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Noob seeking advice from high stakes live tourney players! Noob seeking advice from high stakes live tourney players!

08-20-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
My advice after seeing some of your posts in HSNL is to study up on poker theory, and try practical applications in $100-500 MTTs. Youre going to needlessly burn some of your br if you jump into 1k+ right now. The learning curve is very similar in the 3-500 MTTs as the 1k+. Apologies if this is too blunt. I'm looking out, not hating. Best luck either way.
Grateful for the opinion, no offense taken! Seems you sense a hole in my play, anything in particular, or just a general disagreement in style/tendencies?
08-20-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
definitely do some drugs or something.
Finally, practical advice.
08-20-2011 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheSalesman
Grateful for the opinion, no offense taken! Seems you sense a hole in my play, anything in particular, or just a general disagreement in style/tendencies?
Hard to say. We seem to have a different approach to the game. That doesnt mean either of us is right or wrong. I dont know you just strike me as TAG risk averse middle-late aged live player-ish if that makes any sense haha. Thats not a slight because most of that stereotype are breakeven or small winners.

Most importantly you're hungry to learn and pushing yourself to think about the game. I think youll do well.
08-21-2011 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
Hard to say. We seem to have a different approach to the game. That doesnt mean either of us is right or wrong. I dont know you just strike me as TAG risk averse middle-late aged live player-ish if that makes any sense haha. Thats not a slight because most of that stereotype are breakeven or small winners.

Most importantly you're hungry to learn and pushing yourself to think about the game. I think youll do well.
Thanks much, although, you would be the first person to ever call me tight! (And I hope to hell 36 isn't middle-late aged)

I think the fundamental difference of opinion we have is that I just don't like calling away my stack when I don't know where I stand. Shoving or 5 betting with air? Sure. Raising PF 10 hands in a row? Sure. Calling all in with a so-so hand against an unknowable range? Yuck. Early on, when I started playing tournaments, that move probably busted me out of games more than any other. Unless I have to make a stand against a LAG who's running over me, I'd just rather shove when I'm in control.

That being said, I admit that if you turn out to be correct when you do make a call like that, and your hand holds up, you've just dramatically increased your chances of winning your tournament.

The thing about poker today, versus say, 7 or 8 years ago, is that everyone's pretty good, and any edge in skill someone has is slight. That makes so many choices are so marginal, that ultimately, I feel most decisions must come down to the most basic elements:

1. Be the aggressor
2. Position is everything
3. Play the player

I like to be in control of my own fate, and that has served me well, at least so far.

Side note: You coming out to play the River in a couple weeks? Great format, check it out if you haven't yet. If ya come down, dinner's on me.
08-21-2011 , 04:20 AM
Right on. My initial impression is that you havent explored a full range of poker theory, but I could be wrong and you have and subsequently decided on a more conservative style. Also the length of your strat posts reminds me of when i was still deficient in some parts of poker, and hungry for more. Again im stressing that these are my impressions and me categorizing/stereotyping which isnt always accurate.

Unless River is in Colorado i wont be there. Im going to enjoy some time home. But if we happen to be at the same place, we can flip for the dinner bill. Looking forward to eventually meeting you.
08-21-2011 , 12:23 PM
i agree with wizard

a 50 mtt sample of small field small buyin tourneys are not enough to know whether you are a winning player or not
08-21-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheSalesman
Thanks to everyone for the words of caution. It seems that the overwhelming feeling is that the big league tournaments are a bad value, and people shouldn't play them.

Time will tell, but for the next two years, I intend to play them, and we'll see!

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

- T.S. Eliot
I have heard the same thing but I am in a similar situation and have decided I will only play 1k tournaments but still plan on grinding 2/5 & 5/10 cash..

Good luck and maybe see ya on the circuit.. I plan on playing some HPT main events this fall...
08-23-2011 , 01:31 AM
If you are crushing 100-500 tourny's, then you'll do fine. No one can really answer this but yourself. Go out and play a couple and assess the competition.
