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ICM Disaster, or ICM Disasterer? ICM Disaster, or ICM Disasterer?

03-17-2011 , 09:56 PM
50 cubed FT. From 9-handed down to 3-handed, I had been one of the tightest players at the table. Villain in this hand had been the loosest. However, in the 5 hands since getting 3-handed with villain and jordankickz, I have opened button, then cold-fourbet all-in, then 3-bet and gotten a fold, then open-folded my button, then 3-bet over jkickz button open and gotten a fold. This is the 6th hand since getting down to the 3 players. The opener has run somewhere between 26/26 and 29/29 at the FT, if memory serves correctly. He has opened his button frequently 3-handed.

Is the 3-bet call good, ok, or bad given ICM considerations, payouts, gameflow, and the button? Does our plan change when he clicks it back?

First is 7566, 2nd is 5723, 3rd is 4268.

    Poker Stars, $50 Buy-in (8,000/16,000 blinds, 1,600 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 3 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #8291402

    Hero (SB): 914,609 (57.2 bb)
    BB: 905,777 (56.6 bb)
    BTN: 507,614 (31.7 bb)

    Preflop: (4,800) Hero is SB with 6 6
    BTN raises to 33,920, Hero raises to 87,654, BB folds, BTN raises to 141,388

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    03-17-2011 , 11:26 PM
    I'd 3b/c here as a default seems fine to me.. If u have a read he's nutted when he cib then fold obv but in a vaccuum 3b/c seems fine 3 handed
    03-17-2011 , 11:33 PM
    (Editing my post I am dead tired atm)

    I will come back with calcs on this one, but I do not think we want to get it in after what just happened. We basically want to see 22-55 and A2-A5 or it will most certainly be a -$EV call. He forces us to lay down a lot. I might be completely off cause im about to sleep. I'll rewatch this tomorrow GN =).

    Last edited by EquitySwede; 03-17-2011 at 11:45 PM.
    03-18-2011 , 12:02 AM
    Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
    I had been one of the tightest players at the table
    that's one scary table then

    in absence of actually doing the sums I'm pretty sure it'll come out as a fold, problem is going to be trying to range this accurately

    your reputation may still count even though you've been tight
    03-18-2011 , 12:08 AM
    Originally Posted by BC62
    your reputation may still count even though you've been tight
    Yeah, I'm aware. I actually think it makes him more likely to four-bet, since the jump from kinda tight play to the play the past five hands is more drastic than the jump from my normal play to the play the past five hands, so it's going to look more like I'm "gearing up" or trying to **** on him or whatever.
    03-18-2011 , 01:58 AM
    Min Equity needed to call a 4b Jam:

    Considering your description of villain, I think we absolutely should be 3betting intending to call a jam with 66 and possibly even 55. As far as reevaluating our plan against a CIB, it depends ofc. If we think he has a 4b/f range in this spot, then it is prob fine, if we don't then I would muck. IME, most people don't have a 4b/f range with this stack at a FT when they are creating an ICM mess for themselves. Instead of treating it like a shove, I think we should laugh at them for not shoving their entire range and fold the bottom of ours.
    03-18-2011 , 02:23 AM
    Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
    Is the 3-bet call good, ok, or bad
    HAHA no man, he 4bet

    thread's some kind of sophisticated level, but I'm with Halowax and enter "LoL" into the chat

    Why not just call, I think it's +ev and payouts are flat and jordankickz might 4bet
    03-18-2011 , 02:40 AM
    Originally Posted by Halowax
    Min Equity needed to call a 4b Jam:

    Considering your description of villain, I think we absolutely should be 3betting intending to call a jam with 66 and possibly even 55. As far as reevaluating our plan against a CIB, it depends ofc. If we think he has a 4b/f range in this spot, then it is prob fine, if we don't then I would muck. IME, most people don't have a 4b/f range with this stack at a FT when they are creating an ICM mess for themselves. Instead of treating it like a shove, I think we should laugh at them for not shoving their entire range and fold the bottom of ours.

    +1 well said
    03-18-2011 , 02:50 AM
    def agree that the 4 bet is not the same as the 4 bet jam and should 3 bet/call pre but as played would fold here
    03-18-2011 , 03:55 AM
    Looks fine, now allin
    03-18-2011 , 05:45 AM
    tell them dana
    03-18-2011 , 08:39 AM
    With the given description, I'm going all-in now

    3bet call seems fine too
    03-18-2011 , 08:50 AM
    I'm all-in if the villain is a thinking player. If he is an ABC fish, i fold....

    Had a similar spot yesterday with 99 on the FT bubble. I think this is often weakness trying to show strength then JJ+ inducing. Vs you i probably wouldn't fold a lot of hands we are flipping against.
    He might even (very small %...) fold sometimes because he is tired of your agression. Not a very high %, but still, it gives your jamm a little better EV.
    03-18-2011 , 10:48 AM
    name  chips  equity
    BTN  614468 5586.30
    Hero 825355 5940.40
    BB   888177 6030.20
    Call, fold flop
    BTN  918044 5936.30
    Hero 771621 5725.00
    BB   888177 5895.70
    Stack Villain
    BTN        0 4268.00
    Hero 1439823 7143.80
    BB    888177 6426.10
    Double Villain
    BTN  1032828 6266.1
    Hero  406995 5204.3
    BB    888177 6086.5
    Calling the 4 bet basically costs $215.40 in equity.
    If you stack villain you gain 1203.40 in equity.
    The best you can do is less than 6:1 so it's not profitable to call.
    This is obviously not a deep enough spot to look for post flop play.

    Jamming risks 736.10 in equity for a potential 1203.40 gain.
    I assume villain has no 4b/f range here.
    5940.40 = e * 7143.80 + (1 - e) * 5204.3
    The break-even point is 37.95% pot equity which you must have.

    Jam all day.

    I agree it's a little weird BTN is not jamming his entire range, but it has to be profitable to get it in unless you are 100% sure his range is pairs. (66 is 39.98% against 22+)
    03-18-2011 , 11:09 AM
    id only 3bet/call pre in rare cases where I'm worried about protecting my 3 bet/defend range vs this villian (metagame)

    otherwise just 3bet shove your small pairs and dont tell anyone, because if he 4 bet shoves hes like never making a mistake no matter what his hand is, and you almost always are when you call.

    hope that made sense.

    edited to add, obviously if you can induce a 4bet/fold thats the nut balls and then this 3 bet is best again.
    03-18-2011 , 12:01 PM
    Originally Posted by Andrew Boccia
    id only 3bet/call pre in rare cases where I'm worried about protecting my 3 bet/defend range vs this villian (metagame)

    otherwise just 3bet shove your small pairs and dont tell anyone, because if he 4 bet shoves hes like never making a mistake no matter what his hand is, and you almost always are when you call.

    hope that made sense.

    edited to add, obviously if you can induce a 4bet/fold thats the nut balls and then this 3 bet is best again.
    i think you jamm range there is pretty obv.
    03-18-2011 , 12:29 PM
    Originally Posted by rh300487
    i think you jamm range there is pretty obv.
    thats like saying a SNGers jamming range is faceup and wide in the small blind on the bubble... duh, but its not like hes going to call you with J9o, and if you get spited just win the flip.
    03-18-2011 , 12:41 PM
    Originally Posted by Andrew Boccia
    thats like saying a SNGers jamming range is faceup and wide in the small blind on the bubble... duh, but its not like hes going to call you with J9o, and if you get spited just win the flip.
    Yeah, true it is unexplainable and profitable. And with our image he might rejamm J9s 89s etc. Which makes it better then 3b/calling since those hands have good equity vs our range.

    So have to agree w/you. But.. jamming isn't optimal because the BB has 50BBs as well... and that would def. suck
    03-18-2011 , 12:55 PM
    unexplainable, indeed.

    I'd rather fold then shove 56bb effective.

    3/b call. I think we should probably fold now that villain cib.
    03-18-2011 , 01:10 PM
    well whats interesting is if he does this crap with a super tight range then it makes the 3bet line better and we can make an expoitable fold because his range for doing this is also exploitable (too tight)... the only problem is, we have to be right :P

    yeah shove is sloppy and I wouldn't do it in a cashgame... but IDK with antes and flat structure it's tempting to me.
    03-18-2011 , 01:54 PM
    Originally Posted by Andrew Boccia
    well whats interesting is if he does this crap with a super tight range then it makes the 3bet line better and we can make an expoitable fold because his range for doing this is also exploitable (too tight)...
    yea I'm with this, lol+fold to the small inducing 4b
    03-18-2011 , 03:03 PM
    Originally Posted by Andrew Boccia
    id only 3bet/call pre in rare cases where I'm worried about protecting my 3 bet/defend range vs this villian (metagame)
    This was sort of my concern, as I'd been 3-betting a bunch and have my long term psycho image to think about etc. But maybe you don't get 3-handed with two thinking regulars enough for it to matter, IDK.
    03-18-2011 , 03:46 PM
    Originally Posted by Andrew Boccia
    id only 3bet/call pre in rare cases where I'm worried about protecting my 3 bet/defend range vs this villian (metagame)

    otherwise just 3bet shove your small pairs and dont tell anyone, because if he 4 bet shoves hes like never making a mistake no matter what his hand is, and you almost always are when you call.

    hope that made sense.

    edited to add, obviously if you can induce a 4bet/fold thats the nut balls and then this 3 bet is best again.
    Probably as (more?) likely to jam 22-55 than broadway cards
    also wouldn't be surprised to see small suited aces

    having got there Id def jam
