Boliver fell in love with Guayaquil (Ecuador). Try PM'ing him to learn more details, he's still around.
San Juan del Sur looks like an option, see
a trip report about Nicaragua written by Chuck Bass (and PM him if interested - he's yet to finish the most interesting part of the report).
Costa Rica is obviously more expensive.
Panama is not so enjoyable (according to someone from its capital who I chatted with) because of the annoying combination of heat and humidity, which makes residents rather unfriendly, especially to gringos.
Buenaventura (Colombia)
seems not recommended because of crime and lack of good beaches.
I have zero first-hand travelling experience, though
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
If yes, where are you flying from (CSKA?)?
OP seems to live in Portugal (according to a bit of forum search
), so mind that he has hardly any language barrier even in those Latin countries where English isn't spoken widely.
If this is the case, then a return flight to Sao Paulo will be significantly cheaper (due to the popularity of the destination) than to a Spanish-speaking Latin country, plus I've heard good testimonials about the coastal cities in the south of Brazil, though
Florianopolis is expensive.
CSKA is the name of a few sports clubs in former socialist countries, it stands for 'the Central Sports Club of the Army'.
Last edited by coon74; 05-13-2016 at 01:58 PM.