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Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines?

09-07-2015 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i never understood why people get mad when a nit hits and runs

do they really think he is going to 'give it back'

be happy that a seat opened up where a looser player will come in

when i was forced to live PLO post black friday there was this one other reg who would always call me out for being a nit......... he was the biggest nit of the reg PLO players so being a hypocrite was cool....... and i would go back at him and talk about how nitty he was and we would both kill each others action, he started it every time..... i eventually pointed out to him that he was being ******ed killing our action and he said i was right....... and then did it again the next time

anyways i would definitely bet that it was the other nits in the game that got killah banned

you can pull the quiet nit in the corner winning a pot and bouncing after 1 more round routine in vegas, not surprising that after 6 months of doing it at a local card room you get that treatment, particularly as an 'outsider'
About my thinking also... I don't think 'fishes' care much who they lose the money... But other 'grinders' sure ain't too happy to share and would be the ones to gain more if one of the tight players can't/won't play anymore... Well i could still play some lower limits games there... But it is not much one if you can't play the game you really want in 'public' card room
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09-07-2015 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i never understood why people get mad when a nit hits and runs

do they really think he is going to 'give it back'
but youre forgetting by getting mad youre stopping that guy from coming back in the future wich is massively +ev when playing against a ss scum nit (no offence to killah)

if people are losing money they want something in return. you sitting there all quiet and being a typical online reg playing live sure is a quick way to get yourself banned/disliked/

edit: the fishes are exactly the ones who will be getting annoyed by you leaving so quickly. not the regs ofc
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09-07-2015 , 05:37 AM
Why do people sit down and play at a game where they are going to be long term losers? They aren't thinking logically in that sense. They are there to have fun and when they see their money go to another player who immediately gets up, it's awful for the game.

Being friendly and respecting common courtesy (even if it's your right to leave whenever you want) is going to be better for yourself and the game.

FWIW there's a conversation about this in the winrates thread (thread is super lol) going on atm.
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09-07-2015 , 05:38 AM
that ^
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09-07-2015 , 05:45 AM
live poker sucks and ppl who hit and run are biggest douches in the world. So its good u got banned
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09-07-2015 , 06:07 AM
Going a little overboard there...

I'd wait awhile then go to the game when it's short handed and try to sit down, try to give the illusion that you are there to have fun and make friends and not win everyone's money. Don't go back for awhile, then go play again when it's short handed. After awhile of doing that start going back more regularly.

FWIW I got kicked out of several games in China despite being incredibly friendly and always staying until the game broke or I was pretty much passing out at the table. It is going to happen when you are making money and you are the odd one out.
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09-07-2015 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Why do people sit down and play at a game where they are going to be long term losers? They aren't thinking logically in that sense. They are there to have fun and when they see their money go to another player who immediately gets up, it's awful for the game.

Being friendly and respecting common courtesy (even if it's your right to leave whenever you want) is going to be better for yourself and the game.

FWIW there's a conversation about this in the winrates thread (thread is super lol) going on atm.
I'm allways friendly and def not offensive... And i'm sure aware that some ppl come there just to have fun... But as i'm foreigner i can hardly even participate to any conversation(i allways reply if someone ask something)... But i quess it would have been better if i had complained about every bad beat and just told them how bad they play... And i as i said i allways tried to play at least round or two after winning big pot(def would play more if the game was good and i would be still playing my A game)... But again i'm not a guy who likes to grind 8+ hour session and it would have been ok if they make some minium play rule...
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09-07-2015 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Going a little overboard there...

I'd wait awhile then go to the game when it's short handed and try to sit down, try to give the illusion that you are there to have fun and make friends and not win everyone's money. Don't go back for awhile, then go play again when it's short handed. After awhile of doing that start going back more regularly.

FWIW I got kicked out of several games in China despite being incredibly friendly and always staying until the game broke or I was pretty much passing out at the table. It is going to happen when you are making money and you are the odd one out.
Yup sounds about right. And i kinda tried that didn't go there much i month or so and as i said i was able to slip in couple of times... Just thought i would get some action during their big tournament... as there came quite many players from other cities also... But i just thing that some of the local players have too much power there and they just don't like to share with foreigners(there hardly is any other foreigner anymore)... But yea i'm now in different city now and gona stay here couple of months at least before going there again... And i did not meant to whine so much but to warn other foreigners what might happen(well i was able to play about six months with out any problems... i quess they finaly had enough)
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09-07-2015 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Burnss
but youre forgetting by getting mad youre stopping that guy from coming back in the future wich is massively +ev when playing against a ss scum nit (no offence to killah)

if people are losing money they want something in return. you sitting there all quiet and being a typical online reg playing live sure is a quick way to get yourself banned/disliked/

edit: the fishes are exactly the ones who will be getting annoyed by you leaving so quickly. not the regs ofc
completely disagree, in my experience the fish couldn't care less about anything other than limping in with there next 107s

its the (nit) regs that will go to the floor and cause a stink, or call you out at the table

i've really never seen a fish do that once....... they will get to limp and call away their stack no matter who the opponent is

now doing it in a showy way or talking trash to the fish is a different story, but im sure killa wasnt doing that
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09-07-2015 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Zrebna
Hey @ all people who have a $-account at BDO and play online for a living...
You cash out without any wories from your stars-accounts for instance to your BDO-account?
I have just heard that they are pretty strict with gambling from many people now...
So how you get actually money to your bankaccounts? whats the best line?...thanks!
I've cashed out from stars to BDO this month without any problems. I've also deposited to other gambling sites. This is all with a peso account though.
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09-07-2015 , 09:33 AM

You guys are missing out on a lot of ev if youre not utilizing the gay dudes (with girls) that wave you over at bars. Was hesitant at first but it's an easy in. Most girls seem too shy to do the same.

Disclaimer: no ho mo

Last edited by KnightShift92; 09-07-2015 at 09:34 AM. Reason: You cant say ****?
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09-07-2015 , 10:52 AM
$2 worth of australian beef strips at rustans

cheddar cheese from the deli (have to buy 100g minimum so need a fridge for the leftovers)

50 cent ciabatta

one of the best cheese steaks i have ever had

i need to think up some more ways to incorporate this aussie beef into my diet, can't come up with much though
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09-07-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Teepee09

You guys are missing out on a lot of ev if youre not utilizing the gay dudes (with girls) that wave you over at bars. Was hesitant at first but it's an easy in. Most girls seem too shy to do the same.

Disclaimer: no ho mo
used to get hit on by guys on ladies night at h&j on wednesday. After you say no they usually ask you if you want to be introduced to their friend. def a solid tactic. (some can be really **** annoying and not take the hint youre not gay though)

Last edited by Burnss; 09-07-2015 at 11:03 AM. Reason: apparently i have the gay vibe though...
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
09-07-2015 , 02:30 PM
I do the whole 'leave shortly after doubling up' thing a fair amount here in Vegas. I wouldn't do it in the Philippines though. As a foreigner and an outsider you are going to need to do some things differently than the locals. Anything borderline questionable ethically you're going to have trouble getting away with in that setting.

By the way I don't really agree with BGP and Burnss on this. Each persons money and overall financial situation are their own concern and business, no one else's.

It's easy for someone with a 50 buyin bankroll and plenty of money beyond that for life expenses to judge the guy with a 15 buyin bankroll that is mixed with his life expenses, but really he would do better to have some perspective and consider what he might do if he were in the other guys shoes.

My take on it is when the money is behind the line, not in play, and in your stack it is YOUR money, you can do what you want with it no one else gets to tell you what to do with it, and they should be the ones crossing the ethics line if they do, not you.

All that being said because most people look at it the way BGP and Burnss do, and because you are a guest in the Philippines I would recommend you do adhere to the standard ethical ideas on this, and not hit and run.
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09-07-2015 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by ITT666
I do the whole 'leave shortly after doubling up' thing a fair amount here in Vegas. I wouldn't do it in the Philippines though. As a foreigner and an outsider you are going to need to do some things differently than the locals. Anything borderline questionable ethically you're going to have trouble getting away with in that setting.

By the way I don't really agree with BGP and Burnss on this. Each persons money and overall financial situation are their own concern and business, no one else's.

It's easy for someone with a 50 buyin bankroll and plenty of money beyond that for life expenses to judge the guy with a 15 buyin bankroll that is mixed with his life expenses, but really he would do better to have some perspective and consider what he might do if he were in the other guys shoes.

My take on it is when the money is behind the line, not in play, and in your stack it is YOUR money, you can do what you want with it no one else gets to tell you what to do with it, and they should be the ones crossing the ethics line if they do, not you.

All that being said because most people look at it the way BGP and Burnss do, and because you are a guest in the Philippines I would recommend you do adhere to the standard ethical ideas on this, and not hit and run.
Well this was pretty general(and i tried also to give general warning). But again i try to clarify a bit(or defend myself or whatever). But i usually just play 3-4hours regardless if i'm losing or winning(and i certainly wouldn't quit if i double up in first hand of the day)... But obv the biggest pots tends to be toward near end of this time. And again i tell that i have been playing live poker about all over the Philippines for years and this was first time this kinda thing happened(and i was able to play first 6months without any problems but it is bit different here compared to example to angeles as here was only like one other foreigner who played somewhat regular during that time). Also i would not thing(maybe some ppl disagree) it as 'hit and run' if i take somebody money who will quiet and i will quit soon after that(prolly would still play at least one round more)... But yea maybe i should have handled things bit differently... Though if i was lag on heater and had big winning sessions(i don't thing i was the biggest winner on that game), i wouldn't be so conserned if i could play again... But i would be bit about of my well being(regardless the thing that they say Davao is safest place in Philippines... Bad things can happen)
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09-13-2015 , 06:09 PM
I'm making my first trip to the PH Sept 23-27. Staying at a place about half a mile north of the City of Dreams. Anyone around who'd like to go out and get some drinks? Any non-poker things you'd recommend doing?
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09-16-2015 , 02:56 AM
Hey, if I go to Davao City with no return ticket, will I have a problem entering the country?
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09-16-2015 , 03:59 AM
Ok nvm I ckeck online and they require a onward ticket, I think i'm just gonna buy a onward ticket from Davao to the nearest country (Malaysia or Indonesia) and never use it. I can stay up to 3 years with multiple visa extensions, not bad!
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09-16-2015 , 04:14 AM
Yes, that is the best way to do it.

Check Cebu Pacific's website. They sometimes have sales running that sell tickets for absurdly cheap.
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09-16-2015 , 05:02 AM
#brokendream, can't play ipoker from most asians countries, south/central america here I come!
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09-16-2015 , 05:06 AM
its well known ipoker don't care about vpns, even US players play there

and i think you'll find ipoker is fine anywhere across most of asia EXCEPT the philippines, because its servers are in makati, philippines

but just use vpn

or live in thailand which 90% of expats prefer over the philippines, its fine there
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09-16-2015 , 05:12 AM
Ok, so I can play with vpn from Davao City without any problem?
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09-16-2015 , 05:15 AM
They told me Thailand is also a banned country on Everest Poker (support told me that on chat).

I just need to make sure, anyone here can play on everest poker (ipoker), from the Philippines?

p.s: I live in Bangkok for about a year, but I was playing on pokerstars.
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09-16-2015 , 05:16 AM
i can't guarantee it but vpn use is pretty widespread and unmonitored, ipoker only care about rake. if they don't even about bots, you should be able to pull it off

tons of people play ipoker in thailand. maybe not everest but that's just one skin... why everest? other skins have up to 70% rakeback
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09-16-2015 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
i can't guarantee it but vpn use is pretty widespread and unmonitored, ipoker only care about rake. if they don't even about bots, you should be able to pull it off

tons of people play ipoker in thailand. maybe not everest but that's just one skin... why everest? other skins have up to 70% rakeback
I have 44-48% vip rakeback (vip9 or 10) + rakerace (, which give me a return of 16-32% every 10 days. So overall I have between 60 and 80% rakeback on everest. i really did read about every ipoker skin on planet earth couple of months ago before picking Everest, it is clearly the best skin for z100 player.
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