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two venetian 1600 hands vs agame18 two venetian 1600 hands vs agame18

06-10-2010 , 04:13 AM
history: never played w/ each other live and I don't think we've played much online or at least I know nothing about his game and assuming he doesnt know much about mine

we hadnt introduced each other but we each saw the other talking to jordankickz so I'm pretty sure he knew who I was, or at least probably assumed I was decent
we hadn't played any (or many) pots but he cold 4bet and showed a deuce earlier and I am confident that he thought I'd raise over limps fairly wide.

anyway, hand 1:
weak player limps ep at 100/200/25 (pretty sure there was ante, not 100%), I make it 800 with QJo, he thinks a bit and flats, started hand with ~14k I cover, blinds fold and limper folds. flop J42 two hearts I don't have a heart. I bet 1200 into 2300, he thinks a bit and flats. Turn 5o, I check he bets 2600 into 4700, I call. River 7o, I check, he thinks for a while and bets 5100 into ~10k leaving like 4-5k behind. I fold.

hand 2:
200/400/50, we each have about 40k. He opens to 925, he'd been opening a decent amount but not crazy as far as I noticed. some dude with somewhere between 20-60k (dont remember) flats, I flat bb with K8ss.
flop 972 with my flush draw, I check he bets 1500 into ~3400, flatter folds, I call after not long. turn 7o, I check after like 10-15 seconds, he thinks and bets 3850 into 6400, I think a bit and flat. River Qo, I think a little and lead 10k into 14k.

thoughts on all streets and all hands are welcome (although if you tell me to fold pre in hand 2 I'm gonna be mad and you are wrong)

if this is too much 'talk about how he plays' then respond for a random god reg, don't really care that it's about him

Last edited by NHFunkii; 06-10-2010 at 04:25 AM. Reason: K8 not K9
06-10-2010 , 04:39 AM
1st hand is tough.

The more I think about it the more it feels like you could have called and won here. Folding certainly wasn't terrible here as demonstrated that you can pick better spots to build chips later against worse players.

His flatting range on the button here just doesn't seem like he's going to show you a better hand here very often. ::shrug::

I don't really know, though.

2nd hand -

And I don't really like your river bet, what are you repping?

Not meant to criticize, just trying to learn by asking qs

Last edited by JohnnyFondue; 06-10-2010 at 04:41 AM. Reason: not meant to critic
06-10-2010 , 04:41 AM
not sure the river bet is good, the goal is too look like trips obv
what do people think about a turn c/r? what about if I had 87? or A7?
06-10-2010 , 05:02 AM
1) seems std 2 me including a certain amount of soulreading

2) I think c/r flop or turn should be a better line than c/c twice and lead river but i m open to discussing this..
06-10-2010 , 05:55 AM
Hand 1: nh but its super close imo

hand 2: what position did he open from?

i like check raise turn more than river lead no matter what tho
06-10-2010 , 07:56 AM
Pretty sure you're smashed in hand 1.

Hand 2 I think I like this line if he knows it's you and doesn't just know you has random online grinder who might be decent.
06-10-2010 , 10:44 AM
what are the positions in hand 1?
06-10-2010 , 10:53 AM
I'm not sure about hand 1, maybe you can fold the turn?

I think hand 2 is terrible. Repping trips (which I think is the only credible value hand you can have) is just way too narrow and you're getting looked up all day. C/F the turn, you're getting bad odds and you could be drawing dead. Plus obviously all draws totally whiffed. I would probably c/r the flop.
06-10-2010 , 10:53 AM
think hand 2 is much more believable as trips if you either bet the turn or cr the turn. its still a pretty drawy board and cc still makes it seem like a draw a big portion of the time. when the draws miss on the river you either have the nuts (a boat or quads) or a missed draw imo most often (a random q i guess as well) but id call off with tt+ if im agame as the draws make up a big portion of your range imo
06-10-2010 , 01:27 PM
not sure exact positions in hand 1 but I think limper was utg+1 I was utg+3, agame was co
edit: hand 2 it was like bn-3, bn, bb or so

edit after todd: yeah that was kinda the point, but probably too fpsy?

Last edited by NHFunkii; 06-10-2010 at 01:50 PM.
06-10-2010 , 01:36 PM
Hand 1 seems fine. Hand 2 if you feel like continuing in the hand OTT either lead or c/r, c/c turn lead river looks really bluffy to me (so much so that I might actually level myself into thinking you aren't bluffing, but w/e).
06-10-2010 , 04:08 PM
I think i bet like 1800 on the turn in hand 1, but as played feels like a pretty good fold on riv.

I think leading the turn in hand 2 is just sooo much better then c/c turn and leading the river. I feel like your line just doesn't make enough sense for you to ever get him off anything hes value betting the turn with. However, if you were to barrel turn and river I feel like your just increasing his chances of folding on either of the streets. With the line that you took he only has to make one tough decision in this hand, if you bet twice he has to make 2. And live im assuming you can get some sort of vibe where like you have a pretty good idea about the intentions of your opponent in these spots, based on how quickly they call on turn, or other various signals that would indicate whether or not there calling a high percentage of river bets, but i haven't played much so im not sure on that one. An even lower variance line then what you took would just be to bet turn and c/f riv if its anything but a king or a flush maker. Im just curious as to how many combos you believe you can credibly represent here for value? And what might those hands be? I think if your going to be taking this line your going to be having to rep at least 5-6 credible value combos that weren't improved by any river. I think that would be specific to a good hand reader like Agame though and not your std tournament regular.
06-10-2010 , 11:39 PM
I think i just fold the turn in hand 1 there's really not much in his range you beat...hand 2 is a really good play and a perfectly acceptable alternative to c/r flop almost the same in ev i think as long as you are betting close to the same amount when you hit the spade
06-11-2010 , 01:21 AM
Pretty sure we rep more than 6 combos when we lead turn in hand 2 and pretty sure that's what I do against someone when you have your lack of history.
06-11-2010 , 08:16 AM
I like hand one though I'd bet turn sometimes too.

I think you should c/r the flop in hand 2 and c/f that turn if called.
06-11-2010 , 12:31 PM
why don't the flop come k83 when u defend k8 from the bb
06-11-2010 , 01:00 PM
Hand 1- Bet the turn. There's a lot more value in repping a semi-bluff and letting him bluff-catch then in trying to induce bluffs from him, especially since the latter turns your hand semi-face-up and leaves you lost on the river.

Hand 2- Don't like your line at all. I actually prefer leading the flop, it puts max. pressure on AGame and increases the chances that you'll win right away or get HU with the other, presumably weaker guy. Plus this way you have initiative on the turn rather than vice-versa. Failing that, lead turn. Failing that, fold turn.
06-11-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Foucault
Hand 1- Bet the turn. There's a lot more value in repping a semi-bluff and letting him bluff-catch then in trying to induce bluffs from him, especially since the latter turns your hand semi-face-up and leaves you lost on the river.
Me gusta.
06-11-2010 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Foucault
Hand 1- Bet the turn. There's a lot more value in repping a semi-bluff and letting him bluff-catch then in trying to induce bluffs from him, especially since the latter turns your hand semi-face-up and leaves you lost on the river.
I don't strongly disagree, but I do think checking is a bit better. We have plenty of better combos for value here -- at least AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AJ, KJ (IDK if small pairs would be in Funkii's range so I'm leaving them out) and not that many semibluffs to balance those hands out on this board (although I'm making assumptions about Funkii's iso'ing range which may not be accurate). And since we aren't going to give up every time we check the turn, we need to have a check/calling range -- and top pair, so-so kicker is an ideal candidate since having it reduces the top pair combos Villain can have that we're behind by 1/3 via card removal. Also the fact that it's live lets you hopefully make a better decision on the river than online where you would be fairly lost.
06-11-2010 , 09:36 PM
Hand 1 I don't think betting the turn would be bad, as played I am folding the river.

Hand 2 I kind of like leading the turn, not a huge fan of the river bluff.
06-11-2010 , 11:16 PM
i dont like leading ever, so I will not comment on something that might be good with ur game.

hand 1 seems ok, tough spot. A lot of different ways I think its playable, i'd be fine with checking flop and bombing bricked turn and river, with betting flop+turn, with betting flop and checking turn... they all actually seem really close in EV at first glance, probly gotta fold riv this way

Last edited by Kirbynator; 06-11-2010 at 11:22 PM.
06-11-2010 , 11:23 PM
omg kirbynator in a strategy thread!
06-11-2010 , 11:27 PM
wait what do you mean you dont like leading ever? at any point in this hand? or like, ever?
06-11-2010 , 11:27 PM
I actually really love checking the QJ actually against someone who I think might be playing tricks on me if I dont and we potentially get into three street action.

Originally Posted by NHFunkii
wait what do you mean you dont like leading ever? at any point in this hand? or like, ever?
i dont usually lead ever *without initiative, except on some rare occasion on rare fish.

Last edited by Kirbynator; 06-11-2010 at 11:31 PM. Reason: *
06-12-2010 , 01:23 AM
well thats not entirely true, ill betout rivers when there are two draws on the flop and one of them hit.

say flop comes JdTd2x flop and I check call two bets and river is a 9x, I might bet it with 56dd or KQ, and vice versa if the flush hit and I have KQ, etc.

But yeah, I never donkbet otherwise.
