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Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines?

02-21-2014 , 06:43 PM
dkfhjdhjkkjtewbyjwtbjnbwrmewefjisdfjjtwyjiornjdgnw ngkfjgbtynkejfiodjfjsndfjb

yesterday i have maybe my second hottest cebu fb friend supposed to be coming over, until a DIA girl that went direct to jspills apartment and banged him the first time they talked responds to me, he sent me their chat transcript so i knew to be aggro and just invite her to my place not ask her to meet at the mall for lunch or something, he told me how our convo would likely go and it followed pretty close to what he said except for one key difference, he told me that i would have a lot of shaking my head moments showing my disgust towards how her ex boyfriends treated her, i got just a bit of that, but the main part of her complaining was how recently DIA guys have been just trying to use her for fun and nothing serious so she wanted to take it slow from now on


i only have aircon in my bedroom so i try and say it will be cooler in there cuz she was complaining about the heat outside but she wont go, then i go to the fridge to get water and aim the fan off us, say its getting hot in here and try to get the ac in my room to cool down the whole place, then 5 minutes later say i guess its only gonna get it cool in here so we move in...... he had said to be touchy feely with her from the start so i had my hand on her leg pretty much the whole time on the couch plus some pokes and pushes, and now in the bed im giving her a light 1 handed massage but any time i try and advance it past that i get im not that kind of girl i dont do that on the first day type replies (which i know to be bs so its tilting me) and im still assuming in the end she will give in, she wont let me kiss her thats never going to happen but eventually i have my hand rubbing over almost in between her legs (she keeps them crossed) for a solid 5 minutes and i think ive gotta be getting it.......... and then she gets a text from her mom and says she needs to go

i wasnt on my a game cuz im life tilted over this city but i think i did reasonably well, she came to see me at 1pm not 1am like with jspill, and she clearly seemed destraut (to tilted to care i spelled that wrong) over the way he treated her like an object so i dont really think this was on me....... but who knows it probably was and my self confidence is at possibly an all time low right now so ya lets just say i am horrible, she did say next time we could but...........

so i go to bed blue balled after being hard for 30 minutes assuming sex is coming and it doesnt but im to wtfisgoingon'ed to even jerk off, i get basically no sleep and just get out of bed after only 5 hours (which i never do, usually ill just lay there for 8 even if i cant sleep just hoping for 5 minutes) and go hit up DIA before seeing if jspill and ez want to go out......... while on DIA i see a hot obv freelancer who i noticed a few months ago is on, i text her and she wants to bring 2 other girls with her but i say no just you and she says ok, i tell her im going out but she can come real late and she says thats fine

me jspill go to what is probably the seediest dirtiest least safe feeling of anywhere ive ever been to the ghetto "bikini bars" downtown where you buy a 300 peso ladys drink and get either a hj or bj in the "vip" depending on the girl, there are imo 2 cute girls in the place one of which was with the customers behind us and another that is free, an ok bj option (20ish, pretty enough face but lil fat) sits next to me i ask what happens if i buy her lady drink she motions hand i say other she says no and calls over an older lady who will do but its early in the night and our first bar so i pass, but considering i had been laying in bed for 5 hours blueballed i probably should have just done it

now the cute (not really, but cute enough) roaming girl is with the customers behind us and the best girl is gone never to reappear, we go into a couple other bars like this and nothing at any so i step back into that one to see and none of the options are free so we head to the nicer girly bars

first bar not much but i hand out a number, ditto the 2nd bar, third bar has a ton of girls and many are free, as we are walking in the hottest girl in the place and probably the hottest ive seen in cebu (9 imo, jspill said 8 originally but wouldnt doubt if he changed his tune after she did some titty bouncing dance that had me mesmerized) says hi to me as i walk past and i talk to her a bit she is being friendly and playful so i just sit next to her on the end of the bench with all the other girls and totally forget jspill is even there for about 5-10 minutes, we have a really good chat (this is an understatement, even with low self confidence i know ive done well) i give her my number she says she is gonna come over after work asks me to buy her drink but im trying to play the friend roll which is what ive heard works very very well with bargirls here and dont then we talk for a bit more she gets up and walks away, i go talk to jspill he talks me into buying her the food (i was debating it mentally already) so when she walks by i tell her ill buy her the rice and she comes sits by us........ granted she is a bar girl whose job it is to treat guys like kings and laugh at their jokes so they are happy and spend money but i cant imagine our convo going any better than it did

now i ask her for her number instead of her just keeping mine on a piece of paper, she puts my number in her phone, saves her name, and texts herself saying it was my number..... at this point i cant see any way she doesnt come over after work, we talk for another 5 or 10 minutes after this but i realize that i can only go down from there since i had just given my A+ game, that is the best ive got and it seemed like it worked so i tell jspill in a few minutes fake receiving a text and say we need to go...... then she does the sexy dance sitting on the couch next to us that makes me realize her body is even better than i thought and i already thought it was great

before we leave i confirm about 77 times that she is actually going to come tonight, i leave with 85% confidence that she will because you cant be fully confident with a bar girl, her bar closes in an hour so not much time for her to get barfined and she says she will tell a guy she is on mens if anyone asks

we walk out and jspill says im crazy for not barfining this girl right now, i tell him im hoping to play the friend card and have her as a regular for the duration of my stay and he says he's read many places that thats a better way to play it here to..... if she blows me off i can always go try and barfine her again...... but really i think its close to a lock, i get a text from the DIA girl and tell her we will have to do another time, me and jspill go and play a game of pool in the next bar i hand out 2 numbers (the one i wanted to give one to the most went straight from the stage to the dressing room never to reappear) and then we head over to where all the discos are, get a number get told by another girl she is married then go walk in front of the main disco

outside there is a cute small girl dancing she is looking at us and i go over to say hi jspill is trailing far behind texting, she is cute we talk for a bit i ask her what she is doing she says working so i know whats up, i go over around the table to say hi to her friend and now jspill comes in talks to the first girl and we are pretty much paired up at this point, im like 15 minutes away from finding out if cebu is going to be awesome or if im going to cry but i think this other girl is a really nice backup plan as she has very sexy eyes and face, the type of eyes i could stare into all day, body is not even comparable to the bargirl but again we seemed to get along well.......... it gets to be 330 and no text, 335 no text, 340 i text her no reply, im mentally crushed but talking to the backup option is making it better

ive already told her i was awaiting an important text and i may cry at any moment, i start trying to get her to go with me and she shows me a picture of her boyfriend........... sigh wtf

i still try but she wont go, jspill texts me saying her friend told him that they were both freelancers so i keep trying but she says she has a boyfriend, i beg some more and then say your friend told us you were working and she says no i show her the text from jspill and she says something to her friend........ i beg for a few minutes more and just give up tell jspill its nice meeting him and tilt walk off with my hands clasped together above my head which i only do when i am in truly life tilting or awkward spots, this is just my natural reaction for some reason to either really awkward or really bad situations and whenever i do it i know that i know im really in deep because i rarely ever do it (maybe once a year tops)

then i get a text from jspill saying she asked where i went and told him she liked me so maybe i should come back but im just to life tilted to even try at that point ive hit the wall when it comes to this city and just need a break and to regroup

as im typing this im sitting outside in the common area of my hotel because i get better (read: not good, not even ok, but better internet) here and am literally swarmed by mosquitos, i have to wear my immigration pants or my legs will get eaten alive, and they try to land on my arms while im typing and playing

the cash games are pretty bad today, i instantly get up $30 and just quit and lock up an ok day, considering the internet situation this really isnt a bad play, and considering the life tilted lack of sleep im in its clearly right

o ya and i have an insanely hot neighbor, if the girl in the bar isnt the hottest ive seen in cebu its my neighbor (neighbor has smaller boobs but sexier face), so far ive only seen her and the mom there and the front desk told me there room was one of the 2 here that had their own internet so yesterday i walk past when their door is open (they always keep door open in the day) and the girl is walking through the living room in a nighty, tight tight white nighty with no bra, i say hi she says hi and sits down on her couch and i see the panties


and she says sure i can get her wifi password and i tell her if it works in my room ill pay her something.............. then tonight when i was using dia before meeting with jspill i was sitting out front of my room because the internet is better (read: not good, not ok, but marginally better) and am having a chat with my neighbor who ive talked to a couple of times while we both are in tilted sit outside internet mode the hot girl and her friend walk outside, she sees me as she is leaving and comes back (walking way out of her way) and says here is the password, her friend comes up and somehow her friend is one of the 4 facebook friends i made before i got here that i have texted with since ive been here (in a city of 1 million plus this is just a mind blowing happenstance) that i actually was texting with the night before about possibly meeting at the disco (but i didnt want to go back to that disco because it was the scene of the korean fiasco) i say hi and tell her its me we talk for just a bit but they have to go because taxi is waiting

so anyways after they leave i ask the neighbor what the hot girls situation is and he says that she always goes out at night around that time, they said they were going to the same disco (they noticed my j ave water bottle so i asked if they were going there and they said yes) and he thinks she almost surely is a pro, but he also says he thinks there might be a norwegian boyfriend in the mix that he has seen a couple of times, i hadnt seen him in my first 5 days here so i wasnt sure (and again they leave the door open always so its unlikely i wouldnt have seen, but certainly possible)

so now 2 guys just pulled up in a cab with suitcases and go into that room after sitting out front smoking a cigarette speaking norwegian
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-21-2014 , 10:40 PM
i just had the weirdest conversation with the facebook friend that went out with the hot neighbor

i see her on facebook around 8am and ask if she is home or at her friends and says at her friends and asks me to come outside and talk, i go out and sit with her.......... she says she is really tired and cant sleep that the couch isnt good for sleeping, i offer her my bed she says no then i say you can be in it alone and theres a lock on the door if your scared im going to hurt you she said its not that she is waiting to fb chat with her friend, i ask whose friend and she says its in norway, then says its a she that she never met and the girl im talking to just sent her a friend request because the norwegian chick was sexy

(just a reminder ive been teased and blue balled all week as im hearing this)

i find out she is basically like me just randomly messaging hot chicks on facebook, thats how she got her first lesbo experience, then i ask her about my neighbor and she says she isnt sure if the neighbor is yet, that she has only known her for 1 day after just sending her a facebook friend request when looking through her friends friends list

obv i tell her that if she needs a place for the hook up with the neighbor to go down now that the boyfriend just got back in town she can use my room

then she gets the call from the norwegian and i clumsily walk back to my room with a raging one
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02-22-2014 , 01:29 AM
adfahsdfjsdahfjlkadhslfjhsadjfhaldjfjdahflkashfljk akdshflkdas

the nude model texts me when she wakes up, she has thong pics and handbra pics on her fb and her profession is former nude model, she asks me yesterday will you pay me.......... but she also wanted to bring her sister and said her mom wouldnt let her go alone, i confirm she is 20 and ask her to please come alone and she says ok

so she lives far away, $15 in transpo probably, she says she is gonna shower i say i wish i was there to join her and she says ha?, then she says i finish shower and i ask if she took any pics and she says if you like that i not want to come.......... turns out she isnt a pro i was just supposed to pay her for the privilege of getting to hang out with her

i guess its good that we figured that out before she got here, it was awkward, and i had to pay for the transpo...............

is this real life?
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02-22-2014 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante

i only have aircon in my bedroom so i try and say it will be cooler in there cuz she was complaining about the heat outside but she wont go, then i go to the fridge to get water and aim the fan off us, say its getting hot in here
Jesus Christ you are one creepy sick piece of ****.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 03:41 AM
You are required to have a valid outbound ticket when you arrive in the Philippines, and it should be within the duration of your initial visa. It is actually improper for them to let you go without a valid ticket, but then again, it is more fun in the Philippines, and strictness is a matter of one's mood that morning.

A little trick is to book a Philippine Airlines Premium Business ticket outwards, that allows you to reschedule or refund within one year, without any payment or penalties. Then you can reschedule that for your purposes until the year is almost up, then refund the ticket.

To whoever asked me how much to live a good expat life in Manila, I'm going to say it's about 120k with decent lodgings. Any less than that and you will have to make sacrifices in things you would never have imagined (buying Joy instead of Kleenex, eating Cream-O instead of Oreo, etc.) In fact, I would go further and say you're not going to have a great time unless you have about double that in spending power, 200-250k/month. Of course, you can have a great time for less, but that usually means a more local lifestyle, and no partying at clubs picking up A-class chicks, drinking in nice bars, buying latest gadgets, etc. Whoever said Manila is cheap usually lives in crappy little dives, eating Lucky Me instant noodles for 8 pesos, eating random street food for 35 pesos, and surviving off 100-300 peso 35+ yr hookers.

And yes, K2D, real life is that normal girls don't like having creepy perverted texts coming from guys they barely know. You need to shed the 100 peso hooker mentality and you will likely have better luck. The desperation you portray likely isn't helping either. Chill a bit, there are lots of girls in the Philippines.
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02-22-2014 , 04:34 AM
You're levelling everybody, right k2d?
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 04:40 AM
lol 200-250k/month. That would afford you an outlandishly baller lifestyle in manila as a single guy.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 05:20 AM
I just flew back into Manila from Hong Kong. The airline verified my ticket out of Manila when I checked in at Hong Kong but immigration when I arrived in Manila didn't ask. Go figure.

I don't know if it will impact you guys but the head of bureau of immigration changed at first of the year and is redoing a lot of the processes. They have actually already changed their mind twice on work related visas and have now basically said to not submit new applications until they figure out what process they want to follow. This information is as relayed to me by a local firm we hire to process my 9G visa for work. It may only be processes associated with these type visas but you may want to look into before time to renew again.

Sorry that is very vague but I currently don't even know if my 9G is still in review/processing or had to haulted and will be resubmitted when the process is actually defined. You know it is a mess when a company that specializes in doing this is unsure what to file.
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02-22-2014 , 05:43 AM
It is usually the airline that checks your ticket before you fly into the Philippines, for they get charged if you are review access for letting you got without an outbound ticket... So pretty standard there.
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02-22-2014 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by SaltyWetFish
You are required to have a valid outbound ticket when you arrive in the Philippines, and it should be within the duration of your initial visa. It is actually improper for them to let you go without a valid ticket, but then again, it is more fun in the Philippines, and strictness is a matter of one's mood that morning.

A little trick is to book a Philippine Airlines Premium Business ticket outwards, that allows you to reschedule or refund within one year, without any payment or penalties. Then you can reschedule that for your purposes until the year is almost up, then refund the ticket.

To whoever asked me how much to live a good expat life in Manila, I'm going to say it's about 120k with decent lodgings. Any less than that and you will have to make sacrifices in things you would never have imagined (buying Joy instead of Kleenex, eating Cream-O instead of Oreo, etc.) In fact, I would go further and say you're not going to have a great time unless you have about double that in spending power, 200-250k/month. Of course, you can have a great time for less, but that usually means a more local lifestyle, and no partying at clubs picking up A-class chicks, drinking in nice bars, buying latest gadgets, etc. Whoever said Manila is cheap usually lives in crappy little dives, eating Lucky Me instant noodles for 8 pesos, eating random street food for 35 pesos, and surviving off 100-300 peso 35+ yr hookers.

And yes, K2D, real life is that normal girls don't like having creepy perverted texts coming from guys they barely know. You need to shed the 100 peso hooker mentality and you will likely have better luck. The desperation you portray likely isn't helping either. Chill a bit, there are lots of girls in the Philippines.
Well, this is actually false, (unless they changed this very very recently), as I usually show an outbound ticket that is anywhere from 6-12 months ahead, and I haven't had anyone complaining last 2,5 years.
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02-22-2014 , 07:07 AM
I think 200-250k peso per month is just about cutting it. I would be much more comfortable on 300k+ ish, just so you really don't have to worry to much.
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02-22-2014 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Testi
You're levelling everybody, right k2d?
i wish man, this has been the most unreal week i can ever remember, hell after 2 days i couldnt believe how it was going and i havent had a good day yet, and at the end its all been extreme girl teases.......... jspill can confirm everything about our night out is true and im sure he would believe the rest based on my crazy demeanor and extreme break down as i tilt walked away at the end of the night

Originally Posted by SaltyWetFish
You are required to have a valid outbound ticket when you arrive in the Philippines, and it should be within the duration of your initial visa. It is actually improper for them to let you go without a valid ticket, but then again, it is more fun in the Philippines, and strictness is a matter of one's mood that morning.

A little trick is to book a Philippine Airlines Premium Business ticket outwards, that allows you to reschedule or refund within one year, without any payment or penalties. Then you can reschedule that for your purposes until the year is almost up, then refund the ticket.

To whoever asked me how much to live a good expat life in Manila, I'm going to say it's about 120k with decent lodgings. Any less than that and you will have to make sacrifices in things you would never have imagined (buying Joy instead of Kleenex, eating Cream-O instead of Oreo, etc.) In fact, I would go further and say you're not going to have a great time unless you have about double that in spending power, 200-250k/month. Of course, you can have a great time for less, but that usually means a more local lifestyle, and no partying at clubs picking up A-class chicks, drinking in nice bars, buying latest gadgets, etc. Whoever said Manila is cheap usually lives in crappy little dives, eating Lucky Me instant noodles for 8 pesos, eating random street food for 35 pesos, and surviving off 100-300 peso 35+ yr hookers.

And yes, K2D, real life is that normal girls don't like having creepy perverted texts coming from guys they barely know. You need to shed the 100 peso hooker mentality and you will likely have better luck. The desperation you portray likely isn't helping either. Chill a bit, there are lots of girls in the Philippines.

i thought this was the guy that was supposed to give good info?

its actually been hookers that have been giving me the problems here, my goal was to get a couple reliable hot ones set up so that sex wouldnt be an issue..... then move on to prime regular girls but ive been so life tilted i havent been able to even try with reg's........ i actually asked the hottest facebook friend to lunch she reply's with a maybe what time and then i said sorry i got busy (blamed ezyano) we will have to do another time because i realized if i met her on life tilt i wouldnt be getting a second chance
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by nutsfl0pper
lol 200-250k/month. That would afford you an outlandishly baller lifestyle in manila as a single guy.
I'm afraid then we have seriously differing opinions on what it is to live a baller lifestyle, let alone an outlandishly baller lifestyle.

If you don't earn at least 200k/month, you don't live in a decent condo in a posh neighborhood (figure at least 60k in rent), you don't even drive a car (let alone a nice car), and you can't even go clubbing once a week and open a couple of bottles at a club. You would be hard pressed to go to a higher-end resto once a week and have a nice dinner for two with wine (figure 8-10k at a steakhouse like Cru). Not to say you must do this all the time, but if you're baller, surely you should live in a decent place, drive a decent car, and be able to have dinner and order what you want? That's like the VERY LEAST you should expect from a baller lifestyle.

Seriously, why don't you break down the costs of your baller lifestyle? I would be more than a little curious what you think baller is.
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02-22-2014 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by MrGoodCat
Well, this is actually false, (unless they changed this very very recently), as I usually show an outbound ticket that is anywhere from 6-12 months ahead, and I haven't had anyone complaining last 2,5 years.
If you want to avoid hassles at the airport, your outbound ticket should be within the duration of your visa. If your outbound ticket is dated beyond the visa date, you can encounter problems at immigration (it has happened to me more than once, before I got my permanent work visa).

Just because you have had no complaints does not mean its the correct way to do things. I'm also not a legal expert in regards to Philippine immigration, but I am merely passing along what my lawyers setup for me before I began processing my 9g. From what I've seen, I would still advise my method rather than yours. YMMV.
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02-22-2014 , 12:22 PM
Baller means you can afford beer outside of happy hour.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
Baller means you can afford beer outside of happy hour.
Thx, got a good laugh out of that one!!
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Testi
You're levelling everybody, right k2d?
That's what I was thinking. It's hard to imagine there is someone who is a big enough dolt to walk into a business and ask the employees to perform services rendered at a cheaper price after their shift is over.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by nutsfl0pper
lol 200-250k/month. That would afford you an outlandishly baller lifestyle in manila as a single guy.
not true all for most people..maybe if you're used to an extremely low standard of living 200k would get you an outlandish lifestyle..But 200k is the minimum I would need in Manila to be comfortable

Last edited by Texas Boredem; 02-22-2014 at 02:34 PM.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by PickSixSherm
That's what I was thinking. It's hard to imagine there is someone who is a big enough dolt to walk into a business and ask the employees to perform services rendered at a cheaper price after their shift is over.
You should see what he does when he doesn't think he's got his money's worth.
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 03:58 PM
50k for a super nice condo in the nicest area. (you're a complete sucker if paying a centavo more)
50k eating at nice restaurants most days of the week.
75k drinking at clubs and/or getting hookers most days of the week.
25k having a car with driver on call.

50k per month for the "latest gadgets" I guess

=250k. There's my baller budget saltyfish. How much do you spend?
Anyone to ask about living in the Philippines? Quote
02-22-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by PickSixSherm
That's what I was thinking. It's hard to imagine there is someone who is a big enough dolt to walk into a business and ask the employees to perform services rendered at a cheaper price after their shift is over.
guessing youve never been to asia?

she isnt getting anything less, the bar just isnt getting anything..... this is very common for anyone who lives here...... barfines are for tourists and noobs

saltywetfish is right, here i am probably gonna spend 50k pesos this month and ive gotta settle for this girl


im sure if i was spending 5 times as much as i am id get a 5 times hotter girl coming here to **** me 15 times in 5 hours and give me 5 bj's all while giving me the best porn star experience ive ever had (though 5 times better) while charging me 5 times less (wait whats 5 times less than nothing?) and instead of it just being the best night of my life it would be the best night of my life

times 5


id be spending 5 times as much

from the lowest ive been in a looooooooooong time to on top of the world...... before bed im trying to watch a basketball game but to depressed/mind racing to even focus on it so instead i log onto DIA send a few messages this chick who looks ok but nothing special responds, i ask her if we can webcam real quick but promise i wont ask to see her naked she gives me her skype and i say im calling now so take clothes off please (JOKING!) she lols and asks if i like seeing naked girls im like well ya im a guy so of course she says she can come over and show me something real if i want, my internet doesnt work well enough for skype and she says to friend her on fb so she can send me a special photo

comes over and after 10 minutes she suggests we start......

Last edited by kick2dante; 02-22-2014 at 06:16 PM. Reason: variance is a bitch (note: i didnt take that picture she sent to me)
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02-22-2014 , 07:17 PM
o ya and someone needs to inform salty what the word decent means
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02-23-2014 , 01:39 AM
Anyone been to Malapascua Island? How is the internet connection over there, more so the pocket wifis than land connection?
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02-23-2014 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by nutsfl0pper
50k for a super nice condo in the nicest area. (you're a complete sucker if paying a centavo more)
50k eating at nice restaurants most days of the week.
75k drinking at clubs and/or getting hookers most days of the week.
25k having a car with driver on call.

50k per month for the "latest gadgets" I guess

=250k. There's my baller budget saltyfish. How much do you spend?
It's pretty obvious you have never lived the baller lifestyle, and are just a google warrior. Let's break down your budget.

50k for a super nice condo in the nicest area. By nicest area, I'm assuming expat area, so that would include Forbes, Makati CBD, Rockwell, and Fort. The vast majority of condos there would blow by the 50k you mention, although I'd agree you might find a small 1bedroom for around that price ... 50-60k, although when you say 50k, i'll assume you don't pay CUSA, don't have electricity, or water, all of those which should add at least 10-15k to your monthly bill.

50k eating at nice restaurants most days of the week. Ok, let's say that is 5 days a week, or 20 days a month, leaving you 2.5k a day for food. I'm assuming this is 3 meals, since you don't have any budget whatsoever for groceries. That comes to about 650 before tax and sc, so I will agree that you will have some good choices here, although far from the baller lifestyle you are talking about. You will not be eating McDonalds everyday, but a single dinner at a high end steakhouse, hotel buffet, or anything even remotely pricey like Tony Romas/Outback will have you eating instant noodles for days afterwards to balance. And heaven forbid if you actually have a date or friends with you, because that would really blow you back to McDonalds everyday.

25k for a car with driver. This is probably the most WTF number you posted. I'd like to really see what kind of car and what kind of driver you plan to rent with this figure. Even if you paid strictly min wage for the driver, you still need to buy gas, insurance, driver meals, etc, and that would blow out most of this 25k figure, without even including the car. A single tank of gas a week (low use) would cost you 8k (econo car) a month. This pretty much leads me to believe you have no idea what you are talking about, unless you believe tooling around in a 15 year old econo car beater is what you consider baller, and I still have doubts you would be able to fit in this budget once you factor in other costs.

75k drinking at clubs or calling up hookers. This figure is pretty decent, you'll have a good time for sure, but baller .. far from. A single night in a KTV (atw service) in quezon city will blow you back 15k, and a single table in Republiq will cost you at least 10k/night, and that's being damn cheap and hoarding your drinks. Having a moderately good time in a cheap bar or KTV should have you spending at least 2k, so if you are careful, you are fine, but baller this ain't. As for hookers, the decent ones will start at 4-5k above, and usually anything less will be pretty marginal, but one man's garbage is another man's treasure, so hey, if you have low standards, the more power to you. It's cheaper for you to have fun. Personally, I think you could do with less budget here if you are moderate in partying, and only go out once or twice a week. So I don't necessarily disagree with you, but this is not baller. To be baller in Manila, you are spending this sum or more in a single night, or maximum a weekend.

50k for latest gadgets might be a little high, I don't think you really need to spend 1k usd a month to have a nice phone/laptop/tablet setup. But you might want to allocate part of this budget for the associated costs you haven't included, like phone plans, internet, data plan, etc.

To top it off, you don't include lots of things you should have to live a reasonable lifestyle. You have no groceries, no clothing allowance, no electricity, communications, or utility budget. You don't factor in health insurance, checkups, dental/doctor costs, etc. I assume you won't shave, shower or wash either, since those things also cost money and you don't have any budget for that. I'm also assuming you don't wash your clothes, buy new shoes, or have a valid visa or other niceties that should come with being baller.

Seriously, you have no clue. I posted my approximations for somebody who asked what it was to live a decent expat lifestyle, and I said about 120k should be fine. 200-250 was if they wanted to have a good time in Manila. Baller is way beyond that. Of course, if you are a 1st world person living in a 3rd world country, living a 2nd world existence, then I guess 50k will do just fine.

Manila, or Asia for that matter, is not a place for the poor and weak, let's be clear about that.
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02-23-2014 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
guessing youve never been to asia?

she isnt getting anything less, the bar just isnt getting anything..... this is very common for anyone who lives here...... barfines are for tourists and noobs

saltywetfish is right, here i am probably gonna spend 50k pesos this month and ive gotta settle for this girl

comes over and after 10 minutes she suggests we start......

Actually the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture with the girl is, "what kind of slum is she living in?" You have bare sockets on rotting wood frames, and drying clothes inside the house on plastic hangers. For your sake, I hope that's her house and not yours, although nothing from you would surprise anyone anymore.

Seriously, I'm glad you enjoy yourself, I don't really care if you can get that kind of girl on a 50k budget, more power to you. But the reality is that if you are comfortable earning 30$ a day, you are one of the people who I term 1st world people, living in a 3rd world country, living a 2nd world existence. I mean, you can earn more than that working in Mcdonalds in your home country, just wtf are you doing in Asia?

Your future will be bleak. You're going to find yourself in a foreign land with no family or support network, with little to no health insurance, and no pension or welfare system. I'm not naysaying, but I'm sure you've run into those old expats who live like a local, wearing rags, and whining about how the price of beer has increased 10 php in the last five years. That's you in twenty years.

I always tell people who move here, make sure you make more, or will save more than you will in your home country, because there is NO government safety net here. The strong survive, the weak drink happy hour beer and whine when hookers try to charge them 1000 php for an all nighter.

Not to be mean, but that girl isn't really what I call spectacular. We call those prawns. Tastes may vary.
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