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WPT L.A 10K seat Satellite, <img ,100 buy in WPT L.A 10K seat Satellite, <img ,100 buy in

03-01-2015 , 05:58 AM
WPT L.A 10K seat Satellite, $1,100 buy in

Could/Should Hero fold here considering this is a Satellite?

-Level 7 400/800 100 Ante
-235 entrants and 25 seats awarded. 100 Players Remain.
-Chip Stack 27,000
-Hand AK off suit

-UTG pre flop Villian jams a short stack of 6K
-Hero: UTG +1, Being card dead on the table I had recently moved to, I jammed also(stupid)
-2 players on table had me covered but not by much
-I was snap called by button who did have me covered with QQ. They held up.

So again, could/Should Hero fold here considering this is a Satellite? I know its easy to say yes in hind sight, based on this outcome. But would anyone really make the fold? I know calling shouldn't be an option, or should it?
03-01-2015 , 07:46 AM
definitely jam, you're way too far off the bubble to be considering a fold with a hand this strong, especially when you're only risking 6k the vast majority of the time. Ul etc

Avg stack or starting stack would be relevant info as well but still can't imagine folding
03-01-2015 , 08:05 AM
Average stack relevant. But still WAY too far from money. If you somehow have 4x the average stack (unlikely) then I might fold and coil up until players are knocked out. Pick a few first-in spots to keep stacks afloat. Right now M zone (13.5) is pretty solid.

I doubt the average stack is 4x less than yours (@ M of 3). Shove IMO.
03-01-2015 , 08:44 AM
jamm allday errryday, wtf is this

it being a satellite has no relevance at this point, move this to 35 left (and down) with similar stacks and you should snap fold
03-03-2015 , 10:25 AM
Ship it & run better.
03-03-2015 , 02:08 PM
you should just call in my opinion.. considering there is a lot of players to act behind you along with a couple of them having your stack covered.. its only 22 % of your stack and most the time youll be the only caller.. if you do get a re raised all in, then its an easy fold, knowing that the re shove is at least 10's or better putting you behind. and youll still have an M of 9, which is plenty in a satellite
03-04-2015 , 01:17 AM
don't call wtf ultra-shove
03-04-2015 , 12:12 PM
Jam 33.5 bb feels wrong with AKo but it isnt really. One can only debate if something else is better. They must react with QQ-AA likely only for so much if you push. So the small stack is some 12% say and you win on that all in more than if it was a straight push without the small guy ie 2.625bb. so probably over 3bb when nobody calls and you lose like 11-12 when they call that must be 7% or so. Very little chance of a call.

That makes it easily over 1.85bb profitable to push. To keep the others honest you need to push because if you call i think they may get eager to push with another AK or JJ,TT say sometimes or call you with such hands and you have a problem at flop often etc. Can you then fold when they push after spending 7.5bb with 26b left? Very hard to put yourself in such spot when the risk of a call if you pushed is only7% with QQ-AA.

Not very different than say;
03-05-2015 , 09:19 AM
I probably should update link to this instead;

As this is satellite. Here i gave 2/9 a ticket that is not horribly different than the real thing where out of 100 remaining 25 or 1 in 4 get a ticket. 1 in 4 is 2 out of 8 or 9 basically. So anywhere between 2-3 out of these 9 will on average make it from this table.

It plays not particularly different but in fact a bit more loose mostly for the small stack push guy because the fact that it is satellite is still very far from us so there is no bubble factor for the others yet and its like a chip EV situation.

For example see these 2 further links for the 3/9 and the winner take all/cash game chip EV format.

or (cash mode)

In all those links no matter how you take the structure you still get AKo as a reshove.

They just call you now a tiny bit more often say JJ-AA,AKs or JJ-AA on avg instead of QQ-AA.

But the open range of the small guy widens too say near 20% so the EV of that all in improves for AKo (in chip terms i mean) (win more when no others involved) and the overall result still remains of the level of chip EV suggested in earlier post.

Still better than calling because you force them to not try a squeeze style trick you wont like happening if you just call the initial push for 7.5bb and they are the ones that do the reshove, forcing you to think folding which is not correct usually at such stacks vs their range. So all the call does is invite some TT,99, AK,JJ to jump in that might have folded to a reshove, especially from the earlier positions that others are still left to act. So dont invite hands that are ahead of AKo to join.
03-06-2015 , 02:36 AM
