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Hardrock Regional 00 hand vs Micah Raskin and fish Hardrock Regional 00 hand vs Micah Raskin and fish

11-12-2011 , 06:25 PM
4th level 150/300 25a. Ive been more than pretty active but not ridiculous or anything. Table is great, at least 4 fish and some good players but no one thats super sicko. I ran my stack up to 47,000 at the first break and was back down to 31,000 when this hand came up.

Micah Raskin played pretty quietly for the first 2 levels. Then boom 100/200 and 150/300 25a he just goes nuts starts 3 betting, check raising, getting involved in tons of pots.

he makes it 800 in mp, sb flats who is really fishy playing way too many hands i make it 3100 in the bb with AKdd. micah flats pretty quickly and the fish flats too.

flop As5d4c. pot is like 9500 ish.

fish checks, i check? to induce from micah cuz he seems liek a monkey and he would bet a lot of his range here. micah bets 4k fish calls after maybe 10 seconds (this doesnt mean much... he could have 5x a gutshot, pretty much anything.) the plan was to check call micah all the way down to rep JJ-KK, see if he thinks he can blow me off of it. with the fish in the hand i decide to just make it 10k and call it off?

11-12-2011 , 06:30 PM
If you want to represent that you missed this flop, cbet it and check the turn.
11-12-2011 , 06:50 PM
i think its a lot easier for micah to bet this flop when checked to then it is for him to float with a fish still to act
11-12-2011 , 07:00 PM
Don't know man, we are obv trying to get the chips in but for a live player getting craised on A hi flop w another player behind is pretty strong
11-13-2011 , 10:34 AM
Depending on your reads, this seems like a prime opportunity to either sqeeze or fold. If the fish is getting smart and thinking equity here, he could be flatting the flop with a set. Micah is obviously playing a really wide range here as well, so he could be betting light to see where his PP is, not really expecting a call.

I'm interested in hearing how this ends, but something tells me the fish flopped a set or 2 pair from the SB.
11-13-2011 , 08:32 PM
I like it, might need to fold to micah. but the fish never folds an ace
11-14-2011 , 12:19 AM
who tf is micah raskin
11-14-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Eagles
I like it, might need to fold to micah. but the fish never folds an ace
you think we should check raise fold vs micah?
11-14-2011 , 03:50 AM
I dont mind checking at all, but I really dislike x/r/call it off. You are overrepping your hand hard in a spot where no one ever has a bluffing range. I don't know who micah is but he has to be a stone cold moron to get it in here with a one pair hand. There may be some value to be had from the fish, who will call once to improve and fold the turn, but I think once you check, you should still just call here. It will get checked around on the turn a ton and you can vbet the river, and you might still be able to call a jam from micah if the fish folds on the turn depending on live reads.
