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PCA Main Event - 2nd Level.. Double up/Bust? PCA Main Event - 2nd Level.. Double up/Bust?

01-07-2010 , 10:14 AM
It's the second level at the PCA Main Event. All players start with about 28-35k in chips. The blinds are 75/150.

GoMuckYourself (cash game player) makes it 500 in 2nd position. He has been playing pretty solid at this point and the whole table is still feeling everyone out. Guy to my right on the button is a player from Greece. He has been the most active so far. He is aggressive/loose but still is a thinking player. He calls 500 on the button and I call 500 from the small blind with black JJ.

History with Greek guy: The only pot to get to showdown before this hand with him was when we went 3 to the flop and I had 9Tcc at 50/100. Flop came Q9ss4 and it checked to me, I bet 325 into a pot of about 700. He called. Turn was 6s went check check and river was 7s and he bet 600/700 etc. I called with 2nd pair on the 4 flush board and he said he held a 4.

On to the hand. The flop comes J97hhh. We all check. The turn is the 3s and I lead for 850. GoMuck folds and the button calls. The river is the 7d. I check, he bets 1850, I make it 6450, and he makes it 6k on top. What do you do now? I probably had a little over 20k or so facing his 6k river re-raise. Is this a shove or a flat?

Final board: Jh 9h 7h 3s 7d ... I have Jc Js
01-07-2010 , 10:27 AM
i guess just flat and laugh that he couldn't stack you
01-07-2010 , 10:36 AM
Hellmuth finds a fold on the bloody river. Are the extra chips worth it at this point in the tourney to possibly be out with a dirty cold one? I prolly just flat. The results?
01-07-2010 , 10:40 AM
dont particularly like the flop check - i lead at that most often - action oriented flop where you'll get calls./action from one heart hands and other combo draws and soooo many turn cards either kill action from those hands (pairing the bd) or fill a draw.

as played, i just flat cus im a wimp and im not good enough to ever fold that and his repop really should only be the str8 flush or quads -
01-07-2010 , 10:58 AM
Not giving him credit for potentially 99 here? I would probably shove here.
01-07-2010 , 11:10 AM
This is an interesting spot. He's betting 999 or 777 here on the flop almost 100% of the time with the monotone board, no? And if he spiked his set on the turn then he's probably raising you there too.

I think this is a pretty easy flat - he may be bad enough to raise you 6k with the nut flush on the river, but I can't see him calling a shove with anything but the straight flush. I guess he could show up with an underboat that could pay you off but, given his line, I find that hard to believe and even if he is sitting with 99 he may be able to find a fold against your super strong shove.
01-07-2010 , 11:12 AM
click it back again?
01-07-2010 , 11:17 AM
If this guy's a thinking player his calling range of your shove does not consist of more combos that beat you than don't ainec (I doubt it consists of any combos that you beat) so don't shove. Which leads to the next question of whether he's ever getting to this spot and 3betting the river with worse. I really don't think so, but the odds are too good and he could have badly misplayed something so sigh call I guess.
01-07-2010 , 12:32 PM
Whatever. I shove;being villain Greek, chances are he overplayed the hand.Your hand is well underrep,he could do it with 99-33,even the nut flush.

If wrong,sure there is a hell of a party by the main pool,

Last edited by alekhine11; 01-07-2010 at 12:41 PM.
01-07-2010 , 02:02 PM
I'm shoving this one. He will call with worse and there are enought combos that we can show a profit
01-07-2010 , 05:02 PM
its really hard to make a straight flush and just b/c someone is a "thinking" player doesnt mean they think that well, i shove and doubt he folds a lower full house
01-07-2010 , 05:11 PM
i shove it, too
01-07-2010 , 06:32 PM
He has Th8h here way more often than 77. This is standard lol slowplay for a flopped straight flush. Chances are he finds a fold with 33, 97, 73 here and doubt he plays 99 or AhXh like this often. Seems like a call to me.

Edit: Why did you check/raise the river?
01-07-2010 , 06:51 PM
its a flat for me.
01-07-2010 , 07:58 PM
Meh... I doubt he's folding whatever he clicked it back on u with.. there are only 2 hands that beat u (108hh) and 77 for quads.. I mean quads and straight flushes are hard to make and we have the nuttest full house... and contrary to belief there are hands other than 99/33 that call a ship that we beat (nut flushes that are stubborn/non nut flushes) cuz ppl play bad.. I think I ship but I think it's close..
01-07-2010 , 08:40 PM
We might as well stop mentioning quads 77, if your beat here its by the 10 8 of hearts. I'd probably jam this but since you posted it I'm guessing he showed the straight flush or he had 33 and you called/wanted to crawl under a rock
01-07-2010 , 08:44 PM
i'd just go all in. if ur beat ur beat, who cares, go 2 the beach. and some people in live tourneys pay off the flush here, we have top f-in bout do ppl not realize how rare str8 flushes and quads are.
01-07-2010 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kramerica
i'd just go all in. if ur beat ur beat, who cares, go 2 the beach. and some people in live tourneys pay off the flush here, we have top f-in bout do ppl not realize how rare str8 flushes and quads are.
It's not about how rare they are. It's about whether or not they are rarer that someone A. playing a worse boat or flush this way, and B. calling a 4-bet river shove with them.

Edit: Remember, we just have the 3rd nuts here. Someone's got to call us with something that can be beat by at least 3 perfectly reasonable hands given our line.
01-07-2010 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by ImAllInNow
Edit: Why did you check/raise the river?
This confuses me because I thought it was a good spot to check/raise... Is your contention here that his river raising range > his river calling range of a check/raise? I think a c/r for value here is fine with the third nuts on a paired flushed board, and probably better vs the majority of villains, but vs a cash reg it may be different. Could you elaborate on this somewhat?

Also I think I just call the river, doubt he's 3B/calling rivers with any worse hands at this point.
01-07-2010 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by ImAllInNow
It's not about how rare they are. It's about whether or not they are rarer that someone A. playing a worse boat or flush this way, and B. calling a 4-bet river shove with them.

Edit: Remember, we just have the 3rd nuts here. Someone's got to call us with something that can be beat by at least 3 perfectly reasonable hands given our line.
i think the cards are rarer than a random foreign guy spewing
01-08-2010 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by jon_midas
i think the cards are rarer than a random foreign guy spewing
Fair enough, but OP says he's still a "thinking" player. This is definitely a spot where our hand is face up as "FOR VALUE" if we 4-bet shove.
01-08-2010 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by bparis
This confuses me because I thought it was a good spot to check/raise... Is your contention here that his river raising range > his river calling range of a check/raise? I think a c/r for value here is fine with the third nuts on a paired flushed board, and probably better vs the majority of villains, but vs a cash reg it may be different. Could you elaborate on this somewhat?
I didn't mean to say it's a terrible line, but would kinda like OP's thought process on the line. What else are we taking this line with. A bluff? It looks like our hand is basically face up as "I can beat the nut flush" here. We get looked up by flushes and such hoping we're fos, but can't we just bet 3400 or so instead and better rep a AhX or other air type bluff?
01-08-2010 , 01:35 AM
I want to start off by saying I play no where near these stakes. I do however enjoy reading higher stakes players thought processes(particularly deep stacked).You stated that you made a light call against this guy earlier in the tournament. How much do you think this will affect his play towards you? I doubt I could personally fold a big full,especially in the heat of the situation. I'm more or less on the same train of thought as fats.
01-08-2010 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by ImAllInNow
I didn't mean to say it's a terrible line, but would kinda like OP's thought process on the line. What else are we taking this line with. A bluff? It looks like our hand is basically face up as "I can beat the nut flush" here. We get looked up by flushes and such hoping we're fos, but can't we just bet 3400 or so instead and better rep a AhX or other air type bluff?
how is our hand face up, this makes no sense.
01-08-2010 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by sliceman
how is our hand face up, this makes no sense.
Maybe a more appropriate word is polarized. Our hand is so polarized here with a check/raise where betting out would keep our range more merged. If we bet out, we have all our flushes, and maybe trip 7's along with our boats and air. Our opponent might see the paired board as a chance to make some heroic river raise here to bluff us off a flush and we can then happily call.

I highly doubt we ever c/r/fold any hand that's not air here so we can't really induce a bluff so when we get 3-bet we puke.

As a player specific adjustment (because they're spewy or view us as spewy), I guess it's ok, but I don't think it's good as a standard line.
