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HU in WSOP 00 shootout round 1 v Wretchy's friend HU in WSOP 00 shootout round 1 v Wretchy's friend

06-22-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
pretty sure i've been HU in more tournaments than you, fat POS
Friend: 6:55 pm
are u going to respond to sketchy?
Me: 6:56 pm
dunno whether to go makeup
Friend:6:56 pm
how about that he used to be a dealer/poker reporter
Me:6:56 pm
or we can just say that the fact he's been in hu more tournaments than me (if he has) doesn't mean
he plays hu good
Friend:6:56 pm
that seems too boring
say something edgier
Me: 6:58 pm
I'll just copy paste the entire AIM convo- and make it known he's a backed tournament slave that despite going on the best heater he's ever been on and ever will be on-will probably not even be able to afford a cheap car if he wins the sunday million (after taxes)
06-22-2010 , 07:06 PM
I do love the logic though. Sketchy makes a cocky statement to a good hu sng player who has more experience playing these stacks than him by a lot and is very correct. I make fun of sketchy for being an idiot.

He knows he's wrong now, and I have quite a fair bit of highstakes hu turbo sng experience too!

The normal response would be **** you hu4rollz! However, he doesn't have a roll, and knows he is a dog hu so he can't go there!

He can't say he's better than me at tournaments-because he knows he is a barely above break even tourney grinder online who donates in live tournaments!

So, of course, his one saving grace is bragging about putting in more volume than me! Congrats, pal! Keep on grindin! Hope you clear your makeup by 2012!
06-22-2010 , 07:22 PM
Trivially easy shove
06-22-2010 , 07:22 PM
don't know wtf HUSNG's have to do with "when u get hu in a tournament" as you stated, but you're still a fat piece of ****. whatever.
06-22-2010 , 07:42 PM
You don't know why playing a lot of heads up poker sng hands with 20-40bb effective stacks have something to do with when you get hu in a tournament with 20-40bb effective stacks?
06-22-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
have fun playing A4o OOP vs a guy w/ like 4 pot bets left. LOL.
I like how you say this as if having 4 PSBs left is worse than having, say, 20 PSBs left. I'm not saying I'd flat pre (I prefer shoving), but your reverse implied odds go way down when you're this shallow.

Sorry to derail the thread though -- let's get back to discussing what a fat ogre Stealthmunk is!
06-22-2010 , 07:46 PM
Vs some people I definitely shove this pre.

Vs most people I definitely flat this pre.

Vs some people I fold pre!

Vs a person that devo described frequencies I think flat is optimal and shoving is +cEV.
06-22-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by stealthmunk
You don't know why playing a lot of heads up poker sng hands with 20-40bb effective stacks have something to do with when you get hu in a tournament with 20-40bb effective stacks?
you said, and i quote

"Have fun donating in the unlikely event you get hu in a poker tournament! LOL."

as it stands, i've been HU in a lot more tournaments than u have.

did i say i was better at HUSNGs than you? nope. you have me there. good for you. congrats on (in your own words) having more volume than me.

getting HU in a tournament isn't easy. let me give you an analogy of how hard it is. imagine yourself running 10 feet. THAT'S HOW HARD IT IS!
06-22-2010 , 07:59 PM
Sketchy I don't see how calling him fat is a very good defense. I can assure you stealthmunk is significantly better at every form of poker including HU and you should just stop talking. Suggesting flatting is worse than folding shows you don't really have a clue. HUSNGs are very similar to being HU in a tournament. At least more similar than HU cash, or really any other form of poker.

I don't side with stealthmunk all that often but sketchy is just failing ITT.

Shoving seems optimal here. Shove > Flat > Fold
06-22-2010 , 08:01 PM
You do understand that even though you have been hu in a lot more tournaments than me doesn't change the fact that it is still an unlikely event.

You can look at it from a pure percentage standpoint (while that would be illogical) as I clearly was taking a shot at you, and obviously getting hu in tournaments is unlikely as is the nature of tournament poker.

However, when you look at it in terms of likelyhood (read: probability) then you'd have to take into account the amount of tournaments you play vs the amount of times you get hu. I would wager that I've gotten hu in tournaments much more frequently than you in my poker career as I'm up a lot of money in mtts and a winning player and not a barely above break even grinder. I'd also wager that I've won a higher % of my hus.

Your "brag" about being hu in more tournaments than me simply just means you've played more tournaments than me.

This still hasn't changed the fact that you made an incredibly condescending post to a superior hunl player, while being clueless about it. Since then, the only thing that has come close to a rational thought/comeback out of you were personal insults. You are failing pretty hard.

Please continue reshipping A4o for 23bb vs fish
06-22-2010 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
HUSNGs are very similar to being HU in a tournament.
lol, are you serious calling them "similar"?

06-22-2010 , 08:07 PM
They are not the same. Stacks vary significantly HU in MTTs. HUSNGs have the same stacks and do not start with antes.
06-22-2010 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
They are not the same. Stacks vary significantly HU in MTTs. HUSNGs have the same stacks and do not start with antes.
No ****, I'm saying he has more experience playing various stack sizes hu than sketchy durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and you'll encounter all diff effective stack sizes (esp short) in hu turbo sngs when u grind them. Obv you can't compare other forms of poker to tourneys except hu because of ICM.....but hu you can cuz ICM isn't a factor hu.
06-22-2010 , 08:13 PM
I don't understand your post. You said "omg are you serious calling them similar and not the same?" which is untrue. They are not the same, but are the only form of poker HUSNGs are comparable to. That's exactly what I said so you make no sense.
06-22-2010 , 08:16 PM

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLAYING 23BB EFFECTIVE STACKS HU IN A SNG OR A CASH GAME OR A DONKAMENT! (minus the ante in some structures i guess but thats not that big of a deal)
06-22-2010 , 08:19 PM
Believe me I agree with pretty much everything you've said. You were just attacking me for saying they're similar and not exactly the same which is absurd and pure semantics. Obviously they're not exactly the same. Some HUs in MTTs will have 100bb stacks effective with antes which is impossible in HUSNG.
06-22-2010 , 08:23 PM
fight me barnes-you not saying they are the same makes sketchy feel like he's not as big of an idiot as he really is
06-22-2010 , 08:25 PM
Haters gonna hate, sketchys gonna sketch.
06-22-2010 , 08:27 PM
But stealthmunk...what about my tournament life?
06-22-2010 , 08:27 PM
NeverScaredB on tournament life.
06-22-2010 , 08:29 PM
/derail fun

Winning argument
Originally Posted by stealthmunk
I would wager that I've gotten hu in tournaments much more frequently than you in my poker career as I'm up a lot of money in mtts and a winning player and not a barely above break even grinder. I'd also wager that I've won a higher % of my hus.
06-22-2010 , 08:39 PM
May I chime in?

Could anybody explaing why shoving can be worse than flatting if Villan is not the worst postflop player in the world?

We have slightly less than 4 PSB. What's our plan?
Whatever it is, we certainly are not planning on folding every single time we don't hit our A (because if we are doing so, there should not even discussion which preflop option is the better one).
Are we plannig to shove over his c-bet? We certainly gaing more chips (versus shoving preflop) if it works, but we are also allowing our opponent to hit a pair, a double gutshot or a flushdraw.
We probably need a really good grasp about Villains' preflop and postflop tendencies to know which flop we should shove with a certain frequency (and how to determine optimal frequency). Obviously I am talking about flops we completely miss.

I am not trying to say that flat is necessarily bad (actually I think is it horrible, but can't prove it) but I really can't imagine it could be better than shoving unless we have dead-accurate information about Villains tendencies.

I'll obviously be happy if someone will try to explaing where am I wrong.
06-22-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
May I chime in?

Could anybody explaing why shoving can be worse than flatting if Villan is not the worst postflop player in the world?
because villain is gonna call the shove fairly close to optimally/will bluff twice on a lot of boards we have him crushed if we call.

not saying calling's best but they're pretty close.
06-22-2010 , 09:57 PM
Yea I agree calling/shoving are certainly close. It's not like we're going to be a total drooler postflop and only continue if we flop top pair. There are a ton of textures we can check/call on unimproved.
06-22-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
Yea I agree calling/shoving are certainly close. It's not like we're going to be a total drooler postflop and only continue if we flop top pair. There are a ton of textures we can check/call on unimproved.
Maybe I miss something, but I can't find a lot of flops we can profitaly check/call unimproved.
Paired boards and?
If we flop three low cards, we are probably better shoving, since the majority of these boards will give use a gutshot and an overcard?

Maybe your ideas is that we can check/call some dry flops like 924 because we have a backdoor and we assume his 2nd barreling % will be low because he'll almost be committed if we shove?
Maybe this is true, but we return to my previous point: it seems that we should have a lot of information about Villains tendencies to make calling good.

Just my 2c obv
