Good luck to everyone playing in the PCA in the coming weeks . Wish I could join but then again I don't really have the BR to anyway. Overall Aruba is a great time and I would love to return again...
Here's my biased opinionated version of my trip to Aruba. Cliffs at end if your lazy and don't want to read my rambling about gambling.
Ok so first day. Get to Aruba great weather and the beach is white sand w blue water. USD is accepted everywhere .Lots of casinos. Few card rooms. More on that later.... Most of the people here are couples or families. That being said, wicked chippa does not get any pussy on this trip. Anyway. This time of year(pre Xmas post tgiving) is relatively quiet and not too overbearing in terms of crowds. I stayed at the Marriott w the family and its a nice place but there is no poker on site.
After doing some research and not being fearful of the colluding regs ( I decided I'd check out the holiday inn and the raddison. Night 1 we ate at simply fish . Nice spot on beach at Marriott . Kinda pricy but it was good food I had fried grouper crusted in macdamia nut. Great dish. Pretty pricey don't expect Aruba to be super cheap drinks are 8 bucks standard us prices.
Back to the poker. I have 150 dollars in my pocket . I walked over to the holiday inn ( walking distance from marriot) and was happy to find fellow poker players in a small room 1/4 the size of the fifth st cafe in Foxwoods.... 6 tables.... As I got closer I realized that it was a 4/8 limit game. Shucks. I don't wanna die at the table I want to play NL. The dealers told me there was no 1/2 game on the island and they ran 2/5 occasionally but it seemed like they never did . **** you you know nothing of poker in Aruba. Next keep walking to raddison and find a 2/5 game NL wicked chippa gets hard. But first spins the roulette wheel for 50 bucks. Bam we now have corporate sponsorship. Buy into 2/5 for the min like a true fish. Play a few orbits float at 200....
I'm shooting th **** calling some guy a degen for playing j3 offsuit and he says you better watch out. I tell him I'm not afraid of degens who play j3 .
Anyway after berating the donk I talk about the bad beat oh cool it's aaa10 10 minimum cool! Wow what's the pot min? No one knows... Later I find out there isn't one but its capped at 50k and the 25pct is split among the room not a problem as there's only 2 tables open... Anyway this poker room is tiny also. 8 tables and the tv screens aren't located in a great spot. I' spolied at Foxwoods where theres tv everywhere yet I still bitch....
Ok so hero utg 88. Donk jack3 on button limp pot 5 way...
Check check. 689 r flop. Wicked chippa practically nuts his pants then realizes this is a dangerous flop. Best to test the waters. Bet 10 folds to mp white guy raises to 30. I Hollywood agonizing groan. J3 donk bets 60... Aight. Fold back to wicked shippa. I ship that **** middle set! **** J3 he's a bitch and is trying to beat me because I called him a degen. Plus I got a decent hand and figure anymore middle cards are not good to see and I have no shove power if I call off aprox 40 percent of stack . White guy wisely folds . Donk says u got 7 10. I'm my head I'm like **** did he make a set? No way , his line is so bluffy and stealish he's gotta fold.
" I gotta call" he calls. Flips 10 3... Dawg it's not even Xmas are you cereal?
Turn 10 . River 2. Ship it to wicked chippa biiiitch! Take that sucker down I guess a gutshot is good to call off your whole stack to a smack talking nit I played like 3 other hands in a 45 min span.... Anyway I cash out for 4 and change and dip out. Walk back to Marriott and find my mom is amazing lag slot player and tripled up . Nice. My dad is a nit bj noob and won 50 bills. Sweet.
Next day we go to a place across from the Amsterdam inn for dinner on beach similar to simply fish........ Ok here's the bad beat story....
I order filet mignon and aruban seafood soup..... Jesus Christ.
I run to the porta potty after dinner and I'm running bad. My ass is ****tin liquid....
Ain't a thang tho wicked chippa ate some of his moms lamb dish and dads pork and had wasabi mashed potatoes. A little runny **** isn't out of ordinary.......
Fast forward to 12 am. Remember the South Park episode where randy ****s and pukes constantly back and fourth ?that was me for the next 12 hours of my life . I was more efficient had a trash can infront of me while I shat liquid.
****ing seafood soup must of got me cuz family is all fine And a friend had filet and was fine. Run bad. Highly unusual I have iron stomach and eat like a boss. I could eat a whole sushi boat from red lantern btw if anyone wants to do props on that or any eating challenges at Foxwoods ****
So I **** I puke. And I'm hearing the man who sold the world by nirvana while this is happening for 12 hours. Wicked chippa has officially lost it. Finally I wake up in a daze. Drink water. Like a whole bottle . Puke that. Ok ill only have a sip. Hold that. I eat a saltine and sleep. Next day . Chicken sandwich 😝
. Almost puke from shock of eating. Hold that down. **** toothpaste density poop. Progress.
Decide I am ok to play poker...
Back to poker room azn reg chick is there w her kindle. Watch out she has the nuts .... Damn azn girls. I fold JK pre when my dad walks over and watch the flop come all clubs w a jack. The a king of clubs on turn then a king of hearts. ****. It's ok I leave up 20 bills and my dad is pissed his blackjack system failed.
We go back to Marriott and my mom is amazing lag at slots and. She doubles up like a ****in boss on some penny slot. She has no idea how to play the slots other than press whatever button feels right....
Oh yeah I got heat rash or some**** and it itches like a mother****er on my back and it's awful. We leave tmrw: my dad is a nit so we have to leave 3 hours before flight.... We are 15 minutes from airport. As is anywhere on this small island... Ill be back one day ! Thanks aruba!
Brag: Came to Aruba w 150 walked out w 490
Beat: seafood poisoning cost me a whole day and a lot of pain I still am not 100 pct.
Brag : my mom runs good at slots.
Beat: I lost 20 at txhe bonus and didn't buy the preflop bonus and was dealt AQ s no 100 for me...
Brag: I survived Aruba
Beat: haven't actually left Aruba time of post 2 am...
Brag: didn't puke today...
Beat: put dollar in Ferrari racing arcade and gas pedal is stuck to floor.
Put dollar in motorcycle machine and game is totally ****ed and doesn't work
Aruba is cool great weather beach is awesome avoid seafood if possible.
Wicked chippa got food poisoning.
Wicked chippa had 2 winning seshs at 2/5 nl
Best place to play during non pca time is Raddison.
**** holiday in weak ass 4/8 game ....
Lots of babes... All w family or husband or boyfriend..
Drinks are about 8 bucks a piece same as USA
Bbj at radisson is AAA1010 no pot rea must go to river.
Black guy and Asain chick solid nit regs... Plenty of donkeys too.
Guy tells me too loosen up and call him pre for 50 shows down AA ... Pro tip fold k10 cc pre flop won't usually come kk3.
Yeah so that was my Aruba trip bring sunscreen and a girlfriend if you got one... Avoid seafood if your a nit and playing in high stakes events.
Aruban food is basically American food.
I'm a lag donk and won some dough here you can too!
Goodluck to all post any qs here to share the info..