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Tilt 0 6max: 88 Tilt 0 6max: 88

12-01-2007 , 06:20 PM
Villain is solid regular Gettin Daize. He's been aggressive but shown down good hands. We've played plenty together he probably views me as solid/aggressive although I've been tight at this table thus far. This is the first time he's 3bet me.

Full Tilt Poker
No Limit Holdem Tournament
Blinds: t25/t50
6 players

Stack sizes:
UTG: t8015
UTG+1: t4900
Hero: t3302
Button: t1295
SB: t4805
BB: t3088

Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is CO with 8 8
2 folds, Hero raises to t150, 2 folds, BB raises to t475, Hero calls t325 (pot was t600).

Flop: 9 7 Q (t975, 2 players)
BB bets t700, Hero?

I would love to hear thoughts on both preflop and flop. Thanks.
12-01-2007 , 07:09 PM
preflop is a fold unless you're making moves post flop which doesnt make sense since we're so short and u know villain gets out of line.

fold flop. the only hand u beat is AK.
12-01-2007 , 07:16 PM
Pf is probably fine on the flop fold. A lot of his worse hands have good equity and if he 2barrell bluffs turn with any frequency at all you can't play it profitably.
12-01-2007 , 07:22 PM
Pf is probably fine on the flop fold. A lot of his worse hands have good equity and if he 2barrell bluffs turn with any frequency at all you can't play it profitably.
how can preflop be fine?
12-01-2007 , 07:52 PM
are you folding 88 six-handed to an oop raise? I think pre-flop play is fine and the correct fold on the flop. Well played i beleive
12-01-2007 , 08:11 PM
are you folding 88 six-handed to an oop raise?
are you 100bbs deep in a tournament?

fold pf as played flop is a super easy fold.
12-02-2007 , 12:05 AM
I guess I feel like in these 6max tourneys people 3bet very wide especially when protecting their bb not to mention I have position. But maybe I'm a bit short to be making this call...
12-02-2007 , 02:45 AM
I think your a bit short to set mine here. ~500 more in your stack and we can talk about it.
12-02-2007 , 02:52 AM
yeah i think its one of those spots where u dont have implied odds to setmine, and ur hand isnt strong enough to withstand pressure postflop on almost any board, so its proly a fold although it sucks having to fold 88 preflop shorthanded

flop is a fold
12-02-2007 , 03:12 AM
I agree with everyone that, looking at just this hand, calling pre is no good because you don't have set odds, and position is useless because you're not deep enough to take advantage of it. You're going to be facing a flop with overs along with a c-bet most of the time, and have to fold.

In terms of optimal 6-handed strategy, if you're raise/folding with 88, that probably means that you're raise/folding such a significant % of you're opening range that it will be profitable to 3-bet you with ATC. To effectively counter a wide 3-betting range, you're going to have to significantly widen your 4-betting range. Against a typical aggro villain (which based on your description Villain in this hand may not be, since this is his first 3-bet of you), my instincts tell me that shoving pre here with 88 is going to be +cEV (and probably part of an equilibrium as well), but I'm too fried to do the math and work it out right now.

The potential problem here with shoving is that the stack sizes are awkward -- a natural 4-bet would be significantly less than a shove, but a natural 4-bet will put in more than 1/2 your stack. This gives the 3-bettors a huge advantage over the openers -- they risk only 15% of your stack against your entire stack.
12-02-2007 , 03:33 AM
well just cause ur folding 88 here doesnt mean ur folding "weaker" hands than that like 910s, or other suited connectors and suited broadways which have very good semibluff shoving opportunities on the flop. So foldin 88 isnt that exploitable plus, becoming exploitable to a 3bet with any two cards isnt realy that important here cause we will absolutelyy kill villain if he is 3betting any2 here
12-02-2007 , 07:24 PM
dont like PF if this is the first 3 bet he has made vs you, nothing you can do on the flop but toss...
