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i have quads, now what? i have quads, now what?

01-28-2010 , 06:03 PM
it's the 55r post-rebuy. villian is a random, doesn't seem that good and tends to call a lot of pfr's in and out of position so his range here can be pretty wide. my turn play backfired, what do we do now?

Poker Stars $50+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+1: t6071 M = 20.24
UTG+2: t8225 M = 27.42
MP1: t6643 M = 22.14
MP2: t6673 M = 22.24
CO: t11932 M = 39.77
BTN: t2860 M = 9.53
SB: t10970 M = 36.57
BB: t11154 M = 37.18
Hero (UTG): t11816 M = 39.39

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is UTG with Q Q
Hero raises to t435, 2 folds, MP1 calls t435, MP2 calls t435, 4 folds

Flop: (t1605) Q 5 Q (3 players)
Hero checks, MP1 bets t1000, MP2 folds, Hero calls t1000

Turn: (t3605) 7 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 checks

River: (t3605) A (2 players)
01-28-2010 , 06:09 PM
01-28-2010 , 06:13 PM
i mean i just bet flop against dumb randoms, which changes this whole hand, but as played the river seems like a super obvious check
01-28-2010 , 06:18 PM
I too bet the flop.
01-28-2010 , 06:21 PM
I bet the flop more often than not but checking is OK, as played it's the most obvious check-shove of all time.
01-28-2010 , 07:50 PM
i bet big and hope he has a A high FD on the flop and can´t fold his hand
01-28-2010 , 08:48 PM
01-28-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
i mean i just bet flop against dumb randoms, which changes this whole hand, but as played the river seems like a super obvious check
I would be more inclined to bet vs. regs and check vs. randoms/bad players

Now that we've made it here like this, I'd check.
01-28-2010 , 11:13 PM
i prefer betting flop tiny to c/c, but these are probably randoms. river check seems ok
01-28-2010 , 11:39 PM
Why not just make a standard cbet on the flop. People call with pps, so they may think they are good on this flop. Wouldn't you generally cbet AA/KK/JJ/AK/air?

Having the turn checked through with 2 2-flushes is a disaster, which is why I would just keep the lead.
01-29-2010 , 03:27 AM
I like how you played it up till here a ton. Let villains catch up/spazz.

Now check because if hes bluffing he is going to bet the ace, if he has an ace he most likely will bet it unless hes really passive. Hes probably not calling a value bet from you unless he hit the ace and in that case hed most likely bet himself
01-29-2010 , 02:14 PM
betting flop is way better than checking, b/c we are too deep to spring the trap. if we had not been the pfr, we have other options, but checking, then springing into action basically yells "I HAVE AT THE VERY MINIMUM KQ FOLD EVERYTHING PLZ"
01-29-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
betting flop is way better than checking, b/c we are too deep to spring the trap. if we had not been the pfr, we have other options, but checking, then springing into action basically yells "I HAVE AT THE VERY MINIMUM KQ FOLD EVERYTHING PLZ"
Yeh, I don't say this as a situation where you should slowplay. As the preflop raiser, they aren't going to put you on trips. Also, as the preflop raiser and OOP, slowplaying is really difficult.

I would just half pot the flop. Bet again on the turn with 2 2-flushes.

They can't have trips, but the can have pps or flush draws, and you should get lots of action from a boat.
01-29-2010 , 03:12 PM
I like a bet on the flop because two calls from middle position preflop, means one of them has a calling hand. With a bet on the flop you have a chance for someone to bluff at you. I think on the river the way it was played you are better off shoving and looking like a bluff try to bait a call from like 10 10. Any value bet screams monster because you played it so ready to trap. It's too obvious you have a monster if you value bet.
01-29-2010 , 03:13 PM
More importantly, is your name "Todd"?
01-29-2010 , 03:21 PM
Three ways IMHO

1. Checkshove turn
2. Checkraise turn like 2.5x-ish to see if he is seriously considering taking his hand further
3. Flat turn, shove river

All would depend on my reads on villain really... such a crappy spot to not get payed off.
But FWIW, he did pay 1k extra in any case, since he stole lead on turn... so whatever happens, you did get payed some.

And I think overbetting the pot on the flop is ok also, since it screams weakness in most cases. And because of that he actually is trying to squeese you on the turn.
01-29-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Billy Bibbit
I bet the flop more often than not but checking is OK, as played it's the most obvious check-shove of all time.
02-06-2010 , 09:57 AM
I think the flop check was fine. If he just has an ace high like someone said hes folding to the flop c-bet into two queens... You maximized your value on that flop and have quads, christ, let them get a hand together or some bluffing balls. I dont see anyone in there right mind betting the flop on this because if everyone folds you just lost all that money villain bluffed or bet. Obviously your not c-betting the flop because you either have a queen or are scared of them, its perfectly fine and like I said you got a bet out of it. Now you have to value bet the river and hope he does something crazy and/or has a hand. A check raise would be awesome but I think player is done with the hand and its always a ****y feeling to show down massive hands for free to a bluffer who we already gave free cards too. The pots large so bet like a quarter to half and pray three times for a re-raise and shove. I honestly think he tried to steal the pot with that initial big bet and knows hes trapped, just finish him...
02-06-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by rogueserpent
I think the flop check was fine. If he just has an ace high like someone said hes folding to the flop c-bet into two queens... You maximized your value on that flop and have quads, christ, let them get a hand together or some bluffing balls. I dont see anyone in there right mind betting the flop on this because if everyone folds you just lost all that money villain bluffed or bet. Obviously your not c-betting the flop because you either have a queen or are scared of them, its perfectly fine and like I said you got a bet out of it. Now you have to value bet the river and hope he does something crazy and/or has a hand. A check raise would be awesome but I think player is done with the hand and its always a ****y feeling to show down massive hands for free to a bluffer who we already gave free cards too. The pots large so bet like a quarter to half and pray three times for a re-raise and shove. I honestly think he tried to steal the pot with that initial big bet and knows hes trapped, just finish him...
There is a FD on the flop and the board is such that any PP 66+, AK or FD will call a half pot cbet. A flop bet is a great spot to start building a big pot and entice villain to bluff/be a hero/call later with a larger pot.
02-07-2010 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by ringosnuff
There is a FD on the flop and the board is such that any PP 66+, AK or FD will call a half pot cbet. A flop bet is a great spot to start building a big pot and entice villain to bluff/be a hero/call later with a larger pot.
Yeah, you can bet the flop here and build a pot. Its also a **** feeling when you do and every one folds which is more often the case.
02-07-2010 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by ringosnuff
There is a FD on the flop and the board is such that any PP 66+, AK or FD will call a half pot cbet. A flop bet is a great spot to start building a big pot and entice villain to bluff/be a hero/call later with a larger pot.
Actually the c-bet really isnt the point looking back. He checked which is fine by me and MP made the bet for him... The issue was MP shut down on the turn and river because his bluff at the pot failed and so did improving his hand. Your looking for a number he will call on your river bet to get paid off or pray for him to come over the top, like I said before. If you would have bet that flop I guarantee you lost 1000 chips from MP. If you pry a few hundred more out of him it will be a major victory.
02-07-2010 , 01:42 PM
Not sure I get checking the river. Doesn't villain check the river behind with a lot of his range that calls a bet? He'll check his bluff catching range, like pocket pairs. We often win less against that range if we check than if we bet.

He might bet flopped nut flush draws that rivered top pair for value, but he may bet smaller than we could bet and get a call, and he will probably bet/fold. A 1/2 pot bet leaves him with 17BB when he bet/folds. It's also not impossible he checks an ace behind sometimes. We usually win less against that range if we check than if we bet.

Does villain have much air in his range anymore? You said he's playing a lot of hands, so yeah, he could have some suited junk or air. But he also bet into 3 people on the flop, and I think he's reasonably likely to have some made hand strength by the river that calls a sizable bet. It might be OK to lose value vs his air to maximize value vs his full made hand range. If he has a boat, he should raise and stacks should go in no matter what.

If we bet, we control the bet size, and I think we get a call fairly often, especially from a good portion of his nut flush draw flop range that improved on the river.

Basically, we have 1.4 PSB left, why not just shove?
02-07-2010 , 02:05 PM
Def bet flop to get value out of like every PP and FD. C/S the river as played.
