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re-steal re-steal

11-28-2007 , 05:26 PM
Im playing Ipokers rebuy no reads on UTG.

Blinds 150/300 AVG 6k

Utg raise to 900. Fold to me on the BTN with 3900.

what do I need to push here?
11-28-2007 , 05:42 PM
Whats his stack size?
9 players at the table?
11-28-2007 , 05:47 PM
ohh sorry.. Yes 9handed. He has like 11k.
11-28-2007 , 05:47 PM
If you havw no reads on UTG, and youre on the BTN, and the table is 9-handed, this is hardly called a resteal whatever you do.

EDIT: I guess something like AQ+, 99+, perhaps a bit looser. I tend to give UTG-raisers at this stage some credit readless.
11-28-2007 , 06:04 PM
u are right. no re-steal. I feel like his range is about 88-AA and AJ KQ I guess and he is probably calling with everything except maybe AJ and KQ.

Doesnt that mean u have too tighten up on ure PP? to like tens? But anyway.

How much do u loosen up if the raiser is in say hijack.
11-28-2007 , 08:29 PM
u are right. no re-steal. I feel like his range is about 88-AA and AJ KQ I guess and he is probably calling with everything except maybe AJ and KQ.

Doesnt that mean u have too tighten up on ure PP? to like tens? But anyway.

How much do u loosen up if the raiser is in say hijack.
Your ranges look pretty good to me, I think many people would also fold 88 or even 99 in that spot - except in this case he is a bigstack, so maybe not.

And yea, it does mean you have to tighten up on your restealing range b/c you're likely going to be called. You should almost assume you're going to get called, so stick mostly to hands you feel are solid against his range. In this case I'd probably go with AQ+, TT+.

Against a random opening from the HJ, I wouldn't change my range TOO much. If he were CO or OTB I'd probably be looking to get frisky, but a random player probably won't use the HJ as a "stealing position" that often. Certainly his opening range will be looser, and he might call a bit lighter, but you have a little more FE here. I might actually reshove with just about any PP, along with AJ+ and ATs+ and KQs
