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Hot 109 turbo to induce or to shove Hot 109 turbo to induce or to shove

03-24-2015 , 03:53 AM
I'm on the button with AJo got 2 regs in the blinds I know there both aggro I have 16 bigs they have 15 I choose to min raise with AJo to induce one of those shorties to shove and it worked the big blind shoved Q5s do I wanna be in a spot like that were I'm not that big of a favourite basicly flipping with 85 left top 27 make the money or do I wanna just shove and take the blinds and antes
03-24-2015 , 04:23 AM
Min raise is good. The BB would shove w A2-A5 J7s J8s J9s JTs JQs which would snap fold to a shove
03-24-2015 , 04:31 AM
induce is the way to go in this spot
03-24-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Dcpoker91
I'm not that big of a favourite basicly flipping with 85 left top 27 make the money I wanna just shove and take the blinds and antes
keep it safe , why risk flipping in a turbo
03-24-2015 , 10:56 AM
It's an ICM + your edge question. If you have a big edge I can see shoving being best. I prefer inducing in this specific spot though as ICM isn't that relevant yet with 85 left and with your edge not being that significant with it being a turbo.
03-27-2015 , 10:31 AM
Pretty close to the money, can prolly scrape in timebank folding and avoiding close spots like this.
03-29-2015 , 08:49 AM
I push it. If I balance my game, its better than bet/call.
04-02-2015 , 09:08 PM
A push usually looks like a standard steal, a min raise looks a lot like a big hand when you have 12-20bb

Last edited by MTT_9797; 04-02-2015 at 09:09 PM. Reason: Maybe it's just me but I've seen the BB call down a steal-shove with hands like A5o, KJo, or lighter
04-03-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by MTT_9797
A push usually looks like a standard steal, a min raise looks a lot like a big hand when you have 12-20bb
not true, people will call your shoves correct over 15bb (if they a good player that knows ranges) ajo is a monster here, i really do see this as a std r/c spot espeically against said villains, we need to chip up and win this turbo mtt , not pick up the blinds every few hands
04-03-2015 , 06:42 AM
Obviously if they are limited to shove/fold over your minraise then raise/call is miles better than shove with AJo. The only downside is that BB can and should flat your minraise pretty wide.

Overall raise/call is definetely better than shoving unless you think BB is much much better than you postflop.
04-03-2015 , 11:35 PM
That's the problem. They'll flat you and once you miss the flop, you are pretty much ****ed. They might donk shove, they might c/c with an out-of-position float line. Regardless, they are getting like 4:1 odds to complete your min-raise. I agree with jayme in that you do need chips to move up a turbo donkament. I have no problem inducing with hands like TT+ or even AKs. But then even with AKs you could catch a horrendous flop and forced to fold the hand away.
