tjena fan! (the extent of my swedish language

well, no. - never heard anything in bolivia (never been but highly doubt there is anything legit/normal stakes that runs regularly).
Chile and argentina actually have action, but buenos aires and vina del mar is all I know about specifically. Chile LAPT final table tomorrow btw, glgl Johann!
Lima - Peru has plenty of action at various stakes. Trujillo has a casino but pretty much an absolute joke/scam from everything I hear, including a tourney they just ran that got like 20k prizepool, but casino directors decided they wanted like half of that for themselves and just took it out of the prizepool. Also many accounts of scamming/softplaying/collusion in places in Lima.
Colombia generally has very low stakes, although ~50NL runs in bogota and medellin. I know cartagena has a casino, no idea the action.
Brazil prob has the biggest poker scene, and for tourneys LAPT is basically all that runs that is worth it to play, as well as alot of BSOP events.
Basically if you are looking to play for profit and not just recreation, ur out of luck besides Lima.