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QQ in a 3-bet Pot versus a destroyer of dreams QQ in a 3-bet Pot versus a destroyer of dreams

10-05-2013 , 05:27 AM
I'd bet flop and check turn and river. Against a destroyer I'd expect him to go for the river c/r instead of leading river with a K when you bet flop and check turn. I also wouldn't expect him to pay off with much worse as your hand will look like what it is.

Against a really tough player, on this exact board after the pf action with stacks like the two of you have, it's going to be hard to get 2 streets off him unless you have some history.
10-05-2013 , 06:14 AM
1k flop, 1.5k turn and check river (he isn't paying off with worse). If you had a strong king you would probably bet the same amount on those streets to set up a river shove and because of that he will never c/r bluff. Simple as that.
10-05-2013 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Beachman42
OP was worried that he would get the worst of any future leveling wars. V's stack sized simply will not allow too much gamesmanship over 2-3 streets.

V can fold/call/raise our flop bet (ldo). Our bet size can eliminate the call option which seems like a safer route in this situation. Few cards ott will change where we are now except to level us into 4th level thinking while stating at a computer screen.
80% of his range (maybe higher) our hands that we want to call.
10-06-2013 , 01:50 AM
cool glad most people agree

agree preflop sizing can be bigger.

so i bet flop he calls, turn 9s he checks, river 2s completing backdoor flush he bets slightly more than pot all in
10-06-2013 , 06:24 AM
call. ez
10-06-2013 , 08:58 AM
As played on the turn, call river. You opened the door for him to turn any pocket pair into a bluff, as well as suited broadway cards he decided to flat pre and float the flop.
10-06-2013 , 03:39 PM
Who is the crusher
10-07-2013 , 06:23 AM
Fold river when he jams
10-07-2013 , 07:02 AM
fold ainec
10-08-2013 , 12:11 AM
I would really bet flop small like always. Because when we c-bet this board, our range is so wide, considering we are capable of 3betting pre wide. Basically we can c-bet our whole range here. And that's why I dislike checking, because now he is almost sure we have a showdown value but don't have a king. I would go for flop/turn value, as played we'd have to call the river shove as again, our perceived range after c-betting flop and shutting down ott is super wide, so he might have anything there, from small pair turned into bluff, to stuff like A-high's, or total air.

Flop/river line is a bit trickier then flop/turn, because we invite all kind of bluff in, but it's also the best way to get most value from his wide range. Flop/turn is basically making him have a k or folding out almost everything else.
10-08-2013 , 10:30 AM
He almost certainly doesn't have AK, and you block KQ by a fair amount too. But I guess he can still have some Kx, like K9s+ KT/KJo+ if I had to guess. And likewise, he can have QJT pick two, 9876 pick two (mostly suited), etc. That said, I agree with others that we should bet the flop and with a fairly small sizing with pretty much all of your range. In this case we bet for value, but it can be a ridiculously cheap bluff on other occasions (ldo).

I actually don't think betting flop/turn and checking back river is a bad line. Thing is, against competent villains that's not always possible. If they have Kx, they should realise that you should check back river a fair amount of time after betting small on flop/turn and will raise turn. If they have floats, they should realise you can have so much air/thin value with this sizing, and will raise turn at least some amount of time (more often than x/c again).

However, we have pretty much the same problem when we check back turn because our range is capped this way too, except that we face a decision with a smaller bet in this case, unless he overbets (which he does).

Tbh I think our range is more capped when we check back turn than betting small again on the turn, i.e. we can still have Kx in the latter, but pretty much never in the former case. That said it heavily depends on whether he's gonna x/r bluff a lot on turn vs your small bet. If you think he's bluffing a ton, just b/c turn and be happy about it because he won't have Kx all that often; if you don't think so, check back turn and decide on the river. If he's bluffing *somewhat* often but not terribly so, I'd probably bet turn with a slightly larger sizing
10-08-2013 , 07:19 PM
why is our checking back the turn turning our hand face up? - with the stack sizes, wouldn't this be a good play to induce a bluff if we were nutted or had the K, or get value from a smaller PP given the stack sizes at the turn (by them value betting the river) We bet and get raised we are never folding OTT anyway.
