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FTOPS 10 preflop spot. FTOPS 10 preflop spot.

02-09-2009 , 02:47 AM
Villain runs 23/23 over 38 hands. Stacks suck for calling, but idk if I like raising and committing myself. Dumping seems soooo weak too. Thoughts?

No Limit Holdem Tournament
FTOPS Event #10
9 players
Converted at

UTG RomfordRobot (10070)
UTG+1 vetiver (4750)
MP1 Hero (7270)
MP2 HossMoneySauce (13925)
MP3 cutoffer (15355)
CO PureDiesel1 (7190)
BTN SoxWinSeries009 (22887)
SB scrappa2425 (2485)
BB Iowa1959 (9715)
[scrappa2425 is sitting out]

Blinds: 120/240 Ante 25

Pre-flop: (585, 9 players) Hero is MP1 T T
1 fold, vetiver raises to 666 Hero???
02-09-2009 , 04:06 AM
i just raise, cant see much merit in anything else
02-09-2009 , 06:44 PM
anything but folding puts you in a pickle. JJ i'd raise/call him, though.
02-10-2009 , 11:59 AM
anything other than raising here is lol
