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Reno hand KK utg vs dan heimiller Reno hand KK utg vs dan heimiller

03-27-2008 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by RPrater
Do you fold to the river bet?
actually i like gobbo's turn/riv line better than the OP's line. as played i don't know what to do i hate the spot all around
03-27-2008 , 09:17 PM
edit: woops i mixed up the turn and river cards

still not sure what you represent with a large turn bet. he knows that you know he probably has a big pair. so why bet big and drive out AA/KK?

CO has to give you credit for being a very good player to put you on straight/set if you lead the turn big, or check-raise the river.

only line that could get AA to fold is small on turn large on river.

as played i call, hand is played well imo. blocker bet on river probably a little better.

Last edited by dankhank; 03-27-2008 at 09:23 PM.
03-27-2008 , 09:32 PM
If he's three betting that tight pre, I like shoving the river.
Edit: He will never have a straight or a boat and if he is such a big nit that he will fold QQ to a 4bet pre, than I think river shove is good.
03-27-2008 , 11:57 PM
gawd i think there is a lot of overthink in this thread.
(unless I'm guilty of underthink)

I see no reason to raise the river.

I see little in favor of folding-- you've already stated that the villain is often active early and makes big bets late in the hand.

The ranges of your hand and villain's are pretty wide by the river, arent they? Why can't he have any pair, or unpaired paint here? So his bet is either air (which includes JJ and QQ) or the nuts (which in this case would include a str8 or small boat) and given the pot size I don't see how you lay this down.


But I also like the bet/fold line on the river better.
03-28-2008 , 12:33 AM
Also if you shove the river with a big smile turn over your hand and say something like "Nice fold I was worried these got cracked" and roll over your kings
03-28-2008 , 02:55 AM
What % of his 3bet range do you guys think is AA?

edit: discount kk cause you have two of em, but not sure if you guys think AA is way more likely bc of sizing
03-28-2008 , 04:28 AM
I lead this turn sometimes to pretty frequently bluff off AA and also clean up random ace outs

having gotten here this way, meh, I guess I have to spite call but I'd fold to every live opponent except exactly the guy you described
03-28-2008 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Also if you shove the river with a big smile turn over your hand and say something like "Nice fold I was worried these got cracked" and roll over your kings
hahaha def, also i like gobbos line the best
03-28-2008 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
what the hell do you do when he raises your lead?
Shove. I'll bust with KK all day long. It happens.
03-28-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by adanthar
I lead this turn sometimes to pretty frequently bluff off AA and also clean up random ace outs

having gotten here this way, meh, I guess I have to spite call but I'd fold to every live opponent except exactly the guy you described
It seems like everyone agrees with the check/call line on the flop. I'm gathering this is the preferred line for 2 reasons:

1. Pot control
2. Keep bluffable hands in play

Right? If so, this is a snap call on the river, imo. But this is where I'm confused. Why the hesitation on the call? Didn't hero achieve both goals with this line? What do you put villain on? Just trying to learn how to think like you guys...
03-28-2008 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by renodoc
gawd i think there is a lot of overthink in this thread.
(unless I'm guilty of underthink)

I see no reason to raise the river.

I see little in favor of folding-- you've already stated that the villain is often active early and makes big bets late in the hand.

The ranges of your hand and villain's are pretty wide by the river, arent they? Why can't he have any pair, or unpaired paint here? So his bet is either air (which includes JJ and QQ) or the nuts (which in this case would include a str8 or small boat) and given the pot size I don't see how you lay this down.


But I also like the bet/fold line on the river better.
I agree except I think hero's hand has showdown value, though. IMO, check/call>bet/fold.
03-28-2008 , 03:57 PM
I like a smallish raise to 2400 on the flop. This had is very tricky to get a lot of value from qq jj, not get stacked by AA, and still be able to let him bluff. Problem is a lot of the hands he's bluffing with can easily hit a lot of turn cards so I think we need to raise a little on the flop. AA might give credit for set and if he just calls a 1/2 bet on turn might make him fold while jj and qq will probably be inclined to at least call and re-evaluate on turn. As played I think you have to call as reasons stated by Todd.
03-28-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by CincyKid
Shove. I'll bust with KK all day long. It happens.
this is again going to fold out every hand he's bluffing with and get u called when ur crushed. wp.
03-28-2008 , 06:54 PM
dan obv had aces, i thought his hand was pretty face up the whole time which makes turning my hand into a bluff harder, i think he's capable of making hero calls if he knows i know he has AA.

after this whole thread i like gobbo's line the best, i could have 55-TT here a lot, he knows this, and a 2 barrel here would be effective very often

and 4 betting pre or donking/checkraising the flop is awful 150bb deep in WPT main events, this isn't the nightly 11r
03-28-2008 , 06:56 PM
bet river?
03-28-2008 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by FatalError
dan obv had aces, i thought his hand was pretty face up the whole time which makes turning my hand into a bluff harder, i think he's capable of making hero calls if he knows i know he has AA.

after this whole thread i like gobbo's line the best, i could have 55-TT here a lot, he knows this, and a 2 barrel here would be effective very often

and 4 betting pre or donking/checkraising the flop is awful 150bb deep in WPT main events, this isn't the nightly 11r
What is it about his line that narrows his range to solely AA? And when did you land on this decision (which street)? I'm struggling with this. His CO reraise could be anything from AK+ to JJ+, right? How did you make up your mind so easily that he had AA? Is it your read on this particular player? Would love to hear more about your thought process.
03-28-2008 , 07:57 PM
this is such a no brainer river crai.
03-28-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by FatalError
dan obv had aces, i thought his hand was pretty face up the whole time which makes turning my hand into a bluff harder, i think he's capable of making hero calls if he knows i know he has AA.

after this whole thread i like gobbo's line the best, i could have 55-TT here a lot, he knows this, and a 2 barrel here would be effective very often

and 4 betting pre or donking/checkraising the flop is awful 150bb deep in WPT main events, this isn't the nightly 11r
the fact that you have 150bbs as opposed to 100 or whatever makes 4betting a wider range better, not worse.

if he's 3betting a ridic tight range pre then you should say so... your original description was of him being really active, only later did you say he hadn't 3bet and there was no 4betting, etc... if 4betting is really bad here it either means that this guy only 3bets the nuts or that you had damn well better 4bet a lot of air
03-28-2008 , 10:07 PM

If he's "capable" of calling with AA, then can he call with QQ/JJ?
03-29-2008 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by RPrater
What is it about his line that narrows his range to solely AA? And when did you land on this decision (which street)? I'm struggling with this. His CO reraise could be anything from AK+ to JJ+, right?
personally, i knew what the villain had before i opened the thread and i'm sure it influenced my response.

i think you're right that in the real world, it would be hard to narrow his range with as much precision, and as quickly, as we've done here.

with the re-raise to 800.... obviously if villain were an online pro, you can't just say "he has AA" when he re-raises less than 3x. with a live pro it's more likely to mean super strength, but yeah, AKs+ through JJ is his range preflop.
03-29-2008 , 07:22 PM
so can we agree that nobody agrees?
03-29-2008 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by FatalError
so can we agree that nobody agrees?
