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Hand from FT of 109R SCOOP-M Hand from FT of 109R SCOOP-M

05-19-2012 , 05:58 AM
Villain in this hand is a very good HS HUSNG pro who is also good at MTT's. He's been to my left for the entire final 3 tables so we've built some history. He's won a lot of pots off me.

He's very active/aggro due to the short ante structure. I would estimate he is opening all suited A's here, all broadway, all pairs, all suited connectors, and many offsuit A's.

Payouts: 5k then flat up to 80k

I have a pretty active image and he's seen me hoodflat multiple preflop raises and bluffraise flops. The one important hand is I flatted a small 3b with a4s OOP, check/raised a Qxxdd board, and gave up (he showed down QK and saw my hand).

I decide to get absurd on the flop and think most of his range on the turn is basically floats/some weaker hands and if he has me beat it's pretty much a cooler with stack sizes.

In game I decided to c/s turn due to the previous hand where I gave up on the turn but now I think I should c/c, c/c. I mainly decided to c/s because I thought most of his range was bluffs but sometimes I'd get called by worse and I wanted to fold out his equity since the pot had basically become equal to my stack. Seems pretty bad in retrospect.

Thoughts on all streets appreciated.

Poker Stars $100+$9 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25000/t50000 Blinds + t10000 - 9 players - View hand 1768455
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

MP1: t833155 M = 5.05
MP2: t1729910 M = 10.48
CO: t2974905 M = 18.03
BTN: t537747 M = 3.26
Hero (SB): t1772070 M = 10.74
BB: t1348144 M = 8.17
UTG: t3685545 M = 22.34
UTG+1: t2433868 M = 14.75
UTG+2: t2176656 M = 13.19

Pre Flop: (t165000) Hero is SB with J A
UTG raises to t100000, 6 folds, Hero calls t75000, 1 fold

Flop: (t340000) A 7 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets t110000, Hero raises to t299999, UTG calls t189999

Turn: (t939998) 9 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets t363000, Hero?
05-19-2012 , 01:49 PM
What is the rest of the final table like? I feel that may have some bearing on how much he gets out of line here, if it's a weak table then it's hard to see him having worse often now.
05-19-2012 , 01:58 PM
chk/call flop seems much better than the c/r, then you wouldn't be in this messy spot on the turn. As played, I think you have to fold the turn, assuming this is the type of villain that isn't going to be giving up after the turn (if u are calling on turn/gota call river). I imagine after him flatting ur c/r and his turn sizing, you will be against AK/AQ a lot
05-19-2012 , 03:30 PM
Whats the point of c/r the flop and then checking the turn? It doesn't seem like both of those should ever go together. You'd be better off c/c down from the start.
05-19-2012 , 05:14 PM
dont like flop c/r.

As played if you check the turn then def c/c c/c rather than c/s
05-19-2012 , 07:50 PM
c/r, c/ship looks good if he's seen you raising a bunch of flops and giving up when called sometimes. I think the flop c/r is too big. Once he calls you kind of have to check turn to let him follow through on his floats, since you know hes capable of that.

If you think he's capable of firing multiple barrels on an A hi flop that you c/c, then flatting flop is prolly better with AJ, but c/r sounds pretty good too with the dynamic you described.

Also, another reason for c/ship turn instead of c/c is that a lot of your c/r flop bluffs turned into draws/combo draws, so your c/jam turn range might look pretty balanced to him, and he might legit b/c AT/A8/A6s on turn. If you c/c turn its obvious that you have a showdown hand, but by c/jamming, you can still have bluffs, while also not letting him get there with any draw he may have
05-19-2012 , 08:06 PM
pistons is a sicko
05-19-2012 , 08:37 PM
Fold pre if you ask me.
05-19-2012 , 09:07 PM
^ was so thinking this.....
05-19-2012 , 10:45 PM
As much as it sucks that you're far ahead of his range and get a good price I'm not sure we can play this profitably for a call. It's a good hand to "bluff"-3bet with pre though.

As played I'm not sure what you're trying to do. If you c/r you better be sure how he's going to react and base your plan on that.
05-21-2012 , 01:58 AM
Seems like one of the best hands to 3b/f pre.
05-21-2012 , 03:10 AM
I'd like to 3b/f pre (blockers etc) or fold. Check calling flop seems better than raising since we are OOP. If we are good we are way good and if we aren't well... maybe we can find a fold on turn or river.

As played. Is he going to continue with PPs and bluffs here? If he is than go for the c/c down imo. he might turn TT into a bluff to get you to fold Ax that he has seen you make this play with.
Especially if your last play went C/R cc cc then you should be able to C/R C/call pretty profitably since he should flat your raise and barrel since ICM sucks for you right now.
05-21-2012 , 04:02 PM
3b pre or fold, the rest is ******ed (aka a moot point)

Ive seen this in real time and you might call it a cooler but basically I hate the call pre
05-21-2012 , 07:27 PM
Hate the call pre. Post flop I think your line is perfect up until this point. If I somehow played my hand preflop in the fashion you did I'd definitely cr and then check turn. I think it's fundamentally better to check-call twice, but the pot is already gigantic and I don't mind taking it down so I'd probably just shove the turn now.
05-21-2012 , 08:34 PM
Fold pre, check/call flop. Call now I guess and pray that he checks back river. You all really want to call turn and call a river bet? What does our hand look like? Certainly not one that's going to fold on the river.
05-21-2012 , 08:42 PM
I'm surprised to hear fold pre but all of you are better than me so I might do it next time. Don't like 3b because I think I'll get pooped on way too much. I have some momentum too so he'll probably up his 4b frequency.

Call pre and stack off on any J/A board. I only have 35bb so I call 75k to win 340k plus his 119-150 c-bet (that's like 500k and I have 1.7m). Pretty sure I can check/shove any Ace or J high board profitably vs his open + c-bet range? Why fold pre?

If I c/r I think he's going to float + stab turn or river which is why I took this line. But apparently I'm psycho.
05-21-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by jjyykk
If I c/r I think he's going to float + stab turn or river which is why I took this line. But apparently I'm psycho.
Nah this should be standard thinking in 2012 after taking your line IMO.

I think pre might not be as horrendous as I first thought since you can value cr->stack off Axx Jxx textures and you can rep stuff on a lot of the textures you haven't hit. I'm still fairly sure that call is the worst of the three options you have.
05-21-2012 , 10:30 PM
Think about what your range is preflop and how ambitious this whole line becomes.
05-21-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by jordankickz
Think about what your range is preflop and how ambitious this whole line becomes.
It's quite a mystery to me what our (perceived) range is preflop because it could be argued we shouldn't even have one.

The way I see it, from villain's point of view what we rep is fos, and I'm fistpumping when he bets the turn. It only becomes a bit gross if we checkcall turn and he shoves river but even then I'd never fold. What are we supposed to have here?
