice as i thought it would be, also super skinny with clothes off, like unhealthily skinny, i go to feel her boobs and she pushes my hand away (obv a bad sign) but eventually she allows for almost whatever

we did the 2 for 20 deal, i woulda been fine with 1 but i thought her body was way way better when seeing it in clothes so i negotiated for the 2 times with the mamasan

man im tired again just from writing that (yes it was really long, and that was just 1 of 3 rounds)

added 2 new girls which is always fun

definitely not gonna go search for anything tonight, will send new girl a text and if she responds we will do something but if not whatever, she did so good last week coming over 4 out of 5 nights, then this week hasnt responded for the last 4 nights..... pretty sure no way she comes over the full 15 times for our month deal so not sure how to handle that
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-23-2012 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i think its pontoon not platoon right? ive only heard it come out of cambodian chicks mouths so i could totally be wrong but it definitely sounds like pontoon

and ya they all mention heart of darkness as well
It's pontoon yeah, the best PP has to offer really... Not hard to find a half decent looking girl there for free unless you're ugly as sin or old and fat. I've never paid with one I found there. Though I don't chuck them out straight after I let them stay and make it seem like I'm into them (which I am sometimes) which probably has something to do with it.

HoD is full of ugly whores, ladyboys and gay men.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-23-2012 , 10:35 PM
Guys, can you make some photos of the city, beaches, streets, and what else of interesting in Cambodia. I'm interested in a trip to Cambodia for a year.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-23-2012 , 11:14 PM

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 05:16 AM
im sad

this new monthly chick........ so last week she didnt respond to texts for a few nights, then she does and comes over 3 straight nights and i think everything is great, we have no fights no problems at all she leaves friday night we are on good terms

i had been boom booming a lot then and wanted to take saturday and sunday off to play a late set of mtts and give the lil guy a rest so i tell her i wont ask her to come over again till monday and she says ok see you then

now ive texted her the last 5 nights with zero responses

so i call today to see if she is even still alive and get the stupid "SOMA PEYTO BLA BLA BLA" message that says her phone is disconnected/out of service

being the insecure person i am i borrow a friends phone to call just to make sure that she didnt block my number and again get the soma peyto BS

sigh, a month (or continued months) rubberless with possibly the hottest (clearly top 5) girls ive been with out here was like a dream come true...... i wonder wtf happened

i know where she works at victory hill (if she is still in town) so i guess i could go pop in down there, if i havent heard from her in a few weeks i might, but i havent seen her at the beach all week and she had started going there recently so i probably woulda seen her unless she was avoiding me

my narcissistic side thinks she changed phone numbers to get away from me and is avoiding the beach because of me, but that is highly unlikely

Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 07:04 AM
did you learn from your mistake this time??

or you gonna set up a monthly deal with the next hot girl and get scammed again?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 08:52 AM
Its hardly a scam if he doesnt pay anything up front.

Still i think its not worth the hastle setting up these monthly deals as they will likely lead to drama that you would prefer to avoid.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 09:09 AM
lol get scammed

if anything im up on her, i only gave her $10 each time she came over and was gonna pay out the rest (though it only would have been $50) at the end of the month which she was fine with

i was paying her $25 a time in the 3 times before the month deal that she came over (though i woulda got it down to $20 if we werent doing the month deal)

i love how most of yall always assume the worst

hell even with the shack girl fiasco i still ended up paying her less per boom boom then before, it certainly was a drama filled few weeks but it was loads of fun and all of the drama never amounted to anything real

so far i gotta agree spud, though im not sure 2 is a big enough sample size to be certain

shack girl was just awful for it and i had enough hints to know that going in

i rushed into it with this girl, the fact that i actually owe her some money makes it even more likely that she didnt change her phone and avoid the beach just because of me, but no matter the reason the end result is still her not being in my bed

i am curios as to why though, honestly she was a really depressed girl and i hope she didnt do anything stupid

ive been around great @ss girl enough to say that i have like 85% confidence that she could handle the month deal, she would actually be the best for it very professional, no drugs, doesnt even drink, doesnt seem to be any drama at all with her

only problem is she is 100% no matter what always gonna make me use a condom, i guess i could ask her if that would change if we went and got an HIV test together, but i doubt it will because of how adamant she is about it, plus she knows i fook around

im just not sure the month deal is worth it if using a condom

but it still drops the nightly shenanigans from $20 to like $13


Last edited by kick2dante; 11-24-2012 at 09:23 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 11:33 AM
i think the biggest difference ive noticed in online poker from before black friday is the rebuy hours, no where near as crazy

used to be you could call all ins with A10 profitably, now people have strong hands almost every time

(obv some exceptions but they are pretty rare)
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 11:37 AM
Dont worry big guy there are more hookers out there.

Probably saved you a disease in the long run anyways.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 03:17 PM
Is it real? Two-three online-grinders chip together for rent a castle or villa, and hire a dozen slaves in cambodia - live like a king
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-24-2012 , 04:21 PM
cool pics People's E
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 12:39 AM

some market beside a street

bird and chicken


BBQ snakes

got drunk and ended up on a Ferris wheel, not the cleverest idea.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 01:44 AM
cool, plz upload photos more often, with pictures this topic more interesting
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 02:23 AM
I got a ton of good pics from cambo, I should make an effort really....
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
I got a ton of good pics from cambo, I should make an effort really....
no no no, please dont na
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 05:32 AM

I have to go to Cambodia for visa run before december 5 and I want to gamble in Nagaworld Hotel, dont know how long I will stay, if it's really fishy maybe 1-2 weeks, anyone down there during that time?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Vucking Vish
I got a ton of good pics from cambo, I should make an effort really....
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
no no no, please dont na

LOL well played PE

last night went to all the potential bar spots on the beach in search of new month girl, she wasnt out

wonder how long i can hold out before going to victory hill to try and find her, only problem is i never once understood the name of the bar she worked at, she is pretty good with english but i asked her where she worked at least 5 times and literally have no clue what she was saying any time

my laptop is messing up, every time i start it up it says something about the media wire isnt working, please restart and select the proper operating system or insert operating cd and press enter, i dont have any cd and cant select anything at start up so i just have to turn off and power on a couple times and it eventually works

as of now only a minor hassle, but at some point it may not work, seems to me its just not recognizing windows properly for some odd reason, ran into deadmanshand today and he said it sounds like a hardware problem to him, that would obv blow

he said not to take my comp to any computer shops out here cuz he has heard stories of them taking out your new parts and putting in crappy old parts then selling yours

sigh hope this doesnt get any worse, i just got it in june its still under warranty but its not like that does me any good out here
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 07:10 AM
Try reformatting. Download a pirate version of Windows, stick it on a USB stick, boot from USB and do a clean format. Fixes most things, if it doesn't work you know for sure it's a hardware problem.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 08:30 AM
windows is on the comp so i dont need a pirated version ive already reformatted once before

is that something i really need to do? meaning could this issue get worse if i dont? because im fine with the minor inconvenience i just know that i have to turn my comp on ahead of time and not wait right up until first tourney starts to boot it up
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
11-25-2012 , 03:03 PM
went in search of her on the beach again, not there

was only gonna bring a ho back if i found something outstanding and did not

makes 3 straight nights going without after the 3 in one day, just not at all motivated but will 100% for sure be doing something tomorrow

four days in a row is not allowed

when i went down to the open air kitchen at 1am to make some food i turned the light on and tonight the rat was up on the counter, he always freaks out when i come in but it was even worse tonight, he bumps into everything running across all the plates knocks silverware over as he frantically GsTFO

so what should i order to eat from the restaurant here tomorrow?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
