My previous table just broke, so I join table 20 seat 6 on gobbo's direct left. I see maybe 6-7 hands @ the table when I raise UTG @ 300/600+75 9 handed w/ A
to 1700 w/ a stack of roughly 17k. It folds to seat 1 who flats and we see a flop HU
Flop comes JT7 two
Check, check
Turn comes A
I check and seat 1 pulls like a phil hellmuth AI and overbets AI after like 3 seconds for 10.5k or so into a pot of 4975. I?
Seat 1 is a middle aged indian guy, he just played a pot w/ gobbo where gobbo opened EP, seat 1 flat in position. Flop KJT two tone, check check, turn To, bet, call, river brick, bet, call, jimmy scoops w/ KJ and indian guy said he had KQ a couple seconds later commenting that gobbo was lucky. Note that the guy commented not in an angry or bitter way, but in a "meh, what can ya do, I had KQ" sort of way. So yea, that's all I got.
Last edited by mbe3; 06-16-2008 at 11:32 AM.