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Sunday Mega Deep on AJo vs. CO 3-bet Sunday Mega Deep on AJo vs. CO 3-bet

01-07-2013 , 09:18 AM
Hello folks,

as mentioned in my previous posts, I'm relatively new to tournament poker. I won a ticket to the Sunday Mega Deep on via a qualifier.

The tournament had been running for 2:30 hours when that hand occured and the blinds were still pretty low. Villain sit down at my table about ~20 hands before that hand and he was very active and aggressive. I remember him playing something like 40/33 with a 3-bet of <28 %.

I don't have any reads on villain, but a few overall stats:
444 hands
vpip: 18 %
pfr: 16 %
3-bet: 11 %
3-bet vs MP: 12 %
fold-to-4-bet: 50 %

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $300(BB) Replayer
SB ($10,778)
BB ($8,267)
UTG ($8,435)
Hero ($18,734)
UTG+2 ($9,468)
MP1 ($5,059)
MP2 ($24,300)
CO ($21,896)
BTN ($19,358)

Dealt to Hero J A

fold, Hero raises to $704, fold, fold, MP2 raises to $1,799, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to $3,000, MP2 calls $1,201

FLOP ($6,720) K 8 5

Hero bets $2,050, MP2 calls $2,050

TURN ($10,820) K 8 5 J

Hero checks, MP2 bets $4,444, Hero calls $4,444

RIVER ($19,708) K 8 5 J 9

Hero checks, MP2 bets $14,776 (AI), Hero ?

I want to say a few things to my thought process during that hand: Firstly, I think that I'm probably in a coin flip against his preflop 3-betting range. I don't want to call his 3-bet and play the rest of the hand OOP. But I also don't want to give up AJo here, because I think it's doing ok against his range and considering his loose aggressive style so far probably miles ahead. I decided to cib to him, but I'm now pretty sure that this was a mistake because he could have easily shoved something weaker here or, as happened, call IP. Basically, my intention was to end the hand with a 4-bet. So my first question: how much should I 4-bet or should I just shove?

OTF, I make a standard cbet because I don't think that the K hits him too often. But I have to admit that I have difficulties putting him on a 4-bet calling range. I just figured that he probably would shove AK and 88, so that's pretty unlikely. I then decided to put him either on a float, a flush draw or a medium pocket like 66-77 pair. OTT I got second pair and decide to change into ch/c mode since I don't want to inflate the pot and want him to bluff. OTR I had the same intention. What do you think?

Your comments are very much appreciated!
01-07-2013 , 11:07 AM
i prolly open fold. and surely fold to 3bet. and never would 4bet that small oop. must go bigger if you are going to do this. ur sizing on the flop is smallish--which is fine if all your sizing has been that small, but it reads a lil weak. i'd prolly continue to story by b/f the turn if i got here the way u did. River looks like a fold--although ur line definitely screams its super hard for you to call.
01-07-2013 , 01:05 PM
Probably just fold to the 3b pre, although flat wouldn't be that bad. 4betting especially to that size is gonna be pretty bad.

As played river's pretty close you've got near top of your range I guess you could wait until you had Kx to call for blockers but he's probably bluffing a decent amount in this spot you've got a ton of **** that folds and he has enough random ****. Just flip a coin or something neither folding nor calling can ever be that bad here.
01-07-2013 , 04:16 PM
this 4-bet sizing is basically a flat that makes you feel compelled to c-bet and jacks up the pot size slightly while you are OOP... none of those things are things you want. No self-respecting 40/34/28 hoodlum is ever folding to this miniscule 4 bet while IP

I think you are closer to the bottom of your range than the top at this river and would feel fine folding it, but I don't generally put myself in this type of spot pre. Certainly would not advocate flipping a coin to make any decisions and I think his "random ****" range is pretty much just AQ/AT (some of which he folds on the flop), or maybe 66 77
01-07-2013 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by bparis
Certainly would not advocate flipping a coin to make any decisions
You do realize a gto approach in a lot of call/fold spots includes calling bluffcatchers a random % of the time right? I obviously would never actually flip a coin while playing but I just meant this is a spot where it's probably fine to just randomize call sometimes fold sometimes.
01-07-2013 , 07:33 PM
Whenever i take this sizing line
Small ott
Huge otr
I'm usually bluffing
01-07-2013 , 07:42 PM
yeah just felt like being obtuse, I know you're not actually flipping a coin here ever zach

I do think this is closer to the bottom of our range than the top by the time we reach the river tho
01-08-2013 , 02:05 AM
fold to 3b preflop.

b/c turn. If villain just calls turn bet, c/f river.
01-08-2013 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by ebet33
Whenever i take this sizing line
Small ott
Huge otr
I'm usually bluffing
That was what I was thinking. A value bet would likely be smaller OTR, right?
01-08-2013 , 09:19 AM
3999 pre or jsut fold to da 3b mostly. bigger otf (2.8k), c/jam turn, river i don know i prolly hero call and **** my life
01-08-2013 , 02:37 PM
I ended up calling since I put him on a very polarized range here. But unfortunately he had KsJs. Made a note and next time I'm going to 4-bet bigger.
01-09-2013 , 03:39 PM
Every street is horrible.

If you think he's SUPER SUPER OI OI maybe you can flat and try to flop Jxx Axx and plan to click call button a lot when you go to the streets. I would fold most of the time, 3bet sizing is terribad small he's never folding and you'll get owned post a lot.

Cbet bigger or if you think he's SUPER SUPER OI OI check/decide (fold).

Turn you're just check-calling because you think he's SUPER SUPER OI OI and don't want to fold a pair but this is a bad idea because

See what happened on the river?
