Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 125
hi guys,
I have a hand from the last IPT(italian poker tour) is the Main event.
30k stack blinds 50/100 villain 25k,i'm pretty active at the table and the vilain in hand is just some passive italian donk.No history with him.
I open utg+1 with QQ to 300...SB 3bets to 950,i flat call, flop 445 he checks,i bet 1350 he calls.Turn K sb check,i check back..river Q.
He bets 3500 ,i reised to 8500 and he instant shove ....given the way i played the hand what is plan here can i make an hero fold?
i still have a good stack to play but the way he played is just so wierd but i do expect that they can show up with kk some times....but rly thought spot..