ITT is that going to be the type of place where the white person stands out like a soar thumb and they are gonna take any chance they can get to scam/rob me?
I have only ever lived in the types of places where the white guy does stand out like a sore thumb for living there, and I have only been robbed one time in each of those countries, and never really scammed at all.
The time I got robbed in Thailand I was really drunk. The time I got robbed in the Philippines she was giving me a bj whilst doing the job. Point is in both cases my mind wasn't focused on what it should be focused on. Luckily I only got taken for about $25 the first time, and only $10 the second time, so both times it was hardly a huge deal.
As far as scams, if they do it it will usually be obvious and easy to spot. For example one time I knew the price for rice + veggies in the area was 8 piso for rice, 8 piso for veggies. At this one resto this one time the chick charged me 10 piso for each instead. I called her on it, she still didn't back down. I figured I wasn't going to waste my time arguing over 4 piso (about $.5) so I just left.
Point is if you are a total idiot, like I was those two times when I was drunk and when I was getting blown, then you might get robbed, maybe. So don't be a total idiot, it's not that hard.
As far as scams go, most Filipinos and Thais on the streets, aren't actually that good at these IME. They are way to desperate and therefor transparent so once again, don't be an idiot and you won't get scammed.