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Is this a re-shove vs Kleath? Is this a re-shove vs Kleath?

01-10-2015 , 04:56 PM
    Full Tilt, 250/500 blinds, 50 ante No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #33986221

    BB: 8,093 (16.2 bb)
    UTG+1: 4,794 (9.6 bb)
    UTG+2: 34,614 (69.2 bb)
    MP1: 22,269 (44.5 bb)
    MP2: 22,244 (44.5 bb)
    MP3: 12,050 (24.1 bb)
    CO: 14,252 (28.5 bb)
    BTN: 7,846 (15.7 bb)
    Hero (SB): 7,892 (15.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 9 A
    6 folds, BTN raises to 7,796 and is all-in

    Results: 1,700 pot
    BB mucked and lost (-550 net)
    BTN mucked and lost (-550 net)
    Hero mucked 9 A and lost (-300 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    01-10-2015 , 05:12 PM

    Last edited by isuxatpokerbad; 01-10-2015 at 05:12 PM. Reason: prob vs like everybody
    01-10-2015 , 06:10 PM
    01-10-2015 , 06:22 PM
    01-10-2015 , 07:00 PM
    Kleath would very much like it if you folded.
    01-10-2015 , 07:01 PM
    Pretty sure he liked the re-shove lol
    01-10-2015 , 08:39 PM
    01-10-2015 , 10:27 PM
    sometimes kleath has it, sometimes he doesn't

    nothing special about this question really
    01-10-2015 , 10:31 PM
    something like A8s+ ATo+,KJs+,55+ sounds fair
    01-11-2015 , 02:41 AM
    Originally Posted by kleath
    01-11-2015 , 05:23 AM
    Originally Posted by ssg
    something like A8s+ ATo+,KJs+,55+ sounds fair

    seems way too lose
    01-11-2015 , 07:49 AM
    A9s is too good a hand to fold to a btn push steal at such depth ie 15bb. What you need to call (other than bubble details, not given, changing things big) is basically something above 14.5/(15+15+1.9)=45.5% to possibly near 50% to compensate for the chance BB gets a real hand (some small 6-7% with Ace removal effect vs which A9s is not exactly dead anyway ie some 20% range vs 7% vs a9s has a9s as 25.5% so even when its horrible its still not very far from33.33% call it 34-35% in a 3way).

    Now villain's range here is definitely wider than 20% as it is. I mean think about it.

    If his range is not at least 20% it means hands like A8o or k9o or A2s or Q8s or JTo are out.

    But imagine if he was pushing JTo knowing the other guys call with some wide range like 20% that clearly A9s is super safe in it. (i am selecting a range comfortably above A9s in order to show that even then he is pushing so wide that A9s cant be a fold)

    He would then be getting called by one (sb or bb) 34% of the time and maybe by both 2% (say BB calls with 10% if sb already called). He picks up 2.4bb 64% of the time and then has 35.5%vs 1 and 22.2% vs both. Basically he loses 3.75bb 34% or 4.8bb 2%.

    Overall 0.64*2.4-0.34*3.75-0.02*4.8=+0.17bb

    For hands like Q8s,K9o, A2s it goes even dramatically higher, much higher forcing them to be there. So you know that he has these hands in there. If you were tighter than A9s he could be pushing anything likely because he would be getting both to fold over 75% of the time which is bad.

    I mean we can plug it in software programs to get the solution anyway but you can see from such arguments easily (and its the only reason to do them, as they are trivially stupid math, to appreciate the exploitation that could be going on by putting EV numbers of particular trashy hands pushing if you were as tight as for A9s to not be there)

    You do not know if he has a raise fold range here but the push range then definitely isnt better than the push/fold Nash range if we ignored raise/folds completely i mean. So he cant have anything here that A9s is afraid in the absence of significant bubble issues.

    Expect your A9s to have over 50% vs his range here easily and the fact you are already sb and there are antes covers the needed edges because his range is not even as tight as 20%, its probably 25% or more. But as you saw you do not even need 50%. Only to be near that more or less.

    If he had 20% even not the more wider expected and BB called 7% your ev with A9s calling would be; +0.66bb 93% of the time and -3.4bb 7% of the time. Overall +0.38bb from the starting stack before hand dealt, where folding is -0.5bb (or -0.62 with antes) . So you call and do better by 0.88bb than folding.

    Its fold only if there is a pay jump or with money issues that min cashing is important.

    Easily calling range is wider than 77+,A8s+,KJs+,ATo+,KQo because that range itself is just near 11% as it is which is making super positive many hands above 25% range even pushing to steal.

    Thats how you know that 77+,A8s+,KJs+,ATo+,KQo is super conservative because it gives villain 80% fold equity, come on now! (that gives even 32o >0.5bb profit)

    Of course i stick at the conservative range in a soft table because i do not know how loose and aware of the wide range needed is the villain in general. If it is a fit player you can even open this up by another 5% easily in the absence of the bubble/money issues i mentioned because the guy knows he has at least 70% fold equity vs most people forcing his range easily even over 25%. (he needs then just 35% equity vs whatever calls him and still enjoys then +0.5bb gain making hands like A2o ,Q9s,K6s,T9s,78s all ok with pushing which is abusive but realistic.)

    Last edited by masque de Z; 01-11-2015 at 08:08 AM.
    01-12-2015 , 12:46 AM
    Hate a reshove. Flat, fold if BB shoves.
    01-13-2015 , 02:04 AM
    Originally Posted by lissistinkt
    seems way too lose
    Uhh, i agree that its loose, but PP wise it should be wider? 22+? Uhh
    01-13-2015 , 02:13 AM
    shove the first time
    01-13-2015 , 02:57 AM
    By the way why call it reshove, this is wrong. The stacks are the ~same, its a call really. Calling it reshove forces people to make errors in answering or imagining an answer if they dont notice the stacks. Of course then A9s will look risky to them, ie 14-15bb shoves you have 30bb and reshove 30bb, then its bs and if you have 30bb (and BB had more say, not the case here) its also bad investment to call for that reason because you risk more than 15bb if you are pushed by the BB now and 30 bb is a stack that can be used a lot better over multiple plays than on such small edge.

    But its same stacks here near 14-15bb both so its very different. You both need to grow and A9s is over 50% against most ranges. You fold only in a very weak table or vs a tight player. It may be a fold though near bubble or even with 5-10 people left (depending on the rate they go out) or for other bankroll reasons depending what event this is and how it pays.

    Last edited by masque de Z; 01-13-2015 at 03:18 AM.
    01-13-2015 , 05:10 AM
    PMing the mods as we type... I shouldnt be subjected to group analysis of my preflop RANGES in a public forum where ANYONE can google it. Invasion of range privacy, i will have all of your undertitles by the morning unless you delete this public proverbial gangraping

    Last edited by kleath; 01-13-2015 at 05:13 AM. Reason: have you NO shame bojack horseman?
    01-14-2015 , 09:16 AM
    obv rejam but he runs pretty good that guy.
    01-15-2015 , 01:47 PM
    Originally Posted by kleath
    01-16-2015 , 11:09 AM
    tim has the weirdest humor.
    01-17-2015 , 05:18 AM
    slam fam
    01-17-2015 , 05:20 AM
    Originally Posted by highlandfox
    Hate a reshove. Flat, fold if BB shoves.
    01-23-2015 , 04:30 AM
    About to go to sleep and I hope I dream about being in this spot w A9s.
